Last updated: August 25, 2010

Weather: Sydney 9°C - 18°C . Mostly sunny.

CIA to be next controversy for WikiLeaks

Aus Bus Pix Julian Assange of WikiLeaks

WHISTLEBLOWER website WikiLeaks announces it will release a "CIA paper" today.

New solar system has up to seven planets

Solar System

ASTRONOMERS find largest known star system outside our own, holding at least five Neptune-sized planets.

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Water the key to weight loss - scientists


A NEW study suggest the true secret to losing weight has been under our noses all the time.

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Maths the secret to perfect love

Marilyn Monroe

THEY say it isn't sexy but apparently it does determine sexual attraction within milliseconds for men.

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Wednesday, 25 August

Secret shuttle performs disappearing trick

X-37B Boeing

SKYWATCHERS say secret US space plane's disappearance is another clue to its true function.

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Scientists find star system with planets

EUROPEAN astronomers say they have discovered a star system containing at least five Neptune-like planets.

Tuesday, 24 August

Hi-tech trash cans to dob in recycling slobs

Rubbish bin

DOES your partner nag you to do the recycling? One day your trash can could chime in too.

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Sky's the limit for Denmark's rocketeers

Copenhagen Suborbitals

ENGINEERS to launch home-built rocket, along with a passenger, over 100km into space.

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Was malware behind Spanair plane crash?


PLANE crash that killed 154 could have been connected to malware infection on ground safety system.

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Wikileaks warned of 'dirty tricks'

Julian Assange

Australian intelligence services warned WikiLeaks of "dirty tricks" before an arrest warrant for founder Julian Assange was issued and then withdrawn.

Your Little Black Dress is on the line

IT'S the fashion dilemma of the millennium - how accessorise your perfect Little Black Dress with your smartphone.

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Halo: Reach ending posted by hackers

Halo: Reach

MICROSOFT "angry" after some very brave hackers post the spoiler of the year on YouTube.

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That's a heavenly body - what's it weigh?


A TEAM of Australian scientists has solved an age-old problem of how to accurately weigh planets.

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Monday, 23 August

Nebula snapped with mysterious light halo

Space ghosts

HUBBLE takes photo of nebula in
its spare time, but astronomers wonder where halo comes from.

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World's fastest texting record smashed


A 27-year-old woman is the fastest texter in the West, setting a new record with a rather odd sentence.

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Scientists near Ebola drug breakthrough

US scientists say they've cleared a key hurdle in the quest for a drug to treat Ebola, a notorious African virus and feared future weapon of bioterrorism.

Sunday, 22 August

Robot suits to aid older Japanese farmers

Power-assist suits

MANUAL labour is becoming difficult for Japan's aging farmers, prompting a Tokyo professor to devise a high-tech solution.

Google 'testing search-as-you-type function'

GOOGLE is testing a new feature that will begin displaying search results before users finish typing their queries, technology blog Mashable reports.

Kashmir part of Pakistan on Google map

INDIA'S Government urged internet giant Google to correct its depiction of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir as part of Pakistan.

Friday, 20 August

Legohacker turns Star Wars into Star Trek


THEY don't sell Star Trek ships made out of Lego, and one 12- year-old isn't taking it lying down.

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Teacher loses job over Facebook posts

A TEACHER forced to resign after calling her students "germ bags" on Facebook admits what she did was stupid, but won't apologise.

Medal of Honour lets you fight for Taliban

Medal of Honor

EVER wanted to know how it feels to ambush and kill a US soldier?

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Critics have come out in droves to claim this amazing whale picture was Photoshopped. But is it so easy to spot a fake?
BP disaster - doctoring pics | Dolphins watch TV |


Slim pickings

Mini Laptops

Mobile geeks don't need to choose between laptops that are stocky or slow - a new generation is slim and slick.

iPhone accessories

iPhone MacLove Stand

Apple's new iPhone4 is finally in Australian hands and its accessories have never been so important.

Pump up the volume

Switched On

If it's good vibrations you are after these latest advances in sound may be the way to go.

World at your feat

LittleBigPlanet 2

THE sky will be the limit for budding game designers in LittleBigPlanet 2.

Technology Pictures

Best of the Indie Games Festival

Indie games on show

YOUNG gamers enjoy a selection of winners and finalists from the Independent Games Festival.

Amazing Insects up close


They look like something from a science fiction film, but they live in your home. Amazing images of common insects

Australian Museum Eureka Prize 2010

Australian Museum Eureka Prize

Some of the best entries in the 2010 New Scientist Australian Museum's Eureka Prize for Science Photography.

Nine ways augmented reality can help you

Augmented reality thumbnail

Whether it's for productive uses, or just to make work that little bit more bearable, augmented reality offers a stack of possibilities for ...

WISE - Shooting the sky

Red Swirl WISE

NASA's project to photograph the sky completes its first run, with the WISE telescope sending back images collated from more than 1.3 millio...

Great Lego Re-Inventions

Lego Printer

Check out these re-inventions of common machinery. Built using Lego and ingenuity.


Australian IT

NBN wins regional backing

THE National Broadband Network would be superior for regional students to the Coalition's solution, says innovation review chairman Terry Cutler.