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Archive for January, 2006

Google 728×90 Ad Layout

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

Placing images over or to the sides of your Adsense ads is a great way to help CTR. Of course, you will have to mind the Adsense TOS, but I know that this is something Adsense account executives recommend (and even create) for their clients. So, here are the left boundary start points for a [...]

Great Privacy Read

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

I just came across a great primer on internet privacy as well as some other great articles at Adam Fields’ blog. If you are wondering what the big hubub about Google, Yahoo, and MSN Search being asked for their search logs was all about, give Adam’s blog a read. It is chock full of good [...]

Google Moves into Pay Per View

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

Just read over at the Google blog that the Google Video team is making their move into Pay Per View video. You missed cry baby Kobe score 81 points the other night? No worries, you can watch the Lakers vs. Raptors game on demand…you just have to pony up $3.95. Who said content wasn’t king?

Matt Cutts is Going on the “Radio”

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

Just read over at Greg Boser’s blog that Matt Cutts will be appearing on the internet radio show “SEO Rockstars” this coming Tuesday at 4pm. I have listened to the show a couple of times, but I will probably make a point to listen to this one. I believe they are available after-the-fact as a [...]

Carroll Shelby Says Pimp My Ride!

Wednesday, January 25th, 2006

Ok, if you know me, then you know that I like the cars. I just got an email from a friend of mine…actually, it was forwarded from his wife…but, that is a story for another day. If you like cars or even if you don’t, you need to check out what the West Coast Customs [...]

Yahoo! Search Team Responds

Wednesday, January 25th, 2006

I have been losing respect for the reporter on the street more and more these days. I am not sure if it is me getting older and actually listening to the things that they say and the “facts” that they report, but I find that they mis-report (read: make stuff up) facts and news very [...]

Google is OK With *Some* Evil Now?

Friday, January 20th, 2006

I was just reading a post on “some other” blog and it prompted me to search the Google website for “no evil.” As far as I can remember, Google used to publish, on their website, that they would do no evil. Clearly that has changed, as I cannot find anyplace on or that [...]

Feed Subscription Button Maker

Friday, January 20th, 2006

Just noticed a really cool feed subscription button maker that fellow DP’er TwisterMc has put together. If you can find a subscription that TwisterMc has not covered in this cool little tool, then you probably win some kind of prize. If you use WordPress like most of us do over there, then you get some [...]

Feds Seek Google Search Logs

Thursday, January 19th, 2006

“Interesting” news this morning from the Mercury News: Feds After Google Data. Apparently the Bush administration asked a Federal judge to order Google to hand over a broad range of material from their databases. The move is reported to be an attempt by the Bush administration to revive an internet child protection law that was [...]

Amazon AWS is Down

Thursday, January 19th, 2006

Looks like Amazon is having a major AWS outtage this morning. I started to work on promoting a particular product this morning and all calls to Amazon’s AWS system returned no results due to an error message. Checking the AWS forums shows that I am not alone.