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John Brumby rejects inquiry calls

Black Saturday

THE Brumby government has rejected the two most contentious recommendations by the Black Saturday royal commission.

Fire chief insists: I'm in charge

Black Saturday bushfire

Craig Lapsley, Victoria's first Fire Services Commissioner, has been asked what he would do if agencies refused to hand over control.

Bushfire town hangs on rebuild

Bev Johns

FOR the school community in Kinglake West, rebuilding life after Black Saturday is not easy.

Fire town's lesson in patience

Bev Johns

FOR the school community in Kinglake West, rebuilding life after Black Saturday is not easy

Schools building hits fire recovery

Black Saturday

REBUILDING in towns devastated by last year's Black Saturday fires is being frustrated by an acute labour shortage.

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Fire chief sorry he couldn't do more

Russell Rees

THE Victorian Country Fire Authority's chief officer on Black Saturday has said he is sorry he was not "able to do more".

Ex-CFA boss Rees sorry over Black Saturday

CFA boss Russell Rees resigns

THE Country Fire Authority's chief fire officer on Black Saturday says he's sorry he wasn't "able to do more" to combat the bushfires that claimed 173 lives.

Relief efforts move to economic recovery

Ian Dicker

BUSINESS leaders in Marysville and Kinglake have welcomed a shift in the state's bushfire recovery effort.

Burn-off advice dismissed


South Australia has refused to support the key burn-off recommendation of the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.

Brumby fire 'scare campaign'

Black Saturday

The Brumby government had waged a scare campaign to undermine the Black Saturday commission's findings, the Victorian parliament has heard.

Firebrand research to save lives

black saturday report

AIRBORNE firebrands, implicated in the Black Saturday fires, travelled up to 22km ahead of the front, but not enough is known about them, say researchers.

Fur flies over cost of powerlines

indepth thumb victoria bushfires

THE Brumby government now says it would cost $60 billion to put powerlines underground in bushfire-affected areas.

Fires challenge the tree-change dream

Victoria bushfires

IN the aftermath of the Black Saturday bushfires, then prime minister Kevin Rudd made a pledge that echoed the national mood.

States consider what to adopt


THE Black Saturday report recommendations are being considered by agencies in other states which want to stop similar tragedies occurring.

Report urges fire zone exodus

Maya and Tarni Cobb

EXPERTS have called for a national debate on whether people have a right to live in deadly bushfire zones.

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'Minimalist' approach lashed

bushfire beacs

VICTORIA'S "minimalist" approach to controlled burning and reducing fuel loads contributed to the intensity of the Black Saturday fires.

Brumby apologises over leadership failure

john brumby

IT took 18 months but Premier John Brumby has apologised for the failure of emergency services to respond to the Black Saturday fires.

Don't tell us where to live, say residents

Aftermarth of Marysville fire

WHEN Peter and Rhyl Cobb decided to rebuild in Marysville, they moved from the area considered to be most at risk during a bushfire.

Black Saturday inquiry puts heat on Brumby

john brumby

THE Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission has reported after 18 months of investigations and hearings, writes Scott Prasser.

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New role to co-ordinate bushfire planning


THE Black Saturday royal commission heard more than 15 months of evidence from 434 witnesses and considered 1700 public submissions.

Land releases must ensure safety

George Megalogenis

RELEASE more land - it seems the most logical response to housing shortages in our capital cities and country towns.

Hard questions asked on living in the bush

Cameron Stewart

THIS royal commission has done much more than expose the chronic failure of leadership that paralysed Victoria's response to Black Saturday.

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