Weather: Sydney 12°C - 19°C . Few showers.

'Kickboxing turkey' ruled over Romania

Sinornithosaurus millenii

THE fossil of a stocky new dinosaur has given researchers a window into what European predators looked like in the final years of the age of dinosaurs.

Bloodgate doctor back at work

Cheats gallery

The MATCHDAY doctor at the centre of the so-called Bloodgate scandal has been told she is free to practise medicine again.

Pre-emptive surgery to beat cancer

breast cancer ribbon

WOMEN with a genetic predisposition to breast or ovarian cancer can dramatically reduce their risk of developing either by having preventative surgeries.

Choice takes a stand on BPA risk to babies

Bottle feeding

THREE-QUARTERS of popular canned foods - including baby foods -contain levels of the hormone-disrupting chemical bisphenol-A

Enter, the pursuit of animals


ALTHOUGH it is 25 years since Peter Singer published Animal Liberation, human-animal studies has yet to take off as an area of academic research.

Science infrastructure review next year

medical research

A PLAN that brought a new level of sophistication to investment in research infrastructure will be revisited next year.

Survey finds graduates' mathematics doesn't add up


SCIENCE graduates are in serious trouble with their mathematics skills according to UQ Australian Learning and Teaching Council project leader Kelly Matthews.

Dengue fever hits Games athletes

Commonwealth Games

COMMONWEALTH Games athletes have fallen ill with dengue fever as the Indian capital struggles to contain the mosquito-borne disease.

Coalition could shed up to 1300 CSIRO key staff

Tony Abbott

AUSTRALIA'S premier research agency, the CSIRO, could lose up to 1300 staff if the Coalition were to come to power.

Local support for report on UN climate panel


AUSTRALIAN scientists have given a qualified thumbs-up to findings of a review of the UN's climate panel, released yesterday in New York.

Murray Norris

Groundbreaking technology is speeding up the search for personalised medical treatments.

Leigh Dayton Science on Air

The Australian's Leigh Dayton talks science with Tony Delroy fortnightly on Tuesdays at 11.05pm on ABC networked local radio. Click here to listen to Science on Air. For information about Tony Delroy's Nightlife go

twam cover

A magazine as part of The Weekend Australian newspaper covering the biggest news and issues in Australia and the world.


A magazine designed to help readers realise their dreams - whether it's sailing around the world or discovering the ultimate luxury getaway.

dealcover july 2010

A new slant on business - one that looks behind the companies and the processes at the people, the challenges and the ideas that drive the nation's business sector.

A little rich

Buon Ricordo

PLACES for the immaculately groomed and financially resplendent are rarely fun and almost always bastions of food mediocrity.
