Last updated: September 03, 2010

Weather: Perth 3°C - 18°C . Mostly sunny.

WA premier poised to make major new sport stadium announcement

WESTERN Australian premier Colin Barnett is poised to make an announcement on the development of a new outdoor sports stadium.

Tourism Minister Dr Liz Constable told a packed audience full of members of the travel and tourism industry at the Hyatt on Wednesday to ``watch this space’’ when quizzed about the new stadium.

``This is something that Colin Barnett has taken on and all I can say is… watch this space,’’ she said.

In 2008, then premier Alan Carpenter announced that $1.1 billion would be spent on a new stadium, with Kitchener Park as the preferred location.

However, when Mr Barnett took on the top job, he put a stop to progress on those plans, saying more time needed to be spent to consider options.

The old East Perth Power Station site continues to pop us a viable option for a new stadium and representatives of Burswood say that James Packer is still interested in considering an option for a new stadium on, or near his land.

Dr Constable also announced that the Hopman Cup had been secured in the West until at least 2014, with the event expected to be staged at the new indoor stadium (Wellington Street site) from 2013.

It is currently being staged at the Burswood Dome, which will be demolished by Mr Packer as soon as the Wellington Street stadium is completed and the Hopman Cup has a new home.

The extra funding from TWA and support from the International Tennis Federation has also seen a television deal struck with Network 10 and One HD.

Dr Constable said this will give Western Australia a wider ranging TV audience during the event.

``Today’s news comes on top of the recent announcement that the State Government had secured the return to Perth of the V8 Supercars,’’ she said.

She said that Eventscorp had also launched a bid to bring the National Short Course Swimming Championships to Perth in June 2011. 

The event would attract approximately 1400 visitors and provide an estimated $2 million to the economy.  It would also be broadcast nationally in Australia with 20 hours of broadcast reaching 500,000 people.

One HD is also the host broadcaster for that event.

Exclusive arts production heads to Perth

Tourism Minister Dr Liz Constable today announced a major addition to the 2011 events calendar.

Talking at the Tourism Council of Western Australia’s industry breakfast, Dr Constable announced that Tourism WA had established a partnership with the Perth International Arts Festival (PIAF) to secure an exclusive production to launch the 2011 festival.

``Tourism WA and PIAF will bring the internationally-renowned and multi-award winning Pan.Optikum to Perth to open the 2011 Perth International Arts Festival,’’ she said.

``The production, featuring a 40-strong ensemble cast, is a free, family-friendly event featuring a mix of acrobatics, pyrotechnics, large-scale video effects and live music, and has already performed to great acclaim across Europe, Mexico, Singapore and at the world-famous Glastonbury Festival in England.

``An event like this will help position PIAF nationally and internationally as one of the world’s leading arts festivals and, to support this, Tourism WA will also establish a new marketing partnership with PIAF to promote the festival throughout Australia and South-East Asia.’’

Dr Constable said that while many people called out for sporting events to dominate the event’s calendar, statistics showed that worldwide, arts and culture attracted more people to them than sport.

She also pointed out that visitor numbers to the WA Museum’s A Day In Pompei would top the 100,000 mark.

The exhibition closes September 12.

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  • Im right? Posted at 4:32 PM September 02, 2010

    Burswood is the best option, 80,000 seat with retractable roof for AFL, concerts ect. Next door a 30,000 seat rectangular stadium for football and union. Packer should offer the land free to the government for development. Its a perfect time to remove all the polutants from the area and might just breathe a bit of life back into the swan river. It would be a world class entertainment precinct with stadium, casino, hotels, transport all within walking distance. If you could only get rid of all the f#%@! wits it would be brilliant.

  • Kwinana ? Posted at 12:56 PM September 02, 2010

    Build the new stadium next to the Motor Complex in Kwinana, plenty of vacant land ther to build a decent sized stadium that could be expanded in the future. To me building these sporting complexes around each other makes sense, that way a decent public transport system could be built to service all of the different sporting facilities in the one location.

  • troy of perth Posted at 11:13 AM September 02, 2010

    catch up with the rest of the country ,stop bloody puting up ferris wheels and useless bell towers you useless bloody polies and build the stuffin stadium , so we can get some decent events here which will bring in money to the state.wake up!!!!!

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