Current Projects

Halliburton Watch | Multinational Monitor | Taking on Tobacco
Fleeing the scene of the crime, Halliburton has announced it is moving its headquarters from Texas to the United Arab Emirates. This move comes as U.S. authorities are investigating the company for bribery, bid rigging, defrauding the military and illegally profiting in Iran. Essential Action's edgy Halliburton Watch shines a spotlight on Halliburton's misdeeds, and is a venue for whistleblowers to call attention to the company's wrongdoing. Find out more.
Published since 1978, the Multinational Monitor is a singular resource tracking the international behavior of multinational corporations -- in the realms of the environment, labor rights, indigenous rights and consumer well-being -- particularly in less developed countries. Find out more.
Governments must effectively quarantine Altria/Philip Morris, the world's largest multinational tobacco company, by passing legislation to stop the spread of the global tobacco epidemic. The expected break-up of Philip Morris International and Philip Morris USA poses the risk that Philip Morris International will become even more effective at spreading its toxic product. Essential Action is mobilizing allies globally to combat the threat posed by the Philip Morris breakup. Find out more.
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