Author Archive

Islamic Supremacist Mosques: A Primer for Protest

August 14, 2010
By admin

Islamic supremacist mosques: a primer for protest Emboldened by their man in the White House, the Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood front Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), is ratcheting up their offensive on patriotic Americans who dare to challenge Islamic supremacism and the creeping Sharia (Islamic law) into secular American life. On Thursday, CAIR...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 7 Comments »

SIOA Condemns Obama’s Blessing of Ground Zero Mega-Mosque; Bolton, Wilders, Gingrich to Speak At 9/11 Rally

August 14, 2010
By admin

NEW YORK, Aug. 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The human rights organization Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) strongly condemns Barack Obama’s blessing of the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque to be built at the hallowed ground of the September 11, 2001 jihad terror attack. SIOA founder and executive director Pamela Geller said in a statement that Obama “has,...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 8 Comments »

Obama Blesses 911 Ground Zero Mega Mosque at Ramadan Celebration

August 14, 2010
By admin
Obama Blesses 911 Ground Zero Mega Mosque at Ramadan Celebration

“We should also examine the foreign policies of the U.S. to make sure that we occupy the moral high ground in these conflicts. In particular, we have to examine some of the root causes of this terrorist activity.” — then-State Senator Obama’s post 911 attack remarks Obama came out for the Islamic...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 2 Comments »

911 Ground Zero Mosque Rally: Bolton, Gingrich, Wilders, Berntsen, Breitbart

August 14, 2010
By admin
911 Ground Zero Mosque Rally: Bolton, Gingrich, Wilders, Berntsen, Breitbart

Photo from our June 6th protest Stand up and join us our FDI/SIOA 911 rally against the Ground Zero mega mosque on September 11th at 2pm at Park Place between Church and West Broadway. Confirmed list of speakers joining Rob Spencer and me at the FDI/SIOA demonstration on September 11th at 2pm: 911 WTC families ...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 3 Comments »

MTA Caves: Ground Zero Bus Campaign Will Run

August 9, 2010
By admin
MTA Caves: Ground Zero Bus Campaign Will Run

The MTA has recognized the justice of our position in our lawsuit, and has agreed to run our ad as originally submitted. This is a great victory for freedom of speech, and we are grateful to our attorneys David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise for mounting such an effective defense against...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 20 Comments »

SIOA Lawsuit against NYC: Bloomberg’s MTA Refuses to Allow 911 Images: Bans Ground Zero Bus Campaign

August 9, 2010
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SIOA Lawsuit against NYC: Bloomberg’s MTA Refuses to Allow 911 Images: Bans Ground Zero Bus Campaign

On Friday August 6th, we filed a lawsuit against the city of New York. Here is the complaint: Download Complaint–FDIvMTA–Filed_Stamped The city has refused to run my SIOA “Preservation of Ground Zero” bus campaign. It seems that Mayor Bloomberg invokes certain freedoms when it serves his 2012 agenda. Doing away with term limits wasn’t...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 10 Comments »


July 26, 2010
By admin

Please join SIOA and FDI in our solemn protest against the 911 mega mosque at Ground Zero on September the 11th in the afternoon, after the memorial services — exact time and date to be determined. World leaders, prominent politicians and 911 family members will be speaking. This is a ...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 83 Comments »

SIOA: Islamic Supremacist Hate Group Attempts to Impede FBI, JTTF Counterterrorism Training

July 26, 2010
By admin

NEW YORK, July 26 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The human rights group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) today called on the FBI and Virginia’s Tidewater Joint Terrorism Task Force to resist efforts by an Islamic supremacist hate group to intimidate state and federal law enforcement officers and dictate how they are to be...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 12 Comments »

SIOA Applauds Church’s Decision to Stop Sale of Convent to Islamic Supremacist Group

July 22, 2010
By admin

SIOA Applauds Church’s Decision to Stop Sale of Convent to Islamic Supremacist Group Reuters NEW YORK, July 22 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The human rights group Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) today applauded a decision by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York and Saint Margaret Mary parish on Staten Island to withdraw support for...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 1 Comment »

Ground Zero Imam Rauf’s “Charity” Funded Genocide Mission — State Department Mulls Terror Designation For Group

July 16, 2010
By admin
Ground Zero Imam Rauf’s “Charity” Funded Genocide Mission — State Department Mulls Terror Designation For Group

SIOA  PROTEST AGAINST THE GROUND ZERO MEGA MOSQUE – SEPTEMBER  11, 2010 Back on June 5th, I reported that Islamic supremacist Imam Rauf, the imam behind that grotesque flag of conquest on Ground Zero, was a “prominent figure” in “The Perdana Organization.” They funded the  genocidal Jew-hating...
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Posted in Let Freedom Roll | 2 Comments »

SIOA is a human rights organization dedicated to freedom of speech, religious liberty, and individual rights; no special rights for special classes.

Feature Video of the Week — Pamela Geller vs Imam on CNN Sunday Morning

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