Missed something, not really.

August 11, 2010 by queerartist

Waking up this morning I felt like I had missed something I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. Groggy, my backhurt, it was hot in the bedroom and now my mind keeps saying, You missed it, you missed it. When I sat down at the computer to pull up my e-mails I saw it, an e-mail from Love Makes A Family PAC, Our Endorsed candidates WON! All of our endorsed candidates won the primaries yesterday.  Yippie dippy do, the system lives. We will be free— Oh so that was what it was. I missed voting for my freedom. I missed  that old get thee to the voting booth and now it was hanging over me like a specter of the past it was. I use to vote all the time. I would never miss voting. I voted as much as I could and as often as an election was held. I was of the generation that watch Black folks down south get beaten, bitten by dogs, sprayed with a fire house, shot to death all for the right to vote. In tribute to them I went dutifully forth whenever that election bell rang. I also was of the generation that was old enough to kill but not for voting as the song sang out loud and clear to us back then. Many of my generation even got clean for Gene, gave up their hippy threads and entered into the system hoping that a liberal demonrat would save them all from war and death.


Here I sit today missing not going across the field and up the street to the hot, muggy voting room. Pity the poor poleworkers who had to sit there all day tending the machines. Nah I just couldn’t bother going out and voting for “who was my favorite multimillionaire, you know one of the demonrats who would fulfill my desires and lift the people out of their misery. The rich will lead you all, as they lead so well. Nice guys and gals that they are lets give them a chance at running the state. Someone told me yesterday that if I didn’t vote then I couldn’t complain. Well honey let me tell you one thing, I love to give out a good complaint about this system and those who are the great misleades. It’s in my blood. It’s like having a good deal of gas and not minding to gas out everyone in close range. Even when I was voting, (of course for the lesser of two evils) until I woke up one day and said, Hey, qa evil is evil is evil no matter what way you slice it. Evil is what evil does within the twin parties of evil.  Yes back then I still complained. Those who don’t complain about this the capitalist system and the kinder and gentler capitalist practices of some then you might as well be 6 feet under, a pile of ash, or food for the fish. To those who tell me that if I didn’t vote I can’t complain, go fuck yourself.

I din’t vote and don’t plan on doing it anytime soon.

What happened to all that oil?

August 10, 2010 by queerartist

In from Oceana

We're on an expedition to discover the real extent of the BP oil disaster

Getting the facts on that oil spill.*


Do you believe the crisis in the Gulf is behind us? BP would like us to believe so.

But we don’t believe it.

Government statistics still can’t tell us about what happened to most of the millions of gallons of oil that gushed from the well, and even more importantly how it’s damaged ocean life. To get a full picture of this disaster, we need to know what’s going on in the Gulf.

Today, we are getting set to launch our research expedition to find out. But we’ve got two months ahead of us and that equals a lot of fuel and supplies. 

This mission is vital and we need your help. Your donation will support our team understand how sharks, sea turtles, corals and other marine life have been affected by the oil and what we need to do to protect them over the long term. With your help, we’ll be able to extend our research and get the facts.

Thank you for your ongoing and dedicated support of Oceana.

For the oceans,
Jeff Wiedner
Director of E-Activism


* We refuse to call the recent crime in the Gulf a spill. No one knocked over a glass of water down there. Fight back!!!!!

Tribute to Puerto Rican freedom fighter Lolita Lebrón

August 9, 2010 by queerartist

Statement from Radical Women and Freedom Socialist Party

In commemoration of
Puerto Rican freedom fighter Lolita Lebrón (1919 -2010)

August 6, 2010

This summer the world lost an incomparable female warrior whose courageous life and sacrifices for her people’s freedom will long be remembered and honored. Lolita Lebrón, who spent almost 26 years behind bars in U.S. prisons, died on August 1, 2010 at the age of 90, a hero whose total commitment to Puerto Rican self-determination never waivered. Read the rest of this entry »

quote of the week.

August 9, 2010 by queerartist

“This old queer will not assimilate, will not get married, will not fight in anyones wars, will not even say its all about equality, will not ever want to be just like mommy and daddy, will not accept anything that straight’s hand out, will not eat crumbs shaken off the masters’s table cloth, will not have a dog, a cat, a SUV, and 2 kids in the yard and will never put on the mask of “we are just like you.”

This queer will continue to believe in revolution until the day I die. I will not think its wonderful that corporations that rape the land, have sweat shops, are just so great when they really are big old capitalist pigs. I will oppose them and any Pride celebartion they they sponsor. I will not believe in pride but in liberation as I know pride is a way people excuse themselves, will not read or look at any blogs that support the demonrats or anything mainstream, will carry a long handle spoon when dealing with straights and leftists, will not play kiss kiss with liberals and will not even bother talking to people who do any of the above that I find distasteful.”  And I promise to stop sending e-mails to any of the folks who disagree with me as I know they just delete the announcements anyway. Boring fuckers”…  R. Nelson of AFQOTP

Gay Marriage: Progression or Digression?

August 7, 2010 by queerartist

The very lovable, QUEER writer Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, author of “That’s Revolting! Queer Strategies for Resisting Assimilation,” and many other books and the exciting blog Nobody Passes was on NPR’s show Tell Me More discussing, Gay Marriage: Progression or Digression?

Click on over to Mattilda’s blog and take a listen, Click HERE.  To check out Nobody Passes click HERE.

As always Mattilda thank you for saying what is needed to be said. You know we love you. Keep up the good fight.

Operation Save America.

August 7, 2010 by queerartist

Thanks to Frank for sending this around. Can you believe this? As Frank said, “This is the 1st time I’ve seen mysogyny, homophobia and islamophobia all tied together so blantantly.” Check out the full story, Angry Protesters Descend On Mosque, written by Daniel Tepfer staff writer for the Ct. Post. Mr. Tepfer begins his article by saying, 

“About a dozen right-wing Christians, carrying placards and yelling “Islam is a lie,” angrily confronted worshippers outside a Fairfield Avenue mosque Friday.

“Jesus hates Muslims,” they screamed at worshippers arriving at the Masjid An-Noor mosque to prepare for the holy week of Ramadan. One protester shoved a placard at a group of young children leaving the mosque. “Murderers,” he shouted.”

On DADT, queer enemies, no room to breath, war is a terrible thing.

August 7, 2010 by queerartist

Not every boy wants to kill. Not every girl either.

Not everyone wants to drop gay bombs, No bombs today, we say.  Bombs away, bombs away blow them all away. No not ever for many of us.

Blood on our hands we say NO!

Not all of us wish to serve in any manner shape or form in the imperialist army of Uncle Scam.

We dream no matter how differently of a new life, a new way, one that has no room for armies of any kind. One that has no pink bombs which kill just as dead as straight bombs. Read the rest of this entry »

Music Series: No No Keshagesh

August 4, 2010 by queerartist

No No Keshagesh

Buffy St. Marie 

I never saw so many business suits.
Never knew a dollar sign that looked so cute.
Never knew a junkie with a money Jones:
He’s singing, “Who’s selling Park Place. Who’s buying Boardwalk”?
These old men they make their dirty deals.
Go in the back room and see what they can steal.
Talk about your beautiful and spacious skies.
It’s about uranium; it’s about the water rights.
Put Mother Nature on a luncheon plate.
They cut her up and call it real estate.
Want all the resources and all of the land.
They make a war over it: Blow things up for it.
The reservation now is poverty row.
There’s something cooking and the lights are low.
Somebody’s trying to save our mother earth.
I’m gonna help them to save it,
To sing it and bring it Read the rest of this entry »

Mad? We are at our boiling point!

August 3, 2010 by queerartist

“It’s a longstanding gambit of politicians—especially Arizona politicians—to say it’s easy for an immigrant to cross into the United States. But it’s probably harder to cross into Arizona and stay here than ever. After border-security pushes in California and Texas redirected migrant traffic to Arizona, the feds beefed up defenses in border cities like Nogales, built parts of a border wall—and Barack Obama has ordered more than 500 National Guardsmen sent to the Arizona border on August 1. Those measures, in turn, have pushed the migrant traffic into remote desert, into the Altar Valley to the east or the sprawling Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation to the west. It’s telling that while the number of border crossers into Arizona has decreased in recent years due to the recession, the number of migrant deaths has gone up.”

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has blood on his hands but considering the above we can only say that America’s president, the liberals savior has his share too. He says and does one thing then sends troops to push the immigrants into their deaths. Read the rest of this entry »

Dream University

August 3, 2010 by queerartist

It’s too late this AM possibly for folks to jump in their cars and head into Boston for The Student Immigrant Movements DREAM University-Boston Campus being held on the State House Steps but this important work can not go un-noticed and must be supported by all of us who care about freedom, justice and equality. The event will be held today August 3 from 10:30-5PM and will feature a teach-in session on the Civil Rights Movement, on Latin American Studies, and US Intervention in Central America. There will be a graduation at the end of the sessions and a celebration and fundraiser to round out the day of classes. Read the rest of this entry »