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Wed July 21, 2010
Source     Fark Headline Comments
(People Magazine) Followup [Showbiz] L.A. Sheriff's office fearful they can't hold Lindsay Lohan over 14 days before her STD's mutate enough to put everyone else in prison system at risk despite her being held in isolation  (people.com) (9)
(Some Guy) Followup [Showbiz] Lindsay Lohan's first meal behind bars will be Turkey Tetrazzini. Thanks for that update there Lou  (monstersandcritics.com) (48)
(Some Fridge) Followup [Sports] Chicago Bears have added a fourth quarterback to their roster. While inexperienced, it's assumed that Bears fans will see him as the next great hope and lash out in disappointment when he starts in September  (chicagobreakingsports.com) (31)
(CBC) Followup [Sports] Deal with the Devil rejected by Satan..., er Gary Bettman  (cbc.ca) (60)

Tue July 20, 2010
(Examiner) Followup [Showbiz] That whole "NBC not airing Conan's potential Emmy win" thing? Well, it appears that this isn't entirely NBC's fault. Jay Leno, "The Marriage Ref", and "Medium" still NBC's fault, however  (examiner.com) (26)
(Baltimore Sun) Followup [Main] Baltimore police say they can't focus on more than one crime at a time. Baltimore citizens claim it's not even that many  (baltimoresun.com) (32)
(Some Venkman) Followup [Showbiz] Bill Murray reveals that Ghostbusters 3 seems to have been put in the isolation chamber. Walter Peck smiles triumphantly  (digitalspy.com) (54)
(MSNBC) Followup [Sports] Kovalchuk finally signs 17 year $102 million contract with NJ Devils. The money radically decreases in year 17 to $500,000 plus driving the zamboni  (nbcsports.msnbc.com) (69)
(CBS News) Followup [Main] Remember that EMT on break that couldn't be bothered to help a dying woman? Karma is a biatch  (cbsnews.com) (239)

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