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Clogs: Fashion-forward or a trend to run away from?

Adelaide Style

Monday, July 05, 2010 at 02:20pm

WHEN design houses like Chanel and Louis Vuitton are doing clogs it is hard not to get carried away and get your hooves into the nearest pair.
Yes, I said, hooves, because clogs aren’t exactly elegant.
Like last year’s gladiators, clogs are not going to suit everyone.
In fact, most people would say they are only for the brave because they are uncomfortable and noisy.
But what do you think - are clogs cute or clunky?


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The only thing worse than clogs is ... crocs. OK they’re comfortable, but so are Birkenstocks.

Pen of Aldgate
Thu 08 Jul 10 (01:49pm)

Clunk clunk clunk! Just compare the female leg in a stiletto! Would you even consider the clog!

Sexy lega of Adelaide
Thu 08 Jul 10 (01:59pm)

Clogs are NOT okay! Even with a high end designer brand attached. They are frumpy, very unsexy.
& belong in shoe Hell.

dewdesigner of Tennyson
Thu 08 Jul 10 (02:08pm)

Unless they are Chanel, keep the clogs in the closet

Thu 08 Jul 10 (02:57pm)

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shopaholic says: Unless they are Chanel, keep the clogs in the closet
(Thu 08 Jul 10 at 02:57pm)
dewdesigner says: Clogs are NOT okay! Even with a high end designer brand attached. They are frumpy, very unsexy.…
(Thu 08 Jul 10 at 02:08pm)
Sexy lega says: Clunk clunk clunk! Just compare the female leg in a stiletto! Would you even consider the…
(Thu 08 Jul 10 at 01:59pm)
Pen says: The only thing worse than clogs is ... crocs. OK they’re comfortable, but so are Birkenstocks.
(Thu 08 Jul 10 at 01:49pm)


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