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Protect us, please

Graeme Leech

WE'VE had Thatcherism and Reaganism, but is the world ready for Katterism?

(Not) losing focus

James Jeffrey

AS unlikely as it was beautiful, the dream of politics without focus groups was lifted into the light by a journalist at the National Press Club in Canberra yesterday, and there it sparkled for roughly three seconds until Julia Gillard snuffed it out.

Devil's advocate

James Jeffrey

THERE was a period of gloom, brief but profound, that descended once it was confirmed Wilson Tuckey had been given the flick by his electorate.

All eyes on Jerry

James Jeffrey

WE'D like to think all those Perth theatre patrons filling the seats at His Majesty's for The Graduate are doing so out of their dedication to the arts.

Over it

James Jeffrey

EVEN in the pre-hung days of our democracy, there were moments when Queensland Labor would fly free of the spin cycle like a loosened nut.

Karaoke Katter

James Jeffrey

WHEN Strewth thinks of Bob Katter, which is often, many words spring to mind: popular, rowdy and boyish are just the first few.

Food for thought

Graeme Leech

WHEN Adam Bandt won Melbourne for the Greens, he could not have imagined sitting down to lunch with independent Bob Katter the following Wednesday.

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Family gems

James Jeffrey

BOB Katter's overdue ascent to the pinnacle of power makes us tingle with excitement, not least after his magnificent return to Canberra yesterday.

Tuckey-free zone

James Jeffrey

BACK in our federal parliament's pre-hung days, there was some amusement to be had from the Liberal Party's decision to give its ousted leader Malcolm Turnbull a pew in the blast zone of heckle-happy Wilson Tuckey.

No time to lose

James Jeffrey

ONE of the more comically cruel spectacles of Saturday night was one television station after another pulling the plug on Kevin Rudd's victory speech; rumour has it he's still going.

Draw the line

James Jeffrey

WE could, we suppose, get sentimental about the campaign that now lies in the past.

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Red-eye special

James Jeffrey

ONCE upon a time, Strewth found itself - through a combination of youthful exuberance and excessively hospitable Russian engineers - awake for 30 hours.

Cave mentality

Graeme Leech

THE men and women of Australia have spoken on who they really want to lead the country.

Go to the sauce

Tomato sauce

DISTRACTED as we are by Zsa Zsa Gabor's parlous health, we were relieved when a reporter in Townsville brought things into focus.

Hawkie schtick

James Jeffrey

WE have rarely experienced a sense of void as utterly empty as the one created by Mark Latham's 60 Minutes report.

People person

James Jeffrey

MAKERS of fine musical instruments often stamp their identity somewhere on the body, so why don't makers of dog whistles follow suit?

Liberally derided

James Jeffrey

JOEL Scalzi has been on reality TV and on the receiving end of talkback radio; guess which was harder?

Marking mad

James Jeffrey

LOOKING ever more like W. C. Fields's less whimsical, long-lost brother, Mark Latham has now chalked up "successful" "interviews" with Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott.

Battle pauses

James Jeffrey

THERE was an outbreak of bipartisanship in inner Sydney's Redfern yesterday.

Initial reaction

James Jeffrey

STREWTH is not a fan of party political campaign ads.

In Malcolmland

WE were amused to see a photo in this august organ yesterday of Malcolm Turnbull seated beneath a screen proclaiming him to be "Malcolm Turnbull, federal minister for Wentworth".

Turning the page in Iraq

As the US mission ends, a nation's future is in its own hands.

Climate panel needs credibility

The review of the IPCC should help resolve its problems.

Take heart Mr Katter, we won't be 'rooned'

Cross-subsidies for the bush must be well targeted.

Bob Brown is capable of blatant hypocrisy

THE end of the Greens' facade of independence was not the only significant revelation in yesterday's announcement of a formal Labor-Greens alliance.

Dumb and disgraced

ANY footballer who is so dumb that he cannot stay in the limits of the AFL's lenient three-strikes drug policy no longer deserves lenient treatment

Revisionist ruminations

FURTHER to Malcolm Fraser's performance on Q&A on Monday night (Cut&Paste, 1/9).

In praise of good patriots and reasonable people

Greg Sheridan

BARACK Obama deserves credit for wisely following the path laid by George W. Bush.

Pitchforks and pork are no way to run a country

Gary Johns

A return to tariffs and protectionism mocks political trailblazers such as Bert Kelly, says Gary Johns.

Hung parliament in wartime was one of our best

Robert Menzies

THE 1940 election was messy, but much would be achieved in the term that followed.

Learn to speak Italian in four easy decades

Helen Trinca

OUR new Italian teacher tells us grammar is for life. He's a stickler for correct nomenclature as well as endless exercises, says Helen Trinca.

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Cartoon Bill Leak

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Nicholson's gallery

Abbott Costings Gallery

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America at war

America at war

As the US ends combat operations in Iraq, The Australian looks back at the length and cost of wars America has been involved in.

Obama's redecorated Oval Office

Obama's Oval Office

Barack Obama has followed the tradition of US presidents by putting his own design stamp on the Oval Office this year. Here's the new look, ...

Melbourne Spring Fashion Week - day two


Peter Alexander shows sleepwear while Alice Euphamia, Dhini, Alistair Trung and others reveal their latest ranges at Melbourne Spring Fashio...
