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Reza Shahabi and Saeed Torabian arrested

Reza Shahabi
Saeed Torabian
Reza Shahabi
Saeed Torabian

Reza Shahabi and Saeed Torabian, two leading members of the Trade Union of the Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Company, have been arrested and are being held at unknown locations.

Reza Shahabi, a member of the Executive Committee and the Treasurer of the Vahed Bus Company union, was arrested on June 12 as he clocked in at work. Four security agents then took him to his home, where after a search they confiscated his computer.

Saeed Torabian, a member of the Executive Committee and the Public Relations Officer of the Vahed Bus Company union, was arrested at his home in Tehran on June 9.

Security agents also tried to arrest Habib Rezapoor, an active member of the Vahed Bus Company union, but he was not at home.

These arrests are part of a concerted effort by the Iranian to put pressure on all labour and human rights activists in the weeks leading up to the anniversary of the massive streets protests in Iran.

Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network
14 June 2010

For further news on Mansour Osanloo and the Vahed Bus Company drivers' struggles, and how you can help, see the special section.

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