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Oakeshott makes peace with the Devil

CONTROVERSIAL Liberal senator Bill Heffernan has been spotted engaging in some Heff-style diplomacy in the courtyard at Parliament House.

Election 2010
Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan

Julia Gillard delivers a mixed message on climate change when questioned on Labor's agreement with the Greens. Picture: Gary Ramage

Tony Abbott
Tony Abbott says a deal signed today between Labor and the Greens shows Julia Gillard is willing to break promises to hold on to power. Picture: Ray Strange


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Treasury finds $7bn hole in Abbott costings

TREASURY'S costings of the Coalition's election promises have found a $7bn hole in the opposition's claim that it would save $11.5bn over the next four years.

PM's high-risk Greens embrace

JULIA Gillard has agreed to a historic pact with the Australian Greens in a bid to end the nation's parliamentary deadlock.

Oakeshott put off by 'racism' in Nationals

IF the Coalition fails to persuade Rob Oakeshott to support an Abbott government, his resistance may have to do with racist sentiments he encountered inside the Nationals.

Shockwave sent through mining heartland

LABOR'S alliance with the Greens has sent a shockwave through Australia's mining heartland.

Crunch time for the Nationals

THE rise of independents and decline of rural areas leave the Nats in a pickle.

Coalition offers MP pokie deal

INDEPENDENT MP Andrew Wilkie last night extracted an offer from Tony Abbott on measures to tackle addiction to poker machines.

Brumby avoids scrutiny of school program

john brumby

THE Brumby government has again avoided public scrutiny of its implementation of the school stimulus program

Growth spike raises rates threat


A POWERFUL finish to the financial year has put rate rises back on to the Reserve Bank's agenda as consumers spend on cars and holidays.

Indonesian fishermen clogging the courts and prison system

Boatload of asylum-seekers

With so many Indonesian fishermen s accused of people-smuggling, delays of up to nine months have occurred in bringing charges

Bandt slept with the enemy in campaign

Adam Bandt Greens

THROUGHOUT his campaign to unseat Labor from its prized electorate of Melbourne, Adam Bandt was sleeping with the enemy.

Mining sector warns of new tax battle

Iron ore

MINING chiefs have voiced strong concerns over a Labor-Greens ruling alliance.

Indonesian fishermen clogging the courts and prison system

Boatload of asylum-seekers

With so many Indonesian fishermen s accused of people-smuggling, delays of up to nine months have occurred in bringing charges

House could quash new TPV move: Evans

Chris Evans

IMMIGRATION Minister Chris Evans has claimed parliament would have the chance to overrule any move by Tony Abbott to reintroduce temporary protection visas.

Co-op comes a cropper, farms face ruin

David Hall

SHARECROPPER David Hall has been forced to sell most of his valuable farm equipment just to stay afloat.

I have pledge on hospital: Wilkie

Andrew wilkie

ANDREW Wilkie has been assured by Julia Gillard that if he backs Labor, work on the Royal Hobart Hospital will start within months.

Another big stink for BER bureaucrats

BER Inquiry head Brad Orgill

THEY are two of the most senior officials handling the rollout of the federal government's troubled schools stimulus scheme in NSW.

Jakarta plea after detention riot

darwin detention centre

INDONESIA has called on Australia to distinguish between the kingpins of the people-smuggling trade and the fishermen who crew the boats.

Adapt 'or face trade barriers'

Nicholas Stern

RURAL independents Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor are "well-informed" about climate change, says British  Nicholas Stern

A 50-50 finish and a headache for AEC

CLOSE results are every election administrator’s nightmare. Recall the 2000 US presidential election, which was famously close, mostly in the state of Florida.…

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Julia Gillard

Julia Gillard Promo

Member for Lalor (ALP). Julia Gillard deposed Kevin Rudd to become the country’s first female Prime Minister.

Brumby avoids scrutiny of school program

john brumby

THE Brumby government has again avoided public scrutiny of its implementation of the school stimulus program

Stellar growth lights fuse


AUSTRALIA'S comeback on the global stage as one of the world's best-performing economies sent the sharemarket and dollar surging yesterday.

Politics From Around The World


Obama Marks New Focus in Iraq, at Home

Obama formally declared an end to combat operations in Iraq and, during an Oval Office address, planned to vow to refocus the government from prosecuting wars to rebuilding the economy.

Senator Concedes in Alaska's GOP Race

Sen. Murkowski conceded her Alaska primary race to former magistrate Joe Miller, after a partial count of absentee ballots showed her gaining little ground in their tight race.

Candidates Exploit Calif. Town Scandal

Bell, Calif., the little town with the big salaries, is proving an irresistible spur to outrage for candidates across the state, from the governor's race to the contest for controller.


Leader of Pakistan Taliban charged in CIA bombing

officials launched a broad legal offensive against Pakistan's Taliban on Wednesday, placing the group on its international terrorism blacklist and charging its leader with planning last year's suicide bombing in that killed seven CIA employees.The Pakistani group, known as the Tehrik-e- or TTP, was officially designated a "foreign terrorist

EMS air safety eyed after Arkansas accident

An accident this week in Arkansas boosts to 21 the number of people killed so far this year in medical helicopter and plane crashes, renewing concerns about the safety of such operations. member says that he finds the situation "very alarming."An Air Evac Lifeteam helicopter crashed Tuesday near , Ark., killing the pilot, a nurse and a paramedic.

GOP to pump $2.5 million to help Rubio in Florida

The Republican Party is supplying $2.5 million in advertising support to 's Senate campaign in Florida, a sizable commitment to a candidate the party once tried to push out of the contest.The money from the is the maximum the party can spend in coordination with Rubio. A party official said the money will be devoted to television ads at a time


election map promo 300a

Also in The Australian Today

PM's high-risk Greens embrace

JULIA Gillard has agreed to a historic pact with the Australian Greens in a bid to end the nation's parliamentary deadlock.

ANZ offers free payments on iPhone

ANZ Bank's iPhone users will be able to transfer money to anyone with a mobile phone free of charge, thanks to a new application dubbed goMoney.

Stellar growth lights fuse

AUSTRALIA'S comeback on the global stage as one of the world's best-performing economies sent the sharemarket and dollar surging yesterday.