Last updated: September 02, 2010

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Apple fans queue through night for Australian iPad release

IS the iPad launch manufactured hype or an organically grown obsession driven by Apple fans?

The march of hundreds of hopeful iPad buyers through the doors of seven Apple stores at 8am around Australia today marks the culmination of a marketing campaign that could have come only from the world of Apple founder Steve Jobs, accentuated by the curious obsession Apple fans have with the brand.

Follow Gadget Girl's live blog from the Sydney launch

While Apple has done everything in its power to make the hype surrounding the launch seem spontaneous and consumer-driven, marketing experts say it has been a carefully calculated campaign managed in minute detail by Apple executives.

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  • Tony of Sydney Posted at 7:06 AM May 28, 2010

    People will do anything to get themselves on TV.

    Comment 1 of 60

  • Marik of perth Posted at 7:12 AM May 28, 2010

    `I have an Ipad`It...ummm...Well it has a big screen and ummm....its an Apple! You Apple nerds who thumb your nose at windows, like first class thumbs at economy need a life, this thing does`nt do a hell of a lot. Its just there to make you feel superior. I`ll happily be inferior with my $800 spent on something useful.

    Comment 2 of 60

  • Bob of Brisbane Posted at 7:13 AM May 28, 2010

    I presume these people have pre-ordered this. Meaning that one will be available for them the moment they go inside... So WTF are they queuing up overnight? Seriously.

    Comment 3 of 60

  • Pete of QLD Posted at 7:18 AM May 28, 2010

    I pre-ordered as soon as I could. Now, I'm sitting in my office just waiting for the TNT man to get here. Can't wait!! Steve Jobs and his team are unbelievable in their revolutionary designs. I got mu first Apple only 18 months ago. Now have a MacBook Pro, iMac and iPhone. You just cannot beat Apple for design, reliability and function.

    Comment 4 of 60

  • richy Posted at 7:28 AM May 28, 2010

    Why would you queue over night when you could have purchased one from overseas weeks ago

    Comment 5 of 60

  • Ben of Sydney Posted at 7:35 AM May 28, 2010

    "It's an amazing product, revolutionary in many ways, because five years from now that's the only kind of device you will have in your hand," Sure, the only KIND of device in your hand. But its definately not going to be apple. I applaud the ease of use and simple-ness of the product. But anyone who wants a real tablet to do real things will need more then just the iPad.

    Comment 6 of 60

  • John of Australia Posted at 7:39 AM May 28, 2010

    What sort of fan is Mr Koduri? He doesn't even have an ipod shuffle or a MacBook pro? Haha But why on earth would you have an ipod touch and an iphone. Same goes with a macbook and a macbook air. One of the pair has to collect dust. Cannot possible use both. A dedicated apple faithful couldnt use any more than an iphone, ipod, macbook/macbook air/ipad, and an imac. Even that is stretching it.

    Comment 7 of 60

  • Peter of Melbourne Posted at 7:40 AM May 28, 2010

    What are they queuing up for? ASUS Eee PC T91 and T101H has been available for over a year and is half the price, just as portable and far more useful because you can use it as a tablet or open it up and use the keyboard to type emails. Apparently typing on the ipad is horrible (as you'd expect)...

    Comment 8 of 60

  • Jonnie of Malaysia Posted at 7:41 AM May 28, 2010

    Mario, I presume your iPad only got one page and less than 10 icons... It is a personal organizer, advance e-reader (future of newspaper, magazine n interactive book), n wii.+psp gaming device.. Sad that you misses it

    Comment 9 of 60

  • AppleMacKid of NSW Posted at 7:43 AM May 28, 2010

    funny if they are lined up outside and they didn't pre-order because they won't get one.they are all sold out. can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the people who didn't

    Comment 10 of 60

  • m0nk3y's I.T Services of Townsville Posted at 7:47 AM May 28, 2010

    The ipod wasn't a revolutionary product as such. At the time, portable music was just a tad bigger. But now look at the ipod! Apple know what they are doing, they have been in business for a long time and make billions of PROFIT per financial year. They know what they are doing. They make things like the iPAD. The iPAD. Its a giant ipod touch. It wont replace your computer, it wont replace your phone. But hell, 9.7" multi touch device thats easy to use and powerful for audio, video, movies, games. $$$$$ CCCASSSSHHH CCCOOOWWWW!!! I can safely say, i want one. But i cant afford one. So, unless i get GIVEN one, i wont be buying one. Its too much of an in between device, But i can guarentee the iPAD will start a revolution like the original ipod. Its just up to APple which way this "revolution" goes

    Comment 11 of 60

  • notcaslon Posted at 7:48 AM May 28, 2010

    Apple are lucky to have Steve, hes one of the best marketeers the world has seen. Few brands can say the have such a feverish fan base.

    Comment 12 of 60

  • Ubuntu fan of Brisbane. Posted at 7:50 AM May 28, 2010

    Why spend big $$$ on a device that has limited drive space and ram. And is not upgradeable. Seems a waste to me.

    Comment 13 of 60

  • Mark B of Bris Posted at 7:51 AM May 28, 2010

    I used to own a Iphone 3GS 16gb. Was pretty cool phone. I replaced it with a Sony Ericsson X10. Much better phone! My point is, Ipad will be outdated by some other far better technology in a few months. Why freeze outside waiting when you know it's going to be outdated in a few months?

    Comment 14 of 60

  • anak of melbourne Posted at 7:53 AM May 28, 2010

    A poor excuse for a tablet computer,... oh wait, it hassn't got a computer OS, and it's just too big to fit in ur pocket... what's it good for??? bling! and a bit of marketing hype.

    Comment 15 of 60

  • pim Posted at 7:53 AM May 28, 2010


    Comment 16 of 60

  • observer Posted at 7:54 AM May 28, 2010

    Sorry, I think it is weird that people will queue up overnight for something. Stupid. Especially since it will be out of date probably within a year.

    Comment 17 of 60

  • Greg Posted at 7:57 AM May 28, 2010

    Can Pete of QLD please tell me how on earth this product is "revolutionary"? its a giant ipod touch - theres nothing revolutionary here... As for "function" - it does less than a computer... it in fact does no more than an ipod despite its enormous size....

    Comment 18 of 60

  • Melb_Guy Posted at 7:57 AM May 28, 2010

    Really who cares? Its just a computer.

    Comment 19 of 60

  • Mobz Sid of Parramatta Posted at 7:58 AM May 28, 2010

    That's what they said about the iPhone and look at it now, every new phone by the competition appears more and more to have the look and feel of an iPhone. If it were a useful overinflated iPhone the rest of the competition I.e. Dell, HP etc wouldn't be tripping over themselves to make ipad clones!! I'm with the rest, I can't WAIT for the TNT Man to rock up my place this morning with my ipad! I don't think I can go to work until he does. But yeah to wait outside a store? What the??? That's pretty stupid when you can get it delievered free delivery from Apple

    Comment 20 of 60

  • Jared of Melbourne Posted at 8:00 AM May 28, 2010

    LOL I've had mine for 6 weeks.

    Comment 21 of 60

  • Lucas QUenby Posted at 8:01 AM May 28, 2010

    in a three year study apple actually came 4th in reliability behind Asus, Toshiba and Sony........ marik of oerth is right it is an ISMUG it could have been so much more.

    Comment 22 of 60

  • Dave of Adelaide Posted at 8:02 AM May 28, 2010

    Queuing up for something that has less functionality than other products already on the market for years. Don't you guys feel even slightly conned? It's called blue ocean marketing... look it up.

    Comment 23 of 60

  • John Woods Posted at 8:04 AM May 28, 2010

    Marik of perth... While your getting all superior about being a windozes user, here's a little heads-up for you to digest with your morning powerpoint presentation... Apple just became the world's biggest technology company. Don't believe me, go check. Microsoft have their head in the clouds and everyone is beating them hands down at everything. Enjoy your humble pie PC man.

    Comment 24 of 60

  • David of Sydney Posted at 8:07 AM May 28, 2010

    Pete - Revolutionary Design? Have you never seen a tablet PC? "You just cannot beat Apple for design, reliability and function." More powerful tablets, that aren't locked to a single vendors "app store" have been around for years. You just didn't notice because they're not Apple. Why fanboys.. why?

    Comment 25 of 60

  • wayne of bris Posted at 8:07 AM May 28, 2010

    Yawn. It seems to me this is more about looks than anything else. Just like everything else in this world really.

    Comment 26 of 60

  • Jen Perry of Syd Posted at 8:08 AM May 28, 2010

    I love Apple! They rock my iSocks!!!

    Comment 27 of 60

  • Peter Posted at 8:09 AM May 28, 2010

    I have a laptop that can perform 90% more tasks than the Ipad.

    Comment 28 of 60

  • Harold Winston-Smith Posted at 8:10 AM May 28, 2010

    I might be showing my age and I will admit that I don't understand all these electronic gizmo's, wifi, microwaves, mobile phones etc. However why people would want to spend so mush time unproductively is beyond me. The government should put them to work if they are prepared to just stand there all night. There is plenty of unsightly graffiti that could have been cleaned up rather than standing around, clothes untucked waiting for a gaget!

    Comment 29 of 60

  • Glenn of Sydney Posted at 8:10 AM May 28, 2010

    A expensive paper weight.

    Comment 30 of 60

  • dale of Brisbane Posted at 8:13 AM May 28, 2010

    Tablet PCs have been around for years. Nothing special about them. In fact i think after the hype of the "Apple Mania" calms down on this device people will realise they just bought an extremely expensive E-Book reader.

    Comment 31 of 60

  • JoeC of Northcote,VIC Posted at 8:13 AM May 28, 2010

    I hereby dub this phenomenon as the "iFad".

    Comment 32 of 60

  • James Archer of Sydney Posted at 8:15 AM May 28, 2010

    I'm a big fan of Apple technology... but come on people... it's just an oversized iphone!

    Comment 33 of 60

  • Matt w Posted at 8:16 AM May 28, 2010

    Sad sad people... Lets wait out in the cold all night for an oversized iphone with out the phone capability. Isheep

    Comment 34 of 60

  • scot of Sydney Posted at 8:18 AM May 28, 2010

    I wish someone could explain to me why people want these things. They have less power than a cheap netbook, they have less functionality and they have far more restrictive connectivity and very limited web browsing, yet cost more. Why exactly are people wanting them?

    Comment 35 of 60

  • Morgan Hearst of Canberra Posted at 8:19 AM May 28, 2010

    Typical Apple product, more icing than cake

    Comment 36 of 60

  • Richard of Brisbane Posted at 8:21 AM May 28, 2010

    Sad sad sad people.....

    Comment 37 of 60

  • ekixyz of Brisbane Posted at 8:21 AM May 28, 2010

    Pete of QLD. I beg to differ. Having an Apple is like being a metrosexual. You have to ask the question... Who are you really trying to impress? An iPad is just a giant iTouch, Apple people really need to get over themselves and their egos.

    Comment 38 of 60

  • ekixyz of Brisbane Posted at 8:21 AM May 28, 2010

    Pete of QLD. I beg to differ. Having an Apple is like being a metrosexual. You have to ask the question... Who are you really trying to impress? An iPad is just a giant iTouch, Apple people really need to get over themselves and their egos.

    Comment 39 of 60

  • DW of Brisbane Posted at 8:21 AM May 28, 2010

    Suckers. you should have waited, I am sure iPad 2 will contain a lot of things the first one is missing. Its just a fad that will suffer from me-too-ism like the over rated iPhone. When you can buy a notebook for between $700-800, you would be mad not to get a notebook. The ipad lacks so many features you would expect. Even a basic notebook has a DVD drive, usb, rj45, a proper keyboard, wifi, 160-500gb hard drive, card reader slot, camera, hdmi, microphone, you dont have to use iTunes for software, you can multitask (use more than 1 application at a time), can see flash on the internet, is upgradeable, has a cover that protects the screen and is only about 25mm thick. All that (most of which the iPad doesnt have) for about the same price as the cheapest iPad. There is no doubt it will sell, but people who research it would never buy it. If you MUST have a tablet, the upcoming Lenovo U1 Hybrid is a much better option, Notebook with detatchable tablet screen. Look it up :)

    Comment 40 of 60

  • Brett of Sydney Posted at 8:23 AM May 28, 2010

    An iPad is like a prius, its less useful than the competitors (Prius has lower fuel efficieny than a good diesel, and iPad doesn't even have flash support or a USB port) and more harmful to the world (The environmental damage dealt to make and dispose of a Prius battery is astronomical, the iPad just damages peoples IQ when they listen to Steve Jobs), but it makes retards feel good and increases their smugness factor, so it sells.

    Comment 41 of 60

  • Kat of Sydney Posted at 8:25 AM May 28, 2010

    Wow...Mark of Perth sounds bitter and jealous. Why do people get so worked up about Apple fans who line up? Whenever a story like this is published, it is usually followed by a barrage of negative comments about the brand and assumptions about the people who line up for the products. If they want to line up for something - let them! I think this is a positive thing...In the end you have a bunch of nerds from different backgrounds coming together in a positive way. They are getting together and interfacing in a way that is generally uncommon these days, and they are part of a community. So what if the basis for it lies in capitalism. Don't hate them for having the money to spend.

    Comment 42 of 60

  • Ron of Melbourne Posted at 8:28 AM May 28, 2010

    Some people do need to get themselve a life! When it is all boiled down it is just another whiz bang gadget that will be out of date within a year. Really fail to see what the big deal is.

    Comment 43 of 60

  • BG of Gold Coast Posted at 8:29 AM May 28, 2010


    Comment 44 of 60

  • dazza Posted at 10:26 AM May 28, 2010

    Hp slate will destroy this thing

    Comment 45 of 60

  • David of Sydney Posted at 10:30 AM May 28, 2010

    My friend went along to line up and it wasn't so much for the "must have" gadget, it was to be part of an experience. He thought it was fun to participate in something that has so much hype attached to it and enjoyed meeting a bunch of ppl in line. Its like ppl who line up for concerts or movie premieres, some ppl just just being part of something and getting excited. Let em go. let em have their fun. And let Apple get rich. who cares.

    Comment 46 of 60

  • Michael Larkin of Canberra Posted at 10:30 AM May 28, 2010

    My biggest issue with this is not that appholes queued for a iPad, its that because of these people, Apple knows it doesn't have to put any of the good stuff like multitasking, etc into the first gen iPad.

    Comment 47 of 60

  • Steven Posted at 10:30 AM May 28, 2010

    This debate looks like a nerd version of Ford v Holden at Mt Panorama. I can post a comment on this website using my old laptop.... and if I went and spent more money on an ipad, i would be able to, gee I dont know, maybe post a comment on this website. Yep, I can see how it is so much better now that I must have one.

    Comment 48 of 60

  • tomd of brisneyland Posted at 10:32 AM May 28, 2010

    If I wanted to spend $629 on something that is out performed by its predecessors, I would go see the new A-team movie 83.8667 times (assume ticket price is $7.50).

    Comment 49 of 60

  • Conekicker Posted at 10:39 AM May 28, 2010

    I'm getting one...yay!

    Comment 50 of 60

  • Steve Posted at 10:43 AM May 28, 2010

    Apple iPad Marketing = Success Product = FAIL

    Comment 51 of 60

  • meatmachine of coolville Posted at 10:44 AM May 28, 2010

    i work around the corner from one of the tokyo stores and the queue is still about 1km long (actually i can't see the end of it) and the shop opened two hours ago.... (1200+ people queued through the night and that's just FOR ONE STORE!)

    Comment 52 of 60

  • keysey Posted at 10:46 AM May 28, 2010

    Apple led us all to believe that you need to line up over night at one of their stores to get the new Ipad. After standing in line at Chadstone in Melbourne for 2 hours I found out Myer was selling them 100 metres away in the same mall in the electrical department. It took me 20 minutes in line and got what I wanted. Afterwards I walked past the line at the Apple store and there was still about 100 lined up. Very calculated in their marketing campaign to de-emphasise that fact that there are other retailers selling on the day.

    Comment 53 of 60

  • Phil Sutherland of Sydney Posted at 10:47 AM May 28, 2010

    My family has owned seven Apple computers and has two iphones. In twenty years we have never had virus problems and only one device ever required a repair. We have never had a software problem we could not fix ourselves. We use three Apple computers on a daily basis and in several locations We bought my seventy five year old father in law an imac dual core desk model and he had no trouble using it after years of not coping with PCs We aren't obsessed at all - we just recognise a good product. That is the source of Apple customer loyalty - why mock it. They earned it.

    Comment 54 of 60

  • Peter of Sydney Posted at 10:58 AM May 28, 2010

    Don't be so negative everyone. If people want to line to get an ipad let them, its their life. Its a niche tool and it and its competitors will fill a niche demand. Who produced the first PC? Who produced the first laptop? I can't remember but they aren't the amrket leader in these products today. The same applies to the ipad and other Apple products. They have a fan base who get an ego boost from flashing a logo. They certainly aren't the only people in the world who could be accused of having that problem in this brand driven age. The rest of use will probably use a cheaper, better clone if we have a need or ignore it altogether if we don't.

    Comment 55 of 60

  • John Woods Posted at 10:59 AM May 28, 2010

    We my be iSheep, but we are by choice, unlike most of the PC whingers here, we choose to use and buy Mac, not forced to use it like the majority of PC users. And as for lining up all night? Who were all those die-hard nerds staying up till way past their bedtime to get their sticky little fingers on the first copies of Windozes Vista? $400 for a box of junk. As the old saying goes, people in glass houses...

    Comment 56 of 60

  • Blake of Sydney Posted at 11:11 AM May 28, 2010

    Hah suckers. You just bought a brick with less functionality than a brick. Enjoy your $1000 brick!

    Comment 57 of 60

  • Skidhead of Mildura Posted at 11:16 AM May 28, 2010

    Gee, I thought they were lining up for a Star Wars or Star Trek Convention, or was it a Big Bang Theory audition... not sure, but when you see nerds (read fanbois) in line, you have to assume the worst.

    Comment 58 of 60

  • Freddo Frog Posted at 11:17 AM May 28, 2010

    I don't get all the hype. Whats so revolutionary about it? Steve Jobs says stuff like "itll change your entire life, nothing will ever be the same again" etc etc. Do people take this guy seriously? Reminds me of Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite: "Vote for me and all your wildest dreams will come true." BTW no I'm not an Apple hater, I have an iPhone and I love it to bits. I just hate the way everyone hails their latest release like the second coming of Jesus.

    Comment 59 of 60

  • Andrew Posted at 11:33 AM May 28, 2010

    People queue for movie tickets and concert tickets, share first options, and other consumable items that have a large fan base - why is this any different?

    Comment 60 of 60

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