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Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network

شبکه همبستگی کارگری

iranwsn @ fastmail.fm
Sponsored by: John McDonnell, MP
Handbook cover

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General shutdown in Iran’s Kurdish areas
Farzad Kamangar and three other Kurds executed!
Farzad Kamangar
Hamadan Rolling and Aluminium Industries

Stockholm: Picket in solidarity with Iranian workers

Stockholm 1

Statement on the plight of Iranian workers in the New Year

Madrid: Picket in solidarity with Iranian workers


London picket in defence of Iranian workers

London, 13 March 2010
Alireza Saghafi arrested by intelligence officers

Alireza Saghafi
Alireza Saghafi
Free the Mothers in Mourning!

Haft Tapeh public relations officer arrested

Reza Rakhshan
Reza Rakhshan

Mansour Osanloo sacked

Mansour Osanloo

Pedram Nasrollahi freed from capitalism’s prison

Pedram Nasrollahi

Comrade Farzad Ahmadi’s release from capitalism’s prison

Farzad Ahmadi

Free Pedram and Farzad now!

Pedram Nasrollahi
Farzad Ahmadi
Pedram Nasrollahi
Farzad Ahmadi
[Updated list of supporters: 4 Dec.]
Farzad Ahmadi arrested!

Farzad Ahmadi

Pedram Nasrollahi rearrested!

Pedram Nasrollahi

Abadan oil refinery workers protest against unpaid wages!
Haft Tapeh logo

Strike by over 1000 Haft Tapeh cane cutters ends in victory!
IWSN meeting in Madrid
Sanandaj bakers win pay rise!
Labour news from Kurdistan

Austrian speaking tour

Vienna 1

Haft Tapeh trade union leader sacked

Ali Nejati, Haft Tapeh union President
Haft Tapeh executive committee members sentenced
Crepe Naz workers go on strike
Wagon Pars workers stage sit-in over unpaid wages

Wagon Pars
Haft Tapeh logo

New protest by Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers
Vahed trade union activists’ dismissal sentences quashed
4000 brick kiln workers win pay rise after a 17-day strike
Boycott Nokia Siemens Networks for helping the Iranian regime
Copenhagen picket
Vienna picket
Mainz protest
London picket
Brussels picket
Vancouver picket

Iranian workers are not alone!

IWSN statement on the international day of action (26 June 2009)
Said Yuzi and Kaveh Mozafari (May Day detainees) released
Sanandaj Communication Office workers go on strike
Message of the Free Trade Union of Iranian Workers to Iranian workers
London and Newcastle pickets - details
Borhan Saidi, a labour and women’s rights activist, summoned to Sanandaj court

The election and workers’ organisations

Statement by the Tehran and Suburbs Vahed Bus Company Workers’ Trade Union on the 2009 presidential election.
Enthusiastic welcome for released May Day detainees
Nearly all women activists arrested on May Day in Tehran released
Hands off Shiva Sobhani!
Shiva Sobhani

The glorious strike of the Iran Khodro workers to get their unpaid wages and convert temporary contracts to permanent ones ends in victory

Iran Khodro assembly line

Free all May Day detainees now!
Five of the women activists arrested on May Day have finally been released
Over 80 workers and labour activists still under arrest since May Day gathering in Tehran
May Day in Sanandaj
May Day in Sanandaj - 1
Around 50 workers and labour activists arrested in Tehran on May Day
May Day in Tehran
National teachers' strike for wage parity with other government workers
Iran Aluminium in Sanandaj sacks a group of workers
Protests by sacked Ahvaz Pipe Manufacturing workers continue
A report from Tikoshin Plastics in Sanandaj
Pedram Nasrollahi has been freed!

Pedram 1


Three Kurdish labour activists jailed for defending workers

Nushab drinks factory workers go on strike
Pickets of Iranian embassies in solidarity with the Iranian workers
The IWSN handbook - out now!
Free Abbas Hakimzadeh! Free all political prisoners!
Abbas Hakimzadeh
Thousands of Esfahan Steel workers start symbolic food boycott
Second stage of attack on Amir Kabir University students has begun
Over 70 students arrested after clashes at Amir Kabir University
Two more labour activists flogged!
Labour activist Taha Azadi tried for “acting against national security”
Mohsen Hakimi free!
Two female labour activists flogged!
Countdown to the teachers' strike!
[Updated list of supporters: 22 Feb.]
An injury to one is an injury to all!

Condemnation of the killing of workers at the Mitsubishi plant in Venezuela
Free all political prisoners in Iran!
Zeynab Jalalian: Kurdish female activist sentenced to death

Zeynab Jalaliyan
Iran's Labour Code amendments: a double whammy aimed at workers' livelihoods
'Traditional' Christmas arrests of labour activists in Iran
Hundreds of thousands of Afghan workers banned from working in Iran
Free Farzad Kamangar now!

Around 800 Alborz Lastic workers protest outside the President's Office in Tehran
Iran Khodro workers demand an inflation-proof pay rise
Workers seize the machinery at Ashkan China factory

Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers elect their trade union's Steering Committee

Hundreds of Alborz Lastic workers protest in front of the Labour Ministry

Alborz workers

Alborz Lastic workers outside the Labour Ministry - 5 October 2008
Nine Vahed bus drivers sacked
Riot police bring Shiraz telecom workers' strike to an end
Flogging sentences passed against four labour activists in Sanandaj
Yaghoub Mehrnahad executed!
Kurdish teachers protest against Farzad Kamangar's death sentence
Twenty-one students arrested in five cities across Iran

Striking Alborz tyre workers set alight part of the factory

Alborz Lastic - April 2008
Alborz Lastic - April 2008
Supreme Court upholds Kurdish teacher's death sentence

Another Vahed bus drivers' leader arrested in Tehran
Over 8000 people protest in Mashhad against inflation and the government
Mansour Osanloo admitted to a coronary care unit
Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers form their own trade union
Almost 5000 students continue with their protest near Tehran
Over 1300 student protesters surrounded by security forces near Tehran
Statement by workers of Ahvaz Pipe Manufacturing Company
In the defence of the workers of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Plantation and Industrial Company ...
Kurdish teacher's death sentence confirmed
Let us prepare for general anti-capitalist united action
Statement by the Committee for re-launching the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company's trade union on running the factory and continuing production
Haft Tapeh
Kriegsrecht in Schusch und Massenverhaftungen in der Rohrzuckerfabrik Haft Tapeh (auf Deutsch)
Attack and arrest of twelve Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers
Effective martial law in Shush city and widespread arrest of Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers
Demonstration by Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers in Shush

The workers are shouting "Free jailed workers" and "Down with Saedi" (the MP for Shush)
Widespread support for Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers' protests from youth and shopkeepers
Sadra workers go on strike and cut off the shipyard's electricity
Privatisation wave stalks Iranian workers
Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers go on all-out strike
Over 3000 workers go on strike in Haft Tapeh!
Five Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company workers to appear in court

Esmail Jafari has now been freed!
Free Esmail Jafari!

Kurdish teacher facing execution
Firefighters ordered to douse Alborz Lastic tyre workers with boiling water!
Special forces bulldoze their way into Alborz Lastic and abduct 1000 workers
Sadra shipbuilding workers go on strike again
Mahmoud Salehi freed!

Mahmoud Salehi on hunger strike

Open letter to President Hugo Chavez from Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network

Carta abierta al presidente Hugo Chávez de la Red de Solidaridad con los Trabajadores Iraníes

Offener Brief der Netzwerks Iranische Arbeitersolidarität an Venezuela Staatspräsident Hugo Chávez

London 6 March 2008
International action day - 6 March 2008

On 6th March there were protests in defence of jailed Iranian trade unionists in around 40 countries.
Three labour activists lashed and fined - with eight more to follow!
auf Deutsch -  en español
Abolfazl Abdini Nasr freed
Journalist accused of "media support" for workers has been released from jail

Open letter to President Chavez from Iranian labour and student activists


Statement by the Co-operation Council of Labour Organisations and Activists
Freedom will come: the story of Mansour Osanloo

Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane workers in southern Iran go on strike

London picket in defence of Mansour Osanloo and Mahmood Salehi

Osanloo & Salehi picket
EDM 1846 submitted by John McDonnell on the general repression against labour activists and Mahmoud Salehi's situation
The new Iranian labour movement stands at a crucial turning point: with your support we can help it move forwards in restoring its previous gains.

Mexico City picket
Mexico City picket
Click to enlarge the image

Sign the campaign's petition
Rising Workers and Threats of War
By Andreas Malm and Shora Esmailian
Questions and comments on the book and the situation in Iran. From the book launch at Housemans Bookshop, London 06 March 2007.
Listen here >> Part 1 audio >> Part 2 audio
From Middle East Panorama on Resonance FM

More photos of the book launch.

Workers shut off Iran Sadra's Bushehr shipyard's gate
"We'll stay on strike until we achieve our goal"

May Day in Tehran

Job classification system comes into effect in Iran Khodro Company

The job classification system, one of the Iran Khodro workers' demands, has now been officially implemented. Its coming into effect raises the company's workers' wages by about 10 percent. More >>
Riot police on 28 Sep. 2006
International appeal for the release of all Vahed workers, their families, students and other supporters
We are launching an appeal for the release of everyone arrested by the security forces in Tehran. Here is a model letter that you can send to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Statement of the Trade Union of the Vahed Bus Company of Tehran and Suburbs

On behalf of the 17,000 workers of the Vahed Bus Company of Tehran we inform the workers' organisations of the world and all those who have been moved by the suppression of the most basic human rights, that today, 28 January, our widespread strike was confronted by the unprecedented attack of the agents of the Islamic Republic. More...

The regime is trying a variety of measures to suppress the new wave of trade union activity that has developed. More ...
Deutsch - Svenska - Español
Workers’ Action Committee and Iranian Workers’ Solidarity Network statement
On the verdicts on Salehi, Hosseini, Tanoomand and Khodkam

The English language site of 'The workers of Iran are not alone' campaign - including the latest reports from Sweden, Spain and Pakistan.
The workers of Iran are not alone!
A solidarity campaign involving pickets, meeting, signature collection and fundraising.
The statement and latest signatures: English, Swedish, German, French, Spanish, Dutch and Italian.
I demand the immediate release of my husband, Borhan Divangar!
Borhan Divangar's wife's letter to Guy Ryder, the General Secretary of the ICFTU; Amnesty International and all trade unions and human rights organisations
Dismissals of 17 trade unionists at Vahed Bus Company
Letter of Guy Ryder, the General Secretary of the ICFTU, to Khatami

Letter of Iran Khodro car workers to the ILO
A group of Iran Khodro car workers have added their voice to the protest against the presence of Hassan Sadeghi and Parviz Ahmadi Panjaki at the ILO annual conference

Picket against the presence of Hassan Sadeghi and Parviz Ahmadi Panjaki at the ILO annual conference on 14 June
We call on labour rights activists to support the picket outside the ILO annual conference on 14 June
Independent labour organisations' protest letter against ILO recognition of official 'union' delegation
Letter to the ILO Director-General by four independent labour organisations in Iran

'Labour House' hands off Iranian workers

By an activist of Workers' Action Committee
Support the Sanandaj textile workers' strike!
Textile workers in Kurdistan bring production to a standstill
In French:
Grève dans le Kurdistan
Convergences Révolutionnaires, Numéro 37, janvier-février 2005
Support the Sanandaj textile workers' strike!
Textile workers in Kurdistan bring production to a standstill
In Spanish:
Stop the Saghez activists’ sham trial!
Monday 20 September
Pakistan, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece and England.

Leading British trade unionists support Saghez workers

Pickets against the sham trial of the Saghez activists in three continents
Monday 20 September (marxist.com site)
Pakistan, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece and England.
Workers' Action Committee
WAC logo
Launch statement of a recently formed workers' united action bloc in Iran.
Also available as a formatted PDF.
Support letters and messages for the workers and activists arrested in Saghez
(7 May 2004)
Support from Germany, Italy, the US, Austria, Belgium, Greece, Spain and France
We condemn the sacking of Iran Khodro workers
Leaflet produced in Iran condemning the sacking of 16 workers in the Khodro car factory. (February, 2004)

This campaign has been launched to highlight the plight of Iranian workers and to raise solidarity with their struggles against the oppressive Islamic regime. Its initial sponsors are Jeremy Dear (General Secretary of the National Union of Journalists) in Britain, and Ahmed Manzoor, the President of the Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign and a member of Parliament in Pakistan.

Model resolution on Iran's labour conditions and support for IWSN
Information sheet for trade union activists
Sponsors and supporters

Last updated: August 17, 2010

Hakimi and Salehi

Saghez campaign

Open letter to President Hugo Chavez from IWSN

Chavez & Khatami
This letter was first published on the Hands Off Venezuela website.