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Three Column Theme

Well, here is my first go at a public Word Press theme. It is nothing fancy, but if you want a simple three column layout, then this could be the one for you. I looked through all of the different Word Press themes out there and none of them were a simple 3 column starting point that was easy to modify. Hopfully, you will find this useful. Let me know if you make any changes that you think I should integrate into the Three Column Theme.

Here is a pretty bad screenshot of the three column layout:
Three Column Theme screen shot

You can see a working copy of the Three Column Theme at The Blog Party. That is a project that I should get to in about 2009.

ALSO, you can get the three column theme you see on this site, called Adsense Ready.


Here is the link to Download the Three Column Theme.

Update Me

I almost forgot to mention, if you find the three column theme useful, please let me know (leave a comment here) on where you are using the three column theme so I can link to your site allowing people to see what you have done with it. Thanks.


I just put together a pimp 3 column theme for Green Hat SEO. You can download this new three column theme over there.