Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Phire Cholo - Rupam Islam

As most of you know me, I am a pretty big snob. And I alawys used to look down upon Bangla Rock and the Bangla Band culture. The only Bangla Band that I used to listen to regularly was Mohiner Ghoraguli. And honestly I was never a big fan of Rupam Islam. But a few days back, one of his songs changed a lot. Don't get me wrong, I am still not a fan of Rupam Islam. But this song is different. And I would like to thank you Rupam Da for this song.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hingshuti's Tag

Books, Reviews
This is a tag I borrowed from Hingshuti (a Bengali word which means jealous).

Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror?
Horror of course. Long live the King.

Hitchhiker or Discworld?

Bookmark or Dog Ear?
Bookmark, I never Dog Ear my books.

Asimov’s Science Fiction or Fantasy & Science Fiction?
Asimov's Science Fiction.

Alphabetize by author, Alphabetize by title, or random?

Keep, Throw Away or Sell?
Definitely Keep. That's why half the time I don't get a place to sit in my own bedroom.

Keep dust-jacket or toss it?
Keep the dust-jacket but not while reading the book.

Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Harry Potter.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?

"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time"?
"It was a dark and stormy night".

Buy or Borrow?
Buy. I love to own my books.

Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendation or Browse?

Lewis or Tolkien?

Morning reading, Afternoon reading or Nighttime reading?
Anytime would do, although it's mostly afternoon reading.

Standalone or Series?

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Salem's Lot.

Top 5 favorite genre books of all time?
Horror, Romance, Sci-Fi Horror, Suspense, Thriller.

Favorite genre series?
The Dark Towers.

Currently Reading?
Love in Times of Cholera.

And now I tag Rohini.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Love, Desire and Madness

Love, Couple
You don't like the noise in here,
And I don't like the silence,
It's deafening, hurts the soul.

I want to listen to the rain
Pitter-patter on the window sill,
I want to listen to the curtains
Rustle in the monsoon breeze.

I want to listen to your voice,
Hear you laugh, smile like a child.

I want you,

I want to hug you, kiss you,
Hold you in my arms until they ache.
I want to talk to you, hear your humming
Of all the weird songs in the world.

And I want to feel you,
Touch you,
See you,
Hear you,
Smell you,
Taste you.

You are trying to save your life
Or what is left of it.
I am trying to ruin it, or what
Is left it, each day, with a fight with myself.

Because I desire you,
I lust you.
Because I love you.

I am you and you are me.

And I dreamt about
Spending an evening with you,
Together in a room,
Facing the sea,
Listening to the noise of the sea.
Your head on my shoulders,
Your hands in mine.

What's love without desire,
What's love without lust,
What's love without madness.

I promise you that I would see you go off to sleep.
I promise you that I would kiss your feet.
I promise you that I would love you so much
That you would surrender to me, willingly,
Your eyes,
Your lips,
Your hands,
Your smile,
Your self, yourself.

And then you would be mine, only mine.
In body, in mind and in soul.
