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Crunch time for the Nationals

Nationals welcome

THE rise of independents and decline of rural areas leave the Nats in a pickle.

Sons of Iraq left high and dry

Iraq war

JUST down the street from Faisal's takeaway in Fallujah, an explosion shattered the sweltering morning heat last week, setting fire to an Iraqi army Humvee and a police car.

Cricket's cesspit of corruption

Pakistan selector

PAKISTAN is once again at the centre of match-fixing allegations.

Amir slips from hero to heartbreaker

Mohammad Amir

WITH his good looks and seemingly boundless ability Mohammad Amir, 18, was always destined to become a heart-breaker.

Fears fester on the rural margins

Islamic school site

TIMES are changing fast in the seat of Macarthur on the western outskirts of Sydney, and people are worried.

When conflict goes against the grain

wheat crop

THE wheatbelts of Australia have rarely looked more verdant.

Rural voters favour feisty, can-do candidates

John McEwen

THE big strong men from the Nationals who carried the torch for bush battlers are no more.

Gillard poised at a tipping point

Paul Kelly

THIS week Julia Gillard revealed her toughness in appeasement.

Mission MacKillop almost accomplished

Mary MacKillop

IN the rising heat of a Roman summer morning, a large Australian man stands before a fountain near St Peter's Basilica.

Mending Labor's broken heart

Julia Gillard

JULIA Gillard flinched. A split second later, her security detail jolted into action.

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How the AFP trapped the Bali Nine

Scott Rush

WHEN Lee Rush learned in April 2005 that his son Scott was off to Bali, he felt sick.

Diggers treading a trigger wire

feature afghan

AUSTRALIAN Diggers in Afghanistan are appalled and angered when they hear their main role in Afghanistan dismissed as just "training the Afghan army".

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Rage against the machine

Gillard Arbib

QUEENSLAND Premier Anna Bligh denounces what she calls "the NSW disease that sees leadership as a revolving door".

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The G-G's delicate judgment

Bryce Shorten

FOR the best part of her adult life Quentin Bryce has taken on public roles and responsibilities which have demanded many skills.

Uncertainty rules, whoever wins

Julia Gillard

THE only certainty to come out of Saturday's election result is that uncertainty abounds.

How the Yanks saw the Digger

Diggers, Yank

Resourceful, inventive fighters: that's what the US Army told its men about the Diggers

What joins terrorism and the rogue economy

Miriam Cosic

An Italian economist follows the dirty money trail to uncover ties to al-Qa'ida

Complete idiots slide into jihad

Rebecca Weisser

Chris Morris's film suggests Islamist terrorism attracts buffoons, not ideologues

Stuck in a cycle of spin

Abbott presser

The rise of the 24-hour news sequence has put greater demands on politicians

Playing the risk card

Election leaders

Whoever wins government today, the strategies will have been much the same in this extraordinary political year

Chipping away at cop culture

Martin Moynihan

THE message from his workmates couldn't have been any clearer for the Gold Coast cop at last year's Christmas party: you are a dog, an informer.

Lessons from a Tory reformer

David Cameron

WHOEVER emerges from this weekend as Australia's prime minister can learn one powerful lesson from their British counterpart, David Cameron.

Pitiful response to catastrophe

APTOPIX Pakistan Floods

PAKISTAN needs at least $US460 million ($515m) immediately if it is to avert a humanitarian disaster.

Pakistan's misery is just starting

Pakistan flood

BEFORE US senator John Kerry flew to Pakistan, he told reporters he hoped to help the world understand that the disaster was not just about floods.

Greens' high tax ambitions

Bob Brown

WHEN the new Senate sits after the election it is almost certain that the Australian Greens will control the balance of power.


The Nationals hold their first post-election meeting with leader Warren Truss, centre, at Parliament House. Picture: Ray Strange

Turning the page in Iraq

As the US mission ends, a nation's future is in its own hands.

Climate panel needs credibility

The review of the IPCC should help resolve its problems.

Take heart Mr Katter, we won't be 'rooned'

Cross-subsidies for the bush must be well targeted.

Bob Brown is capable of blatant hypocrisy

THE end of the Greens' facade of independence was not the only significant revelation in yesterday's announcement of a formal Labor-Greens alliance.

Dumb and disgraced

ANY footballer who is so dumb that he cannot stay in the limits of the AFL's lenient three-strikes drug policy no longer deserves lenient treatment

Revisionist ruminations

FURTHER to Malcolm Fraser's performance on Q&A on Monday night (Cut&Paste, 1/9).

In praise of good patriots and reasonable people

Greg Sheridan

BARACK Obama deserves credit for wisely following the path laid by George W. Bush.

Pitchforks and pork are no way to run a country

Gary Johns

A return to tariffs and protectionism mocks political trailblazers such as Bert Kelly, says Gary Johns.

Hung parliament in wartime was one of our best

Robert Menzies

THE 1940 election was messy, but much would be achieved in the term that followed.

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A new slant on business - one that looks behind the companies and the processes at the people, the challenges and the ideas that drive the nation's business sector.

A little rich

Buon Ricordo

PLACES for the immaculately groomed and financially resplendent are rarely fun and almost always bastions of food mediocrity.

Strewth dinkus 090711

A lighter look at the national political and social issues of the day.

Schools Watch

School construction

Stories and analysis of federal government spending on schools from the stimulus package.

Aboriginal Australia

Marrawulu Wirrpanda

Indigenous Australians, their culture, the stolen generation, land rights, and poverty.

Tour de France

Indepth thumb tour de france

A focus on the fortunes of Australian cyclists in the 2010 Tour de France.

Kudelka's gallery

Kudelka Bush Web

Get a dose of satire in our Kudelka cartoon gallery.
