

Science Creates New Technological Frontiers!

Cryonics For Dummies!

The Science of TV Broadcasting

Informed Used Vehicle Shopping

The Smart Grid

Reliable Financial Broadcasting

The Benefits of Satellite TV

The Science Behind Internet Calls

Helping Kids Learn through Plastic Science Kits

The Applications of Science and Communication

Science articles, reviews and in depth guides.

Cryonics For Dummies!

For centuries man has fought death by trying to find the means to stay alive forever. Immortality has always fascinated and allured us like nothing else has. Woody Allen once said, 'I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve it by not dying!'

We may not have been able to get our hands on the magical elixir of life, but science has certainly progressed in leaps and bounds. Through research in the field of cryonics we have now arrived at a stage where the human body can be preserved in extremely cold temperatures without it decaying.

The idea of preserving one's body til science finds a way to revive it is conceivable, if somewhat out there. Of course, not everyone believes in keeping their dead body in a Scientific freezer lab for centuries, which is why using Cryonics to achieve immortality is not exactly a common practice; even among those who could afford such a service! (more...)

The Science of TV Broadcasting

Television has become a quintessential part of modern life. It is at the heart of most homes and is a vital part of leisure time. How do programmes reach our TVs and how exactly is TV broadcast? Read on for a simple explanation.

There are different ways in which TV signals can be broadcast. Cable TV is when data reaches the TV receiver through an actual cable. Satellite TV is when a satellite signal is received directly by the TV set. Some satellite frequencies are free to receive and can be received by any TV set.

Paid satellite TV services are those which are transmitted on special frequencies. There are many satellite TV services, many of which also provide content in High Definition. A simple internet search should enable you to find the Cheapest Satellite TV Service . (more...)

Informed Used Vehicle Shopping

Everyday, thousands of second hand cars are sold all over the UK. While these are usually a good deal cheaper than vehicles driven straight off the showroom floor, buying a used car is a business that is fraught with potential pitfalls.

Science based consumer studies show that the majority of second hand cars fall short of expectations. Invariably, it appears, something goes wrong with the vehicle, sometimes almost directly after purchase and on many occasions it falls within the dealer's responsibility to fix such faults.

Unfortunately, drivers rarely manage to assert their rights in these instances and often they end up forking out themselves. In light of this, it is clear that prospective buyers need to go into the showroom prepared. Since so many Used Vans seem to be profoundly unreliable, customers have positively to arm themselves with consumer advice. (more...)

The Smart Grid

A Smart Grid is an intelligent electricity network. Unlike the older, ordinary grid system, the Smart Grid monitors and can respond to changes in the outflow of electricity. This means that the provider is able to calibrate the consumption of electricity in the grid in order to achieve economical and eco-friendly ends.

Monitors located in the transmission, distribution and consumption elements across the grid send information from electricity users back to the source which then responds by either reducing or increasing power to the area. Significantly, alternative or 'green' power sources can be integrated into the system in order to compensate for conventional appliances which might be disabled in the interest of load shedding.

A good communications infrastructure is indispensable to the successful operation of any Smart Grid. It is the capacity to send signals back and forth across the grid that renders the system so intelligent, sensitive and adaptable. Smart Grid Communications thus need to be well-made, resilient and enduring. (more...)

Reliable Financial Broadcasting

In today's difficult financial climate, everybody is keen to hear about changes in the economy. More people than ever tune into radio and TV shows which dissect money matters, and the state of the stock market is constantly splashed across newspaper headlines.

Made nervous by the recent recession, people want to know whether living costs will go up or down, whether car payments can be made and, perhaps most importantly, whether or not mass redundancy is on the cards yet again. Looking to the media, citizens across the world are asking for information about the economy and recently aspersions have been cast on the stories they are given.

In the last few years, there have been countless accusations levelled at big media companies claiming that financial broadcasters cover up more than they reveal. According to critics, the Real Economic News remains out of reach of the public, and further, such commentators tell us, this withholding of crucial information will compound future problems with the economy. (more...)

The Benefits of Satellite TV

Television has become the mass entertainment medium of the century. With HD TV channels, a wide range of viewing material and some of history's most masterful comedy and drama series in production today, fewer people are heading out to the cinema to get their fantasy fix.

Undoubtedly, digital satellite television providers offer viewers the best variety of magazine, documentary and entertainment shows. Local channels are, by comparison, limited and so TV addicts should invest in a dish and decoder to expand their viewing possibilities.

Harnessing 'space age technology' which has been refined over the years since its inception in 1963, satellite television offers viewers the best quality viewing experience available today. Communications satellites orbiting the earth send signals down to your home receiver dish. This then relays the information to the decoder or box-top set. From here the signal is transformed into pictures on the screen and, relative to other modes of TV service delivery, these are clear and well-defined. (more...)

Science Creates New Technological Frontiers!

Science has progressed rapidly over the past century. It all began with the industrial revolution and there was no looking back after that! Today, the world has practically gone online. Accessing and transferring information has become possible in a matter of seconds.

The internet is like a giant web connecting computers all over the world. While the computers are not actually connected to each other, they are connected through the World Wide Web. While the internet is available to all, an intranet is a closed web and only accessible to those within the loop.

Most institutions, corporations and agencies make use of intranet to connect their systems. This can result in a faster and more convenient flow of information. The intranet can also be between various buildings away from each other. There are several metro ethernet providers that can set up intranet connections between branches or campuses or buildings. (more...)

The Science Behind Internet Calls

The internet has totally transformed the world. It has pervaded most factors of human life in most places on earth and it continues to open the door to countless new possibilities. Communication has been vitally affected by the internet. Let's look at the science of making internet calls.

Internet based calls are the technology of today. The science behind it is simple. Internet calls make use of an internet connection to send digital signals. These signals are nothing but the analogue signal of the caller's voice, converted into digital data!

All you need to make or receive an internet call is fast broadband internet. Business Internet Providers usually provide broadband with no download limitations and there are many domestic broadband internet providers as well. Once you have your connection, all you need is a microphone and speakers. (more...)

Helping Kids Learn through Plastic Science Kits

Studies have shown that children learn through play. Indeed, the kinds of toys by which they are surrounded when young significantly contributes to the development both of motor and mental skills.

To begin with, children need toys that are durable and hygienic. There are two schools of thought on this issue, each of which suggests that plastic products and wooden products are better respectively.

It seems, however, that while wooden toys have some benefits, plastic variations, like those made by quality manufacturers Daneplast, have the overall advantage. High-end plastics are more durable, mouldable, cheaper and easier to clean than their wooden counterparts. (more...)

The Applications of Science and Communication

Remember back in the day when one had to send messages on little notes tied to pigeons' legs? Well, I suspect you wouldn't, it's been a long time since that happened. Messenger birds might belong to antiquity, but trunk calls and telegrams are a part of our recent history, and it's marvellous how far we've come from there!

Thanks to advances in science and technology, talking to someone on the other side of the world is simply a matter of pressing a button or touching a screen. In fact, amazingly complicated technology is so commonplace today, that we hardly pause and give it a thought.

Today when we're searching for a cheap sim only, or a particular model of Smartphone, it doesn't really cross our mind how advanced the science behind digital communication really is. The ubiquitous microchip, which has allowed a technological revolution, is a work of precision and beauty to be marvelled at. (more...)

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