Canada's National Focal Point
for the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

Wecome to the web site of the National Focal Point for the GSPC.

This web site is an information resource and networking tool in support of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in Canada, a set of targets and recommendations at the international level to help halt the loss of plant species world wide.

The Global Strategy for Plant Conservation was adopted in 2002 as part of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

In 2006, Environment Canada's Biodiversity Convention Office designated Royal Botanical Gardens as the National Focal Point for the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in Canada. This web site and related functions of the National Focal Point are facilitated through a Memorandum of Understanding, with the participation of the Canadian Botanical Conservation Network.

Progress toward the GSPC is also supported by the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation, a group of international organizations cooperating to help the global community achieve the 16 targets of the GSPC.

2010 Consultation on the National Response to the GSPC

Download a copy of the National Response and feedback form prepared for the 2010 Canadian Botanical Assocation meeting's GSPC Symposium on 4 June 2010:

Download our brochure on the GSPC in Canada (PDF File)

Action Plans linked to the GSPC:

More about the GSPC:

You can help! We have an on-line tool for submitting information about plant conservation in Canada, by taking a quick on-line survey. The survey is intended to gather observations and ideas on each of the 16 global targets of the GSPC. Please visit the link below and provide us with your feedback.

Questions about the GSPC can be forwarded to:

GSPC National Focal Point
Royal Botanical Gardens
P.O. Box 399
Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3H8

or by email to Dr. David Galbraith at Royal Botanical Gardens.

Web Site and Links Directory:

The 16 GSPC Targets

On-Line Information Submission

Notifications and Requests

Progress toward the GSPC

Links to GSPC-Related Documents

Global Partnership for Plant Conservation

Other GSPC National Focal Points

Return to CBCN's Web Site

Go to the Web site of the Convention on Biological Diversity

GSPC Brochure

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Web Site Hosted by Royal Botanical Gardens with Support from Environment Canada