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Ask Bossy

They ate more…why should I pay?

Kate de Brito

Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 08:05am

Dear Bossy: I would like some advice on the social etiquette of eating out with friends.

The general consensus when the bill arrives seems to be that it is split evenly regardless of what everyone has.

I have been in a few situations of late that this has been the scenario, and it would seem this is the case with people who tend to eat and drink more.

To give you an example, I was out with a friend who is a bit of a big eater; she ordered a starter, two main dishes and had 3 glasses of wine. I had a main meal and one glass of wine as I don’t eat a lot. So the bill came to about $120 and she pulled out her money and put $60 on the table. It was just outright embarrassing as she had ordered all this food for herself and expected me to foot half of her bill. I was lucky if what I had came to $30.

Then recently again, I was in another situation when I went out with a group of 4 for dinner. I was driving so I had a soft drink and one main dish. The group I was with had several beers/wines each and ordered starters etc… once again when the bill came, everyone put in a ¼ of the bill.

Do people not realise what they are doing? Do they not care? Or are they just stingy?

Is it worth saying something in these situations? And if so what is the best way to approach it?

Or am I wrong, should I just jump on the bandwagon?

I’d love people’s thoughts…

Ripped off…

Bossy says: If you’re not drinking and they are ploughing through bottle after bottle of wine should just say: “I wasn’t drinking” at the end of the meal and hand over enough to cover your meal plus a good tip.

Unfortunately you are headed into a whole different territory if you start adding up who ate what and whether one person ordered garlic bread or an extra side salad at the end of a meal.

Sure it’s annoying if you are on a budget and eating just a soup while your friend orders lobster. But if money is that tight...don’t eat out. Or suggest places where the food is cheap and you can all share dishes. Another option is to suggest places where you order and pay first at the counter.

I get what you are saying, it would be nice if you only had to pay for your own meal and your friend was sensitive to who ate what. But people are not paying as much attention to what you consume as you are. And yes, maybe your friend is stingy.

Most people I know will offer more when there is an obvious imbalance in the bill but most people I know would also not baulk if someone wanted them to pay more than their share. It is a delicate balance in terms of dining out etiquette.

My suggestion is you should always be the person who offer to pay more if you have dined out big, but always be the person not to complain if asked to pay more. It never hurts to be the more generous person.

Of course if you can’t afford to do this or you think you’ll just stew in your resentment then you need to stop eating out with these friends - or make arrangements for pay as you go meals, as outlined above.


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Man up and say something. This is clearly an issue for you, so either get over it or say something.  smirk

Seriously.. I said it in the other post, ‘friends’ are merely sources of disappointment. This blog proves that. Everyone comes here whining about their friends and what they’ve done to them.  snake

And people wonder why I dislike, hate society? Grow up PRINCESS. Get new friends if need be.  confused

There are kids in Africa who don’t even get to eat. There are people who are homeless, and here you are whining about paying for food? Speak up or SHUT UPcool mad

Vamoire Strikes BAck replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:37am)

OP are you Lexie?

Banicks replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:41am)


Or as Bossy said, and this is what I do.

I put money out first before anyone. Enough out for what I ate. Nothing more. Nothing less, they have no grounds to come back at me then and they can already see how much is owed and left over, which they can then split between them evenly or unevenly as they like.

BigBadWoof replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:44am)

I once went out with some friends and had a good time grin, we laughed alot LOL .  It was pretty bright so we put our sunglasses on cool smile , we then smiled for my friends camera cool grin .  We took off our sunglasses because it started to rain oh oh , then we headed inside for some ice cream tongue rolleye .  I noticed a cute girl so I gave her a wink wink , she smiled back licking her lips tongue wink , I blushed red face .  She came up and asked if she could put her sexy lips on my cocktail sausage kiss , my eyes popped out of my head gulp .  She assumed the position big surprise , then put her sunglasses on cool cheese .  My reactive expression looked like hers big surprise , she then laughed at the size of my sausage snake , which made me feel really sick sick .

Take that truth teller, I used heaps more emoticons then you, bloody amateur.

ash replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:26am)

Captain idiot face...You are really annoying. It would be great if you never posted on this website ever again.

sarah replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:58pm)

I am very much in agreeance. Friends are usually the source of much angst and frustration. When really, most of the time we are causing ourselves the issue coz we dont stand up to them. Suck it up princess and pay half the bill or say something.
As for HATING society? Perhaps a lil bit harsh. But i see your point of view.

Captain Truth Teller replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:58pm)

That’s nice BigBadWolf. cool smirk  I on the other hand have done none of what you have just mentioned there and never will.  oh oh

Intimacy is something that should be between those in love. Not some random strangers. In my opinion, people shouldn’t even kiss unless they’re in a relationship. Nobody wants to be sweet X,Y,Z and never been kissed, hence why kissing means nothing. No passion, no romance, nothing. I can’t say from experience, but, to me you should only do that stuff in a relationship and not with everyone, anyone and Tom Dick and Harry.  ohh

missx replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:02pm)

Bullies. Leave the kid and his emoticons alone. Scroll past it if you hate it. Seriously.

Rooster replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:07pm)

LOL BBW - that was so funny - thanks for the lunch time chuckle!

HALO replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:19pm)

Captain TT - Fuck Off

BigBadWoof replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (03:44pm)

Really Truth Teller?  You’ve never eaten ice cream? 

Shame on you.

BroG replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (03:54pm)

Ok this is a long time overdue,

Im going to endeavour to ignore this moron from now on.

IF i DONT respond to captain toilet troll, Its implied that he is a “noob” to put it simply and i wish death and all the badness the world has to offer upon him.


GlendaSings replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (04:25pm)

I was stung a couple of times like this when I was younger didn’t have much cash. I remember going to a dinner with friends who were quite well off, and my boyfriend and I chose an inexpensive meal and drank water while the others had wine, entrees, the whole lot. When the bill came, one of the wine drinkers picked it up, announced the total, divided it by the people and said that was what we all had to pay. I didn’t have was embarrassing and upsetting and I vowed never to do that again.

Now that I’m older and a bit more sure of myself, I don’t let that happen. If someone suggests bill splitting, I just say “OK, but I didn’t have any wine...I’d prefer we pay for our own drinks” or even just “I’d prefer not to split it”. My friends are happy enough to just pay for their own meals. A couple of times someone has given me a bit of a look (usually the one who had the expensive meal and alcohol) but that’s OK.

It’s not a question of being cheap or a ‘bad friend’. People often go to restaurants and order food that they can afford; they might have liked the more expensive dish or wine, but be having a short week. You should be able to pay for the dish you selected.

MissChic replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (04:27pm)

Omg, you Aussies are so funny!

You never fail to crack me up with your humour.  snake

Deja Vu replied to Captain Truth Teller
Wed 25 Aug 10 (04:50pm)

I like Cap TT, all the reactions to his posts are so firey, which say more about the responder anyway!

Take a chill pill and don’t read them if you don’t like what he says. This is a public domain you know....

Captain Truth Teller replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (12:36am)

@BroG, I’m not a troll. ohh

I find it quite sad that you’re no longer going to talk to me.  downer Yourself and Dr. Opkick have been my favorite posters.  cool smile I will miss you and your insight dearly. oh oh I actually dropped a subliminal hint for you in the previous text, I guess you missed it. 

@BigBadWolf, I have, but never with anyone. smile

@Bossy Readers.
I know that a minority don’t like me posting here. I know that a minority want me to run away. Run away, and never return. blank stare

However, I believe you’re forgetting that we’re surrounded by people that we don’t like every single day. How we deal with those that we don’t like defines our character and shows the world what kind of person we truly are. It’s fine if you don’t like me, but, some posters attitudes clearly show what sort of person they are. Don’t give the but this is online rubbish either. This being online makes it easier for you to share your disgusting personalities with the world without fear of any repercussions or consequences. sick

Remember that, yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.  wink

xnova replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (05:10am)

Almost as bad as’s constant page refreshes

Well.. that explains it all.

Captain truth teller hates society and has no friends as they are constant source of disappointment.. HOWEVER..
You crave the attention of others and wish you did have friends so much that you will even take negative attention.. hence why you’re still posting on this blog when everyone’s already told you to F-off.

Just ignore him people.. or you’re just giving him what he wants and he’ll keep coming back for more.. sigh…

Ashamed to be a Gen-Y

mzd replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (10:29am)

Remember that, yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.

Yes CTT, I agree with your basic argument. But you aren’t learning if you a) contradict your arguments continually b) spend all your time in front of a computer screen c) become a self-imposed recluse because you ‘supposedly’ don’t like people or d) dislike anything new or different (ie moving to another country or even basic social interactions). That is hardly learning or expanding your mind - on the contrary, that is wallowing in a narrow-minded existence of your own making. I hope you find help.

Screw You replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (10:53am)

Captain Truth Teller, I’ll be your friend.  People suck!

But regarding the topic, I stopped eating out with some friends because they would put in to the very dollar. Just round up to the nearest 5 or 10.  Who cares??  Having said that, Ripped off, your friends are tight asses and inconsiderate.  I’d stop going out with them.

These emoticons are bloody funny vampire

ksenija replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (01:02pm)

Splitting the bill evenly is OK if you are sharing food eg, chinese or thai. But if you are ordering meals and drink then you should only have to pay for yourself.

When I’m dining out with friends and the bill turns up, I’m quite happy to tell them that I’m only paying for what I had. I also don’t drink so can’t understand why I should pay for someone else alcohol consumption.

If you are on a budget, just tell your friends up front when you get to the restaurant that money’s a bit tight this week and that you would prefer to pay for yourself.

Unless you are a squillionaire, there is no reason why you should have to pay for others.

Spanish Girl replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (01:37pm)


You had me laughing so hard I nearly choked on my coffee.  Well done!

Mr GG replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (02:02pm)

Sorry CTT but BigBadWolf has taken the title of EmotiKing.

Don’t listen to the Haters apparently they cant even use a scroll down key.

CTT has a negative outlook towards people, so you bully and belittle him showering him in negativity. Well aren’t you kind souls.  tongue laugh showing him that he is wrong and people can be nice.

Fan of CTT (Maggie) replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (03:42pm)

CTT - I’ll hand it to you. You’re original even if you sound like you have a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock.

Personally I enjoy your posts. Or maybe it’s the reaction you get.  Keep it up snake

Saran replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (04:24pm)

Hey Captain,why are u this aggressive in your comments.people ask these questions to get some useful answer,u cant just tell the off.what a great help. time when you going out if u always go out with the same group teach them a lesson .get the most expensive drink and food and even waste some of it.
but if you have this problem with every one not just a specific group then may be next time once the bill comes up just suggest that every one might just need to pay for their in this case u need to speek up.

Mashed Potatoes replied to Captain Truth Teller
Thu 26 Aug 10 (11:37pm)

I love to try out new recipes before the holidays. That way if the cookbook has it wrong, I can fix it.

Spanish Guy replied to Captain Truth Teller
Fri 27 Aug 10 (11:32am)

CTT, I enjoy the reactions you get from others, if this wasn’t online no one would say a thing but meh. You use emoticons, big deal. Some of your comments are a bit extreme sometimes but I don’t have a problem.

In regards to the OP, if I know we are going to a restuarant I only agree to attend If I have enough money to potentially cover the split bill cost. Although if I can help it I wll try and pay for myself but if I have money I’m usually generous. Oh, and if there is a girl I like thats with us I splash my money on the table or I don’t whinge raspberry

Dont worry CTT eventually you will get your own fan, as in FAN of AL or Fan of Ethel....

Kate de Brito
Thu 26 Aug 10 (10:14am)

Had this problem with my mates before, just head over to the counter before the bill comes to the table and pay for your bits. Leave them to squabble over the rest.

Or revenge wise, order up big (mmmm steak) and fake an emergency to go home before the bill, and leave in such a rush you forget to leave some cash.

amazon of not so sunnie coast (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:12am)
potatoes replied to amazon
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:19pm)

I did that last one on a date once

om nom nom replied to amazon
Wed 25 Aug 10 (07:18pm)

I’ve had this happen too in the past, but now when out with friends I take the bull by the horns and just make sure everyone agrees we pay for what we order BEFORE the food is ordered. If we order something to share (eg garlic bread) we just agree to all put in some.

No need to count cents when you can leave a tip so just approximate to the nearest dollar then add another couple to be sure. As usually the poorer of our friends this has always worked and no one takes offence. If they do, they might not be very good friends!!

You bloody scabby bastard.

Just pay the bill and stop being a pain in the arse.  There’s nothing worse than scabby buggers like you adding upo to the cent when out to dinner. 

Your other choice is to not go out at all, or go out on your own, which for a miserable shit like you with short arms and deep pockets should be a whole lot of fun.

I’d bet you play with yourself a lot too, if only because you don’t think anyone else is worth it.

Shane of Sydney (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:13am)
Lord Squirrelson replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:27am)

I agree Shane, OP just bloody shut up and enjoy your friends company!!!

Chihuahua replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:45am)

Shane I dont think she was adding every cent, her friend ate almost $90 worth of food and drinks to herself and wanted the OP to chip in an extra $30 towards the bill for something she didnt even have?

No one complains about having to chip in an extra $5 - $10 more than they are supposed to, but $30 more? Come on! The odd occasion is fine, but sounds like this is happening all the time.

Chunks replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:58am)

You are of course joking. Why should she subsidise Miss Piggyguts gorging herself? WTF? Why anyone would even have such a greedy porcine friend is beyond me. She probably takes up half the seats on either side of her in a plane and expects people to put up with it too. The solution is simple: if you must go out with alcoholics and binge eaters, establish the rules of payment first. But better still, make some decent, civilised, slim and sober friends.

Mistress D replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:32am)

Awesome Shane!

I’d like for us to go out to dinner together. I’m little but I can eat a whole lot, especially if someone else is going to pay for half of my meal.

Your shout. You generous soul you.

Lynn replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:32am)

I beg to differ, Shane.

If her friend had 2(!) main dishes (which is too much for any normal person, safe perhaps a male teenager), starter and what not and she only had 1 main dish and that was it, they shouldn’t have to pay for the other person’s extra cost unless they clearly invited the other one first.

I agree, adding up to the cent is a pain but you can roughly remember how much your dish was and how much you need to put in. Having other people foot the bill for your overeating isn’t right.

Shane replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:23pm)

Mistress D, I always pay when I go to dinner.

So put your money where your mouth is girl!

Amber replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:43pm)

I don’t agree at all!
People should pay for what they order - simple as that.  Why should someone else pay for you when you choose to get the most expensive item on the menu plus extras?? 
In these situations I calculate how much what I ordered cost + about $5-10 for the tip.  I then put the exact cash on top of the bill when it comes and leave it at that.  I always make sure I have enough cash when I go out for dinner, and have never had any issues at all. I certainly have no interest in paying for my friends food or drinks - and they would never expect it.

Paul replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:57pm)

I think you are probably the tight ass. I could just see you changing your choice dependant on the paying arrangements. You probably drink beer if you are paying, but at the weddings you would go the top shelf stuff. You would also go the lobster if someone else was subsidising it.

It maybe legistical difficult splitting the bill according to consumption but you sound like OPs friends. There to rip of your friends with a smile on your face.

ladybuglauren replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:04pm)

WTF is it with tight-asses, how do they somehow always manage to turn it around to make other people look bad? Her friend eats more than double, under pays by a third but somehow the OP is a tightwad?

I bet you borrow money and then accuse people of being a tight-ass when they ask for it back.

Get some better friends OP.

Mistress D replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:35pm)

Awwww shucks Shane, just when I became unavailable for dinner dates. Damn the luck, eh?

tongue laugh

Though it is good to see a guy willing to at least pay half at dinner. I dated one guy who thought taking me to the place where the food was, was his end of the deal done. The folly of youth.

FB replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:41pm)

Shane dude, chill. Are you on the rag or something?  question

ABC replied to Shane
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:49pm)

I’m with you Shane.  I bet if this bloke/girl goes to a party or a barbie he/she will keep a running tally of who drinks what of her wine/stubbies that he/she has bought, and will be the type of person who takes any unopened beverage home!

Ruby replied to Shane
Thu 26 Aug 10 (10:51am)

Shutup Shane. I think her concern is definitely warranted. Her friends are being stingy. They should be more considerate.

My friends and I usually split the bill equally because there isn’t that much of a difference in what we order, but if one person orders significantly more or less than the average then they would naturally pay a bit less/extra. It isn’t ever an issue, and no one has to ask for this to occur, it just happens.

I find that if everyone has a generous outlook on these things then it will always work out, however if you have one stingy friend then you could be taken advantage of.

I think expecting you to pay $30 extra for their extra main (who the hell eats that much?) is going too far, and is inconsiderate.

I wouldn’t make a fuss about it because it could make you appear a bit stingy yourself (even though it is fair enough), I would just do what Bossy said and only eat at places where you pay first, or cheap places, or with friends who wouldn’t do that.

Anne71 replied to Shane
Thu 26 Aug 10 (12:53pm)

That’s a bit harsh, @Shane of Sydney. There’s a big difference between adding up to the last cent and having to subsidise someone else’s overindulgence. I enjoy a few wines when I go out to dinner so I’m always very careful to make sure the non-drinking friends aren’t picking up the tab for that. Also, if I have an entree or dessert, I make sure I cover that too. I don’t expect anyone else to pay for it. Perhaps you enjoy freeloading off your friends, but some of us have a bit more consideration.

Flats replied to Shane
Thu 26 Aug 10 (01:08pm)

Bullshit Shane, everyone at the table knows the score. There’s always going to be a sucker that subsidises everyone else.  Long ago I learned the rules of the game:

- Know your company.  If they eat, drink more than you state the rules of engagement up front, before ordering.
If they eat/drink less than you, say nothing, order big, enjoy.

- If they are big into wine and like to order expensive bottles.  DON’T DRINK IT. Bill splitting excludes any excessive costs over and above what the rest of the table ate or drank.  Throw money onto the table that EXCEEDS by $5/$10 what you ate/drank and just let the rest sort it out. That way you seem generous but not a patsy.

- Bill splitting should be reserved for groups of 3 or more.  Under no circumstances can two people bill split if the amounts consumed are grossly disproportionate.  The whole point of bill splitting is because it’s too hard to calculate what each person consumed, if you can’t do that to round numbers between two people you have arithmetic issues.

- Dine out with Girls or vegetarians in large groups.  Bill Split.  Enjoy.  The larger the group the more you’ll get away with, just don’t draw too much attention to yourself.

Tane replied to Shane
Thu 26 Aug 10 (01:23pm)

There’s nothing worse than scabby buggers like you adding upo to the cent when out to dinner. 

Yes there is. There’s scabby buggers who go out to dinner and order the expensive half of the menu, knowing they’ll only pay half price or less for their splurge because people like the OP will feel obliged to foot the rest of the bill.

As a vegetarian and (once upon a time) a non-drinker, I used to get this a lot. I’d go out with friends and order the only veggie main course for $18 and a $3 soft drink. They’d order the $32 lobster or surf’n’turf, a couple of beers, the chicken nibblies for an entree and the dessert. I just got used to putting in my $25 or so and letting them pay their $50. If anyone complained I’d point at the bill and remind them that my contribution already included a tip.

Jodie replied to Shane
Fri 27 Aug 10 (04:33pm)


Weary replied to Shane
Fri 27 Aug 10 (05:20pm)

Shane you angry bogan you.  I bet you don’t play with yourself either, cos even you wouldn’t want to be romantic with a tight-arsed loner with poor math skills and a dick for a head.  I hardly think that all those nights you spend at sizzler entitle you to speak about restaurant ettiquite.  Perhaps once equal opportunity arrangements become more widespread even you will be able to get a job and then you won’t have to rely on people whose parents WEREN’T related to buy your dinner.  Say hi to your sister and go play banjo ya doofus.

The Auditor replied to Shane
Sun 29 Aug 10 (09:36am)

You are obviously one of those people who eat more than others without giving a thought to those who have a smaller gut and don’t need to bludge from others to fill it.  There is a definition called “dining etiquette” YES and another called “principle” and on principle some people ensure that they take just enough money with them to pay for their own meal and a small tip, not extra to pay for the greedy guts at the table who won’t go out and eat alone, simply because he’s too stingy to pay for the extra he eats.  Get a life mate or leave the country and go eat in a country that serves food in a trough1 tongue rolleye

C’mon Captain. Where are you??

Miss Penelope of Newcastle (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:13am)
Captain Truth Teller replied to Miss Penelope
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:27am)

At your side my ladyred face

Shane replied to Miss Penelope
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:25pm)

I think he’s been having a tug in the bath.

BroG replied to Miss Penelope
Wed 25 Aug 10 (03:59pm)

talking is something that should be between those in love. Not some random strangers. In my opinion, people shouldn’t even talk unless they’re in a relationship. Nobody wants to be sweet X,Y,Z and never been talked to, hence why talking means nothing. No passion, no romance, nothing. I can’t say from experience, but, to me you should only do that stuff in a relationship and not with everyone, anyone and Tom Dick and Harry. 

wink Lollies indeed.

I’m kind of stunned about your friend eating an entree and TWO main meals too.

I don’t think they’re taking you for a ride intentionally, I think it’s probably just a lack of consideration on their part. The common way to eat out with friends is to split the bill and I don’t think there’s any harm in that. It’s certainly more friendly than getting out a calculator and tallying up who owes what!

If you really think you’re getting the raw prawn time and time again, maybe you should start ordering more food. You don’t have to eat it all, but if you’re going to be paying equally then order equally. But if you can spare the money I’m with Bossy - it never hurts to be generous does it?

Chips Am Legend (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:16am)
Robbity replied to Chips Am Legend
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:20am)

I’m with Chips, TWO main meals?? I rarely manage to finish ONE - without any starters!!

OP your mate sounds like a pig. Seriously oinkage....

I agree with Bossy too, speak up. If you can ‘order and pay’ then do that, or leave early - or just wear it. Otherwise why bother going at all? They dont sound like they have any respect for you anyway.  ohh

SpoonMan replied to Chips Am Legend
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:44am)


Or perhaps plus several.  Mind you, if this gargantuan gorger does this regularly, perhaps find different dining companions?

Semiotic replied to Chips Am Legend
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:37pm)

The friend should have to pay for an even bigger share than $90 because while she was stuffing her gob the OP had to keep up the conversation…

But hang on the OP is obviously a bit of a whinger so maybe the friend was actually drinking heavily to lessen the pain of having to listen to the OP whine. In fact the friend probably had a few shots before dinner as well to fortify themselves for the coming onslaught!

The food must have been a last ditch attempt to soak up ther extra alcohol, or maybe they were deliberately trying to throw up and use that as an excuse to get away early…

gingobibble replied to Chips Am Legend
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:19pm)

a question… is it possible that the friend ordered ‘mains plus rice’ -thus two ‘main meals’ - as is common when you go to Thai, Chinese etc?
yes it is still a hell of a lot of food, but.. perhaps this might explain it.

curry plus rice, is different to ordering a steak plus another steak!

Tyler replied to Chips Am Legend
Wed 25 Aug 10 (03:34pm)

Mmmm… Steak plus another Steak!

snuck replied to Chips Am Legend
Wed 25 Aug 10 (06:43pm)

I think it depends on your friends.

I don’t normally split the bill with friends - I don’t mind tossing in some extra, or shouting them occasionally, but if it’s a genuine ‘casual meal out’ we either pick somewhere everyone can afford, or chose to eat without our OWN budgets.

I think the OP should man up next time and say something.  “Say gosh, I wasn’t expecting to pay $60 for just one meal - you don’t mind paying for yours as well do you?” or “hey guys, I’m not drinking, here’s my $40, I’ve got to /go to the loo/check my parking/save money for a house deposit”.  It’s about setting the boundaries.

And just because the rest of the group acts that way doesn’t mean YOU have to. You might be saving for a house (holiday, boob job), you might have other demands on your money that isn’t about feeding your excessively drinking and eating friends. Just say politely “this is what mine cost”, put it on the table bright and early (round up to the nearest note so there’s no fussing with change) and plan ahead (to carry a small variety of notes) and leave them with their fair share.

It’s not your job to feed their extravagant tastes/gluttony!  It sounds like many of your friends seem to think they can eat at the trough!

You open your mouth to eat.
You open your mouth to speak, too.
Maybe your friends like going out with you, because it means a cheap night for them.
It all comes down to respect, which your friends don’t seem to have for you.
If they respected you, the division would be accurate.  You’re a pushover, to the division is slanted in their favour.
Now, open mouth, speak up for yourself…

ironmike of brisbane (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:18am)
Bron replied to ironmike
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:41pm)

Poetic - the solution in a nutshell.

I have a saying “you get what you accept”. If you don’t make a murmer, they don’t realise there is a problem.

I’m surprised that Bossy is advocating such a “roll over and kick me” passive approach…

Set the rules before you order, it’s pretty easy to say- “So, are we splitting this evenly or just paying for our own? I wouldn’t want one of you to have to pay more because I order something expensive”

That’s a really non-confrontational way to put the subject out there. To some people the subject of fair paying of a bill just doesn’t occur, of course, your friends sound like jerks. So will it really matter if you offend them and find some more considerate people to hang with?

I’ve always ended up with more money than my friends (despite being the lowest earner, guess I’m just good at saving) and would never expect them to pay for my meal, hell, I pay for their drinks if they’re the DD. If I can be more considerate than your current group of friends, they’re probably the ones with the problem.

Or as Bossy says, don’t go out to dinner.

Mistress D (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:18am)
Em replied to Mistress D
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:59pm)

Seriously, that’s way too subtle. Every time I go out with friends, if we’ve all generally eaten the same thing (such as a Yum Cha banquet), I’ll pay an equal share of the total.  If we’ve all had different meals and different quantities, I will throw money to cover what I’VE eaten and let the rest of my mates sort it out between themselves. They don’t expect me to pay for them and I don’t expect them to pay for me. Usually it just takes one person looking at the bill and figuring out what they’ve eaten.  I’ve always thrown in cash to the nearest ten above what my order came to.

Mistress D replied to Mistress D
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:27pm)

HA, that’s the first time anyone has ever accused me of being subtle!

I’m with you on banquets though Em.

I’m a bit of a soft touch when it comes to paying a bigger part of the bill though. Yes, I save my money and that’s why I have more than other people but I like feeling generous too.

In my experience, my friends and I have never had issues like this, perhaps we all equally eat and drink too much.. Or perhaps we remain lucid enough to calculate a rough share of the bill.. I went out with 20 plus ppl last weekend and managed to only pay for what I ate and drank. Its really not that hard, u look at the menu and throw down a figure. Further, in my friendship circle I would have no issues letting them know I don’t owe them an equal portion if I don’t!

drprox (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:21am)
ABC replied to drprox
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:53pm)

I always end up figuring out the bill - even if pissed - as I’m an accountant people seem to think that my adding up and dividing capacities remain unfettered by booze - which regrettably is not the case.  That may be why we always seem to end up over!!

OddCreature replied to drprox
Fri 27 Aug 10 (05:47pm)

Or perhaps your friends are like my friends - considerate of the fact the bill is being split.

My friends and I always order fairly similar meals, share some sides, etc. And if we feel we’ve ordered a bit more than the person next to us, we round the amount up by a few dollars.

OP’s friend with the two main dishes, clearly not so considerate. But OMG, TWO main dishes! This woman must either have a tapeworm, or a metabolism that defies logic, or be the size of a house. I’m a big fatty and even I don’t eat that much!

“Big eaters” such as that have no qualms about letting others subsidise their appetites.

Simply speak up and throw in what you deem is fair and don’t worry about it.

Of course, this is easier to do when there is just the two of you at the table.

Donna Martin Graduates! of LA (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:22am)
Kylie replied to Donna Martin Graduates!
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:33am)

I agree. I’m also a small eater and used to go to work lunches with others who ordered big and drank alcohol. I was annoyed that I had to subsidise their drinking and I don’t see why everyone here thinks you should pay for your friends’ meals. How is that fair?

I would suggest speaking up as soon as the bill comes. Get out your money quickly and comment on how you’re only paying for your own. If they say something, just tell them that you don’t want to (or can’t afford to) pay for their meals as well.

Don’t be afraid to speak up. They’re the ones being rude.

Fiona replied to Donna Martin Graduates!
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:30am)

Agree DM.

OP I think your 1 starter 2 mains and 3 glasses of wine friend was taking you for a ride. Speak up next time or just leave your share of the cash.

Groups are different and often restaurants won’t split bills per table. My budget friend hasthis sorted. She arrives a few minutes after everyone, seeks out the waiter and says she’s only staying for a bit so can that just do a separate bill for her. It invariably works, even in the most inflexible separate bill places. She stays for the whole night but she’s set upo her own arrangement very charmingly.

I don’t eat out a lot but like everyone here, unless everyone has had roughly the same amount of food and beverages, most paid their bit and throw in a few extra bucks.

Occasionally someone ‘forgets’ to throw in their share, or leaves early without paying, but it all seems to work out in the end. Anyone who is on a budget says so up front, even if not contributing a tip which is not compulsory here anyway, and no one minds.

I guess it depends on your group of friends. But do speak up about the bill-share, either before ordering or at bill presentation time. It’s not as touchy an issue as you may think.

Happy dining smile

OddCreature replied to Donna Martin Graduates!
Fri 27 Aug 10 (05:52pm)

Disagree… I’m a big eater, I’m very ,uch aware that I’m a big eater, and I NEVER expect others to pay for my meals. If I’ve eaten more than others I will always chip in extra.

So there goes your fat person stereotype!

The two examples you gave are a bit different - I would have probably been more understanding of this happening in a larger group, because seriously - who keeps track of what their friends are eating? That’s completely beside the point of going out to dinner together. The big-eating friend, on the other hand, should have paid her share - but it’s not her fault that you paid for a good part of her meal just because you didn’t have the guts to point out that you only had a main.

But the real issue, of course, isn’t the friends’ approach to splitting bills, or even social etiquette (which, for the record, I think is slightly different depending on who you’re socialising with). It’s you - your attitude to money and your expectations of what should be happening. You could try Bossy’s suggestions, or else try adjusting your expectations and maybe let yourself enjoy going out to dinner with friends - indulge in a dessert or an entree and don’t count the pennies so much. Oh, and if you haven’t been drinking then speak up, people will usually understand! Don’t create the problem by stewing in your feelings - unless you like being the victim. Some people do.

Cherry (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:24am)
Shane replied to Cherry
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:28pm)

Where’s mine Kate?

Shane replied to Cherry
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:36pm)

What’s that?  The poor emoticom looks like he’s had a broom handle rammed up his bum.

Sarah R replied to Cherry
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:04pm)

Haha, Bossy gone all ‘emo’(-ticon) today !

Shane replied to Cherry
Wed 25 Aug 10 (07:47pm)

I’m giving up now Kate.  I know when I’m beaten.

Merry replied to Cherry
Thu 26 Aug 10 (12:02am)

Can’t the OP just ask for individual dockets? We do that all the time with my friends.

I’m giving emoticons today for good advice. You get one Cherry grin

here it is shane gulp

Which is why i thought it suited you so well!

Kate de Brito
Wed 25 Aug 10 (04:29pm)

The people you are going out with can’t possibly be friends.  I go out with my friends for dinner all the time and we split the bill, but we each just work out what we had and put in our correct share.  My friends would never expect anyone to pay for more then what they had.  You must be from a city, things like this just don’t happen in smaller towns! Weird! 

Also, forget tipping, this is Australia.  If the service was fantastic and you want to tip then make sure you hand the tip directly to the person who gave you that great service, or mention to the manager how great they were.  I would never tip just for the sake of “tipping”.  I’m sure this comment will piss a few people off that work in hospitality.  smile too bad.

Shell of TBA (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:25am)
JAX replied to Shell
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:27am)

It shouldn’t piss people off, we get paid a higher hourly or base wage than American hospitality workers, you don’t need the tips, in the US they get a dismal wage which is why they need the tips, they also pay taxes on the tips which is hilarious

NEFFA replied to Shell
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:38am)

Totally agree with you on the tipping, this is Australia. You get paid a proper wage here, so don’t put you paw out and start begging like a dog for a bone.
Tipping is totally undignified.

CA replied to Shell
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:49pm)

I totally agree with you Shell, they are taking you for a ride. What you should have done is put in your $30 after she’s put in her share and wait for her response. This will tell you if she’s taking advantage of you deliberately or not. If she is, then ditch her immediately.

As for tipping, I only tip for good or excellent service to encourage them. I think the GST should cover those with basic service skills and that we should be allowed to reclaim our GST for poor service.

Mr GG replied to Shell
Thu 26 Aug 10 (02:22pm)

Advice from some one who used to work in Restaurants.
If you go to the same place often tip, they will remember you and give you better service next time. If it is a one off it dont bother unless they really went out of their way or you know you(or your group) were being a pain(drunk).

Judy replied to Shell
Thu 26 Aug 10 (06:09pm)

Jax, we pay tax on tips in Australia too! You’re supposed to keep a record of them and then declare them on your tax return. Wonder how many people actually do that…

OddCreature replied to Shell
Fri 27 Aug 10 (06:15pm)

As a former waitress, I can honestly say I never cared if I got tips or not. Because it was never much. Once I saved my tips for a whole year, and ended up with just enough to buy my parents some very cheap christmas presents. We’re talking a few dollars a week at most places. The only benefit is that it’s tax-free!

But split bills - they are a pain for your waitstaff. I still tell the story of my worst ever customers.... the group of four families who turned up with no booking, had to be spread across two tables on opposite sides of the restaurant, then when the bill came insisted I stand there with a calculator while they squabbled over whose kids ate the chicken nuggets.

Splitting bills is fine but please do it amongst yourselves and round up the numbers… because the time your waitstaff spends counting up every dollar of your order is time their other customers go without drinks.

I thought this was going to be one of those typical letters that have woman whinging over a couple of dollars here and there that they didn’t spend yet have to pay. 4 blokes eat a meal together, it will come to $180 and everyone will throw in $50 and not expect change.

However, it does annoy me when someone goes overboard and expects everyone else to pay. I had a work dinner last year where I wasn’t drinking, one bloke was ploughing through $80 bottles of wine and I was expected to pay my even share. I had no choice so paid it but have never gone to dinner with him again.

My best advise would be follow Bossy’s last paragraph.

Danno of Brisso (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:25am)

PS Everyone needs to stop feeding the emoticon troll. If you don’t keep replying to his posts he won’t keep posting.

Danno of Brisso (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:26am)
Chips Am Legend replied to Danno
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:48am)

Quite right. He always gets a million responses, and I scroll right through the whole lot without reading a word.

DEBORAH replied to Danno
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:43am)

I have to agree with Danno here.

However, there are also other posts worth ignorning too.

You could have broached these subjects with your friends instead of writing a pathetic tale of victimisation at the hands of your maliciously greedy and evil friends.

That said, girl from first example must be one chunk of a woman, eating a starter, two mains and three glasses of wine. You should call her fat, or better yet, not go out for lunch and agreeing to split bills with fat people. You only have yourself to blame, it’s like going out with Matthew Newton and being surprised when he smacks you out.

Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:30am)
Brett replied to TOMATOR
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:23am)

Call of the day that actually made me laugh… its like watching South Park or Family Guy! Hahaha Matthew Newton, honestly, Hahahaha.

geteft replied to TOMATOR
Wed 25 Aug 10 (11:39am)

Totally agree here.

The only people that need to eat that much food when going out is no one, ever. And you were only embarrassed by the fact she brought out $60? Hopefully she at least lets you hitch a ride on the back of her electric scooter when you go out together. fair is fair.

I disagree with Bossy, you CAN tell people they’ve been a greedy bastard when you eat out and only pay for what you ate. Since when do friend’s feelings come into bill splitting? if they are going to get upset over that, then get new mates.

Mitchy Kerr replied to TOMATOR
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:57pm)

Completely agree.

What a fat pig of a friend.  Two mains and entree!  Gosh.

The only time I can see that this would have been fair is if it was Chinese and you were sharing mains with Rice or equivalent.

However if she is just a pig ordering to cover her fat ass and get away with it cheap, bring it up and pay for your fair share and encourage that pig to pay for hers too.

Otherwise ditch that fat pig and sign her email address up to Jenny Craig.  She sounds like she needs it anyway…

TOMATOR's No 1 Fan replied to TOMATOR
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:00pm)

Marry me?

This happens with my Sister all the time. She & her husband will order the most expensive meal, and drink wine, while I have something cheaper & not drink. When the bill comes she will grab it, say “oh here is $x to cover ours (which is always $20 less than their actual consumption)& I am left to cover the rest.
We now go to bistros or somewhere where you order & pay upfront. Obviously the food & atmosphere isnt as good, but it is definetly fairer!
Good luck & I hope you can work something out to suit all of you!

Shelly of Sydney (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:34am)
Fostie replied to Shelly
Thu 26 Aug 10 (01:36pm)

Why should you have to go to lesser restaurants just so your sister and Brother in law won’t rip you off? Surely it would be easier and better for you to just say something to them?

I don’t understand people who are willing to sacrifice their level of happiness just to keep the peace.

Your sister and her hubby are being selfish. Maybe they do this with their friends too, maybe they need someone close to them to pull them in line?

Seriously if my bro and his wife tried this on I would speak up straight away. If people need money then they should ask, not just expect it.

This is why I never eat out with fatties.

Admiral Motti (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:34am)
kate replied to Admiral Motti
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:58pm)

I’m a fatty, and i always without exception put in at least $10- $20 more than my bill came too. I also don’t eat like a pig when i’m out with other people.
I never let the birthday person pay a cent of their bill, i will often pay the entire bill if i know the other person is on a budget or if i invited them out, or i’m just feeling generous.
If it’s my birthday i don’t expect people to take me out, i invite people over for a bbq and provide everything including alcohol.
And i agree with people paying their own way as a general rule. Why should anyone else pay for someone else unless they want to?
People can be self important schmucks when they want to be. If you order big pay for it yourself. If you weren’t supposed to know how much you were spending for dinner they wouldn’t put the price in the menu.
i think generally people like to be generous, and given the opportunity will be happy to pay a little extra, but if you force someone to pay for you like it’s just what they are supposed to do then you may find they get disgruntled.

Your friends sound like d1cks.

It doesn’t take that much work to split a bill these days, especially when every man and his dog has an iPhone with built-in calculator and gee whiz-bang technology. Surely there would even be an iPhone app for that kind of thing?

If your total spend is significantly less than your share of the bill if split between the attendees (at least $10.00 less), then simply say “I didn’t have a starter/I wasn’t drinking/I only ordered the salad and a glass of tap water” and put in the amount that you spent. Heck, why not take the initiative and ask for the bill and a menu at the same time and once the menu has arrived, work out what you spent, add a tip and plonk that amount into the centre of the table.

And round-up when you’re working out what to pay. If your total (with tip) is say $17.00, then don’t fuss about getting the exact change. Just put in a $20.00 note.

As the most Bodacious Bossy said, if money is that tight that you cannot afford to spend the extra few dollars, then either be up-front with your friends about your financial circumstances and go somewhere cheap (I recommend The Vietnamese Restaurant if you’re in Brisbane - it’s cheap and BYO) or don’t go out to eat at all.

Good luck.

Agent 86 of Brisbane (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:40am)
mzd replied to Agent 86
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:21am)

then either be up-front with your friends about your financial circumstances and go somewhere cheap

Hmmm I don’t know 86. There are a lot of self-absorbed people out there. I once went to a birthday dinner years ago (this guy was having like a string of celebrations, it was v excessive but I’d missed his party). I was broke at the time and pulled aside my close friend (his roommate) and told her I only had x amount for dinner so wasn’t going huge. She nodded, then turned around and promptly ordered a buffet for everyone - myself included - in front of the entire table, which consisted of people I didn’t know. I had one $14 main and a coke but then had to front up $45 for a buffet/alcohol. Very annoying.

Agent 86 replied to Agent 86
Wed 25 Aug 10 (02:36pm)

Cool and groovy!

A most Bodacious Bossy approved post!

You too, Agent 86.  grin

Aw I always approve of you Agent 86...just dont say it enough.

Kate de Brito
Wed 25 Aug 10 (04:32pm)

Nitpicking tightwads like you really annoy me.

When the bill comes split it evenly and avoid all the fuss and bother. It’s not going to break the bank.

Stop being a pitiful loser and sitting there fussing over who had what blah blah blah. It’s just annoying and pathetic.

This should have been a fruitcake Friday.

Charlie Harper of Even Stevens (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:42am)
Robbity replied to Charlie Harper
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:49pm)

Sometimes it CAN break the bank to have to split the bill when you didnt eat/drink much.

I was once so broke (single parent left ‘holding the baby’) that I lived on weetbix for weeks at a time. No milk either…

But having said that, I didnt eat out over that time (at all, for several years actually), and still rarely do. Once you’ve been that poor you tend to be very careful not to go there again.

So OP being careful with money isnt such a bad thing. I’d avoid eating out with your piggy mate in future, or pay for the meal when you order if you *must* eat out with her (I assume it was a her?).

And LOL to the poster who said only teenage males eat an entree and TWO mains. I have 3 teenage sons and you are SPOT ON gulp

Grey Ghost replied to Charlie Harper
Wed 25 Aug 10 (12:50pm)

I don’t get how you and bossy and half the other people on here can say “it won’t break the bank”, “it doesn’t hurt to be the more generous person” etc.  How do you know it doesn’t hurt?  Many people can’t afford to throw away $30. Most restaurants have choices for mains that vary hugely in price, and a lot of people will choose a meal that they can afford and it’s probably not the most expensive on the menu. It’s not hard to be aware of the cost of what you’re ordering, and especially in a small group to pay some attention to what other people are ordering, so that you can pay your fair share at the end. I wonder how many of you have friends who don’t eat much that think about you the same way that OP is thinking about her friends since you apparently expect them to subsidise the bigger eaters when you go out. I go out with groups of friends pretty often and we’ll always have some idea of what we’ve ordered and chip in accordingly.  We’re never short and everyone’s happy.  OP there’s some good advice in some of the posts here.  Forget the so called “etiquette” - I don’t think any real friend will be upset that you’re expecting them to pay for the food they ate.  Either explain why you’re paying less, or just be first to put your share on the table and let the others split the difference.

iron lady replied to Charlie Harper
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:01pm)

Actually, for some of us, having to pay upwards of $30 extra for something we didn’t have is actually going to break the bank.  I live on a very tight budget because I am trying to save money to buy a home, so I don’t have to retire into my car.  At my age, unfortunately I am running out of time.  Therefore, I am very careful about my money.  The additional $30 might mean missing out on another thing, like the movies or something.  The food part I could probably live with (occasionally, if it was a larger group and dinner), but not where its just the two of you - I would have said something. The real problem is alcohol. I don’t drink, so I’m not paying for alcohol.  Same as I’m not paying for other random stuff that I don’t want or need.

MK replied to Charlie Harper
Wed 25 Aug 10 (01:06pm)

You sound like the fat person only wanting to chip in $60.  Friendship is about give and take.  Too much take and its game over.

Maybe you should ask yourself why no one invites you out to eat.

Likes Joining Dots replied to Charlie Harper
Fri 27 Aug 10 (07:57pm)

Charlie, I think I remember you.  We had one lunch together (and once was more than enough). Hope you enjoyed your oysters and rare braised mignon. As your vegetarian loving soup friend, it’s the least I can do to subsidise your gluttony.
cheers mate.

And you grin

Kate de Brito
Wed 25 Aug 10 (10:06am)

Its poor form to order up really big and then expect others to split the bill 50/50 when they’ve had just an entree. Social faux pas.

But I’d be gracious about it and let it slide.

If you can’t afford to, or if it really upsets you then take note of who are repeat offenders and stop eating out with them at expensive restaurants. Go to cafes where you pay when you order (coffee club style) or do things like going to the theatre or picnics, or whatever takes your interest.

Rose (Reply)
Wed 25 Aug 10 (08:43am)
Nick replied to Rose
Fri 27 Aug 10 (05:22am)

What happened

Maybe you’d prefer to go to the type of place where you pay when you order.

You sound like one of those losers

nick replied to Charlie Harper
Fri 27 Aug 10 (05:21am)

I came from rubbish bin i am ready to go there any time even this second

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Kate de Brito

Kate de Brito

Got a question? Ask Bossy. No-holds-barred advice from modern-day agony aunt Kate de Brito. It's the advice your friends and relatives are probably too polite to give.

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