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GERMANY - 18 May 2010

Date Set for Appeal in German Union-Naming Ban

FAU Demonstrator in front of Babylon Cineman (photo: O. Wolters) On June 10th, 2010, Berlin's Higher Regional Court will decide if the Free Workers' Union (FAU) Berlin may once more call itself a union. The circumstances under which this ban came about are both absurd and indicative of the state of labor rights in Germany.

Oaxaca : Paramilitaries Attack Caravan Headed to Oaxacan Autonomous Town - 30 Apr 2010

Oaxaca: Paramilitaries Ambush International Aid Caravan, Two Dead

San Juan Copala, Oaxaca - On April 27th at about 2:50pm, people believed to be paramilitaries affiliated with the ruling party of Oaxaca ambushed an international aid caravan en route to San Juan Copala. Two people were killed in the armed attack.

The caravan was carrying food, water, and other basic necessities to San Juan Copala, which has been subject to a paramilitary blockade that has prevented anyone from entering or leaving the community since January. In addition to carrying much-needed supplies, the caravan was meant to accompany teachers who were returning to classes after paramilitaries denied them access to the community nearly five months ago. The caravan included representatives from the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), Section 22 of the teachers union, the Center for Community Support Working Together (CACTUS), Oaxacan Voices Constructing Autonomy and Liberty (VOCAL), two reporters from the Mexican magazine Contralinea, and international observers from Belgium, Finland, Italy, and Germany.

Read more | Paramilitary Attack Leaves Two Dead and Three Disappeared in Oaxaca
Spanish: Indymedia México | CMI Chiapas | Kaos en la Red
English: El Enemigo Común | My Word is My Weapon
French : Indymedia Bruxelles | CSPCL

PUERTO RICO - 30 Apr 2010

UPR: Huelga Indefinida

Huelga UPR Strike in the University of Puerto Rico

Los estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras declararon un Paro de 48 horas del 21 al 23 de abril el cual culminó en una huelga indefinida hasta que se llegue a un acuerdo con la administración y la junta de síndicos.

En este video vemos los problemas que reclaman los estudiantes y las soluciones que ofrecen. También vemos como están organizándose como un fuerte movimiento estudiantil y social.

Ver video

Más videos- 6to día de Huelga | 5to día de Huelga | 4to día de Huelga | 3er día de Huelga


Mothers Protest Family Separation, De-Valuing of Caring Work

On Saturday, March 13, mothers and those who depend on them held simultaneous protests in ten cities around the world in honor of the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day. Called by the Global Women’s Strike, the events united under the call to “Invest in Caring, Not Killing,” beginning with payment for the first carers: mothers. Marchers also demanded resources for family reunification and protested the mistreatment of undocumented domestic laborers.

In Guyana, coastal women of African, Indian and Mixed descent travelled to the interior to join with their Indigenous sisters demanding clean potable water, electricity, housing, money for carers, protective rape law, and an end to racial and domestic violence. This historic unity was front page news in the national papers.

In India, Tribal and Dalit women from rural Chhattisgard assembled to demand equal rights to land and property; ration cards for mothers below the poverty line; higher pensions for single, widowed and divorced women; and compensation for mothers and children released from bonded labour.

In Los Angeles, about 150 people led by women and Aztec dancers marched to the Department of Children and Family Services to protest children being unjustly taken from their mothers because of racism, poverty and other discrimination. A similar protest was held in Philadelphia — due to heavy rains the group gathered inside the Arch Street United Methodist Church to dialogue and view a preview of the documentary, “DHS: Give Us Back Our Children!” produced in cooperation with the Scribe Video Center Community Visions Project.

Events also took place in Haiti, Mexico, Peru, Turkey and Venezuela, as well as in the Strike headquarters in London.

The Strike began working to revive International Women's Day in 2000. Their webpage explains: "We all know that the survival of the human race depends on the caring work of mothers. Mothers have the longest working day and the lowest incomes. On top of caring we’re expected to work for the lowest pay to feed our families. We get no recognition or support, only blame when things go wrong. And in times of wars or even ‘peace’, mothers are to the most dedicated campaigners for justice for our loved ones – an extension of our caring work."

Global Roundup from | | | Isata Denton Ceesay and Selma James speak on "Why a Mother's March?" | | | More IWD Coverage: Ashland, Oregon | Manila, Philippines | Northern UK | | | Past Coverage of IWD: Past Coverage of IWD: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Belgium : Global War | Bombspotting - 02 Mar 2010

European Day of Action to Ban Nuclear Weapons

2010 is a crucial year for nuclear disarmament. On the military base of Kleine Brogel (Belgium), there are estimated to be around 20 NATO nuclear weapons. Belgian pilotes are trained to use them. If we ever want to get rid of those nuclear weapons, the Belgian government has to take initiatives now. It's now or never. We aren't a part of the negociations, but we can make sure that the illegal nuclear weapon strategy doesn't go on undisturbed.

April 3rd will be a European Day of Action to ban nuclear weapons. Mass actions will take place at every European NATO nuclear weapons base in Germany, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Belgium.

Recent actions by the bombspotters activists : Bomspotters defy militaries of air force base Kleine Brogel | Torturés par des soldats belges dans une base de l'OTAN au coeur de l'Europe[fr]

Coast Salish Territories (BC, CANADA): OLYMPIC RESISTANCE - 10 Feb 2010

Activists getting ready for Vancouver 2010 Olympic games

In the shadow of the largest internal security operation in Canadian history, activists prepare to expose the truth about colonial politics.

From February 12-28 2010 Vancouver & Whistler will be host to the 2010 Winter Olympics and local activists are calling for a anti-olympic convergence to dispel the spectacle of the games. Vancouver is located in the province of British Colombia, Canada, on the traditional land of the Coast-Salish indigenous communities. This land was never legally ceded to the colony of British Colombia and no treaty exists between native communities and the government of Canada. This fact hasn't stopped the government from allowing the development of large settlements, such as the city of Vancouver itself with it's population of well over 1 million, nor the huge resource extracting industries that come with it. For this reason Indigenous rights activists are demanding "No Olympics on Stolen Native Land."

No Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics On Stolen Native Land | Olympic Resistance Network (ORN)


Coverage of Haiti Solidarity Efforts

February 2, New York City: A delegation from the December 12th Movement and the Friday Haiti Relief Coalition departed from Kennedy Airport destined for Haiti on Monday morning. In the wake of the tremendous earthquake that shook the island nation, Black people throughout New York came together to begin their contribution to the relief process. More from NYC IMC: Pan African Unity Triumph! Black New Yorkers Deliver for Haiti

January 26, Houston: Sister Mawiyah was in Haiti when the earthquake hit on January 12. She has been doing missionary work there for the last 23 years and made it her home for the last five years. The name of her organization is Haitian American Ministries. Bro. Kofi had been notifying us that she was missing during the earthquake and was not responding. But around 2:00am on the morning of January 14, he received a text message from her that confirmed she was alive in the midst of thousands being found dead. I am still very traumatized from seeing that many dead bodies. Stories from Haiti.

January 23, Los Angeles: Despite the heavy rain, 24 people took part in an emergency vigil for Haiti at the Downtown Federal Building, Thursday eve, Jan 21. The vigil's purpose was asking people "to donate money to go to grassroots women and their families, and therefore communities, rather than to thieving elites and their corrupt NGOs." One very dedicated participant had been waiting for us since noon when the weekly vigil for Haiti usually takes place. Emergency Vigil in Support of Haiti

IMC-US Coverage Roundups: Feb8 | Jan25 | Jan15 | | Indybay Roundup | | Houston Roundup | | Ongoing coverage from Media Hacker

Support: Haiti Action Relief Fund | Partners in Health | Pastors for Peace | Grassroots International | NAMA


Escalating violence against anti-mining campaigners

Escalating violence against anti-mining capmpaigners in Cabanas, El Salvador On 26th December, Dora Alicia Recinos Sorto became the third victim of a wave of violence against environmental campaigners in the Cabañas Region of El Salvador, where community members are protesting against the re-opening of a Gold Mine by Canadian Company Pacific Rim.

Dora Alicia was a member of the Cabañas Environmental Committee, and had been active in opposing the mine. She was eight months pregnant when she was shot dead, and her two year old son was also wounded in the attack.

Her murder comes six days after the fatal shooting of Ramiro Rivera Gomez, Vice President of the Cabañas Environmental Committee, who had survived being shot eight times in August this year. In June, another environmental campaigner, Gustavo Marcelo Rivera Moreno, had been tortured and killed. Many other members of the community have received death threats, including youth workers and journalists for the local community radio station Radio Victoria, and the local priest Father Luis Quintanilla narrowly escaped an attempted kidnapping.

In Mexico, Mariano Abarca Roblero campaigned against the environmentally destructive open-pit Barium mine Blackfire, a World Bank project. He was shot to death on the evening of November 27, 2009, in front of his house in Chicomuselo, Chiapas.

[ full report | Amnesty International Campaign | UpsideDown World 1, 2, 3 | cispes | Share - El Salvador | Waves of Change | Chiapas Anti-Mining Organiser Murdered | Germany Indymedia ]

Community Radios, Independent Media, Indigenous Rights - 01 Jan 2010

Radio Ñomndaa celebrates its Fifth Anniversary: the Word of the Water flows in music, solidarity ties and new proposals

Last December 20, Radio Ñomndaa, the Word of the Water, celebrated its fifth birthday. It's the first community radio in the state of Guerrero and the only one in the Ñomndaa language. It has thousands of listeners in the Amuzga communities, and for many of them it's the first time in their life they've been able to listen to music and news in their own language. Ever since it got started, Radio Ñomndaa has been under attack from the federal, state, and especially the local government of a powerful cacique. These attacks include beatings, arrests, and the entry of the AFI militarized police into the radio station. The varied programming is oriented towards strengthening the community to allow it to take part in the construction of a new society.

Puerto Rico: LABOR & TOURISM - 20 Dec 2009

Major Hotel Strike is Imminent in Puerto Rico

Hotel workers in Puerto Rico are prepared to strike at three hotels: the Conrad Condado Plaza Hilton Hotel, the Caribe Hilton Hotel, and the El San Juan Hilton Hotel & Casino.

Though negotiations between the workers and the Hilton Corporation are expected to continue, a strike is considered imminent. Major disruptions in most services would occur as the strike would involve more than 1,100 employees, including those in housekeeping, restaurants, kitchen, bars, room service, banquets, front desk, bell and door staff, swimming pool, telephone, maintenance, croupiers and slot cashiers. All the beaches of Puerto Rico are, by law, open to the public, and for the duration of the strike, the beaches adjacent to the hotels will be occupied by striking workers and hundreds of their friends and supporters.

Full Report from Newswire: Puerto Rico Hotel Strike | Huelga en Hoteles de Puerto Rico |

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