Last updated: August 25, 2010

Weather: Sydney 9°C - 18°C . Mostly sunny.

Some tuna, milk and a bite of crackers

THIRTY-THREE miners trapped 700 metres underground stretch two-day food supply to survive.

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Plane crashes over runway, killing 42

A PASSENGER plane overshot a runway on landing in northeast China, injuring at least 47 people.

Police admit deadly bus hostage blunders

Bus hijacking

PHILIPPINE authorities concede mistakes were made ending bus hijacking amid outrage over incident which left eight tourists dead.

Baby shot dead, man and boy beheaded

A SIX-month-old baby has died after being shot in the head by hitmen in northern Mexico.

Boy, 3, Tasered during arrest attempt

BOY accidentally shocked after officer used Taser on wanted man who was in car with toddler.

Digger killed in three-hour firefight


SOLDIER, 28, dies during a battle with Taliban insurgents, leaving a wife and young family behind.

122 comments on this story

Seven children die in wall collapse

AT least seven children have been killed by a school wall collapse in torrential rains, police say.

Taliban 'boosted by US withdrawal date'

PRESIDENT Barack Obama's July 2011 deadline to start withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan has given Taliban insurgents hope they can prevail in the war, a US Marine Commandant says.

Plane crashes over runway killing 42

A PASSENGER plane overshot a runway on landing in northeast China, killing 42 people.

UK girl, 7, cycles 965km across America

SEVEN-year-old girl embarks on challenge with family to raise money for a cancer charity.

Woman who binned cat named and shamed

Dumped cat

POLICE standing guard outside woman's home as her mother says she's an animal lover.

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Arrests after girl, 5, found weighing 71kg

abuse parents

PARENTS charged with abuse after girl and her little sister found living in filthy, bug-infested house.

Schoolgirls fined for spying on teachers

SWEDISH pupils caught bugging their teachers' staff room in a bid to get better grades.

South Korea detects troop deployment

SOUTH Korea has detected a "massive" deployment of North Korean troops and arms near the capital Pyongyang.

29 killed in al-Qaeda inspired attack

AT least 29 Somali civilians have been killed in fighting between insurgents and government troops backed by African Union forces in Mogadishu, medics say.

Businessman murdered in stairwell shooting

A RUSSIAN businessman was murdered in a daytime shooting in the stairwell of his apartment building in central Moscow, the RIA Novosti news agency has reported, citing police.

Plane crashes with 15 on board

A SMALL plane heading for the Everest region with 15 people on board, including four Americans and one Japanese, crashed in bad weather near the Nepalese capital today, the home ministry said.

Baby's head nearly severed in stabbing


WOMAN allegedly stabbed her grandson 17 times before telling police she wanted "all to die".

200 women, babies raped near UN base

UN peacekeeper

BRUTAL spree of systematic raping and looting the latest horror to emerge from war-torn Congo.

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Woman charged extra $5 for being fat

Fat lady

A NAIL salon has charged a woman extra because she was fat and could damage their chairs.

20 comments on this story

Afghanistan honour roll

Afghanistan honour roll

IMAGES of the Australian soldiers to have been killed in combat against Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan.

Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize 2010

Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize

The winners and finalists in this year's Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize


White pointer sharks

SHARK sightings have increased along the NSW coast, particularly at popular swimming beaches. Check out these photos of the deadly predators...

Fabuleux Cercueils


THE "Fabuleux cercueils" (Fabulous coffins) exhibition in Besancon, eastern France, features 30 interesting coffins from Ghana and the Unite...

Sydney International Boat Show 2010

Sydney Internationla Boat Show 2010

Highlights from the marina and the exhibition halls at the 43rd Sydney International Boat Show

Discovered Ansel Adams

Ansel Adams

American Rick Norsigian bought a cache of old glass negatives from a garage sale for $US45. They have turned out to be the work of iconic ph...


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GFC staff cuts come back to bite - survey

Office worker

BUSINESSES may have cut into muscle when trimming the fat with staff redundancies during the GFC.

Childcare fees may rise up to $35 a day


WORKING parents are paying up to 10pc of their income on childcare -- and could face a further hit.

Tiger Airways jet flew with faulty wing

Tiger Airways

INVESTIGATORS reveal jet flew for eight months with faulty wing and was only reported after Airbus carrying 125 began to shake.