Weather: Sydney 12°C - 19°C . Few showers.

Mad as a Hutton

Mel Gibson

With a father like his, is it any surprise Mel Gibson has a penchant for wacky conspiracy theories?

Attention moves from Kan to wounded party

Peter Alford

MOST eyes in Nagatacho, Tokyo's political ghetto, are fixed on post-transition polling.

Cult comfort

Crab fishermen

They may not win the ratings but there are shows that get a devoted, possibly even obsessive, following

Price of diplomacy is worth paying

Rowan Callick

HOW valuable, in today's world, is Australia's diplomacy - compared, say, with its military spending or with its official, governmental aid?

Campaigns boil down to one seat

Geoff Elliott

NEVER mind what the rest of the country thinks -- this is all about Queensland and western Sydney.

Damned if they do . . .

Ross Fitzgerald

Whichever way they jump, the independents risk alienating those who put them in

Pact puts Labor brand and Gillard leadership on line

Paul Kelly

THAT the ALP has entered into an alliance with the Greens to stay in office is a measure of Labor's weakness and desperation.

Sucked in

Susan Maushart

CELEBRITIES are a bit like dust mites. They have a way of getting up your nose whether you care about them or not.

Divided we stand

Illustration: Eric Lobbecke

Our economy and confidence are relatively strong but the election has delivered political gridlock and revealed a society fractured along lines of state, age and sex

PM could signify change with a nuclear nod

Glenn Milne

SO now we know. The Gillard government, on the evidence we have seen so far, is much the same as the Rudd government.

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Every breath you take

Ruth Ostrow 090713

WHERE is paradise? On my travels I have looked for somewhere peaceful to stop for a while and just write.

Richo finds himself in Seven heaven

Caroline Overington

CHANNEL Seven on Thursday announced it had wrenched the Labor fixer Graham Richardson from Nine's bosom.

Abbott offers one chance of stability

Christopher Pearson

IF, as most observers expect, the Coalition wins the seat of Brisbane, it will have 73 seats and be in the better position to form a minority government.

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Indigenes still in the political wilderness

Noel Pearson

NO time confirms the democratic impotence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Australian commonwealth more than federal elections.

Supermarket price war shelves rate rise

Michael Stutchbury

LOWER than expected inflation means no election campaign interest rate hike.

Oh, boy! Mortal milestones you can bet on

Boy and girl

  COME with me on a journey to the edges of Australian demography.

Jaded nation ready for fresh lick of paint

Imre Salusinszky

AUSTRALIA'S caretaker government had another busy day yesterday.

We failed, Julia almost admits

Dennis Shanahan

WHAT Julia Gillard is really offering is a discontinuance of the management of the Rudd government that simply "broke down".

123 comments on this story

Parr for the course

Charlie Parr

NEXT time you're in Duluth, Minnesota, on a Wednesday night with nothing to do it may be worth checking out Fitger's Brewhouse Brewery and Grille.

In praise of good patriots and reasonable people

Greg Sheridan

BARACK Obama deserves credit for wisely following the path laid by George W. Bush.

Winter's spark for the mind

Illustration: Eric Lobbecke

There is spiritual warmth amid winter's dark and cold

Old ways on notice as vote grows Greener

Mike Steketee

Labor as well as the Liberals disregard the consequences of this trend at their peril

Watchful RBA eye on consumer figures

Michael Stutchbury

WAYNE Swan is right that many other treasurers would kill for a set of economic numbers such as Australia's, but the RBA doesn't share his enthusiasm.

Angela Shanahan

Worship not the altar of Greens extremists

Angela Shanahan

HOW does one get a job as a professor of public ethics?

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Blame this imbroglio on voters

Emma Tom

The voters have spoken, but not in a language easy for politicians to interpret this week

Plenty of positives in a minority government

Tim Soutphommasane

Is it bad for democracy that a handful of independent MPs will decide who governs the nation?

Pact is predictable but not devoid of risks

Peter Van Onselen

THE alliance between the Labor Party and the new Greens MP in the House of Representatives, Adam Bandt, confirms what we know.

Harsh light of reality about to hit Greens

David Burchell

IS there anything so unworldly or so little wise as that dusty stock of homilies and commonplaces that we like to call worldly wisdom?

Debate Greens to put them in their place

Arthur Sinodinos

A TV face-off would show voters what the environmentalists would do to the economy.

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