Last updated: September 02, 2010

Weather: Brisbane 12°C - 26°C . Fine, mostly sunny

La Nina is on the way bringing a wet spring and summer

A FULL-BLOWN La Nina weather event has established in the Pacific Ocean, pointing to a wet spring and summer, with the possibility of cyclones.

The National Climate Centre expects Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures to remain above La Nina thresholds through spring and into summer.

The main impact is expected to be felt in the east and north of the continent.

Forecaster Skie Tobin said La Ninas generally brought higher night-time temperatures and a lively cyclone season from November to April.

"La Nina periods are usually, but not always, associated with above-normal rainfall during the second half of the year," she said.

There were prospects for above-average rainfall over large areas of southern Australia in spring.

With Seqwater dams at 94 per cent capacity, it means the storages' flood mitigation capacity will be tested by any heavy rain.

Showers are expected in the southeast tomorrow.


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  • ray foster Posted at 11:52 PM September 01, 2010

    Must be all that hot air coming from GIllard

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