Last updated: September 02, 2010

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I thought Matt Newton would kill me, claims Rachael Taylor in AVO

Matthew Newton

Matt Newton with Rachael Taylor in Sydney. She claims she suffered serious injury at his hands. Picture: Damian Shaw Source: Herald Sun

Rachael Taylor applies for AVO

DTstory Chrisitne Nash, Rachael Taylor's barrister

Barrister Christine Nash arrives at the Downing centre to lodge the AVO papers for Rachael Taylor. Picture: John Grainger Source: The Daily Telegraph

  • AVO alleges eight months of abuse
  • Taylor claims she suffered scarring
  • Promises to show pictures of injuries

BATTERED actress Rachael Taylor feared her lover Matthew Newton would kill her during a year of shocking physical, verbal and mental abuse, court documents reveal.

The attacks culminated in shocking violence at a Rome hotel last month, in which Taylor allegedly suffered "concussion", "bruising" and a "sprained jaw".

Taylor's application for an apprehended domestic violence order, tendered to a magistrate yesterday, details explosive new claims that she suffered serious injury at Newton's hands in three states during eight months of their troubled pairing.

Promising to table a photographic record of the recent abuse against her in Rome, Taylor said she later received treatment in Los Angeles for "scarring to her top lip, arm and knee" as well as "neck injuries" and "bruising" consistent with having her head "bashed against the floor and walls".

Besides the physical attacks during their relationship, Taylor claims Newton also "threatened to end her life" on a number of occasions.

So ferocious were some of the alleged attacks, Taylor called police who helped counsel her as a victim of domestic violence.

Newton's alleged abuse of the woman he wanted to marry began in NSW in January but continued as the couple travelled to Victoria and South Australia this year.

The court claim, set to be served on Newton in a Sydney rehab clinic, reads: "The defendant [Newton] physically, verbally and psychologically abused the applicant [Taylor] in the months of: January in NSW, March in Victoria, April in Victoria and South Australia and June in NSW."

The dates match reports Newton trashed a Melbourne hotel room in March, as well as clashed with Taylor on a Sydney street in June.

As revealed last week, police were also called to Taylor's Adelaide apartment in April, after Newton reportedly punched and head-butted walls during an outburst after which he was taken to hospital.

Taylor's Sydney barrister Christine Nash said her client, believed to be currently filming The Darkest Hour in Moscow, would return to Australia next month.

"She's very distressed about the events and it takes a while to get over what just happened, so I don't think you could say that she'd be feeling particularly happy at the moment," Ms Nash said.

Newton's counsel, celebrity solicitor Chris Murphy, did not return calls.


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