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Mafia Wars taps Snoop Dogg for explosive publicity stunt (Watch it live at 9 p.m. EST, right here!)

Filed under: Mafia Wars

Streaming live video by Ustream

Update (8 p.m.) Watch Snoop light up the armored truck LIVE at 9 p.m. EST, right here!

snoop dog blowin it up

It's official -- there's nothing rapper Snoop Dogg won't do. But seriously, August 19 (tonight) at 9 p.m. EST, the D-O-Double G will be on hand to light up the armored truck in honor of Mafia Wars Vegas reaching 10 million players. You will be able to watch the big bang streamed live from inside the game.

Fingers crossed that the truck will explode in a way that's worthy of Michael Bay, but even if it's a dud, this will easily go down as the hottest Facebook game publicity stunt in history.
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FrontierVille storage shed coming soon to a homestead near you

Filed under: FrontierVille

frontierville storage shed
Already got too much stuff cluttering your newly settled homestead? You'll soon be able to alleviate that with a new storage shed, that -- as implied in this teaser graphic -- you'll have to collect (or buy) materials to build.

Funny, looks like FrontierVille is taking lots of notes from FarmVille -- there's a buildable chicken coop, now storage -- how soon until we can harvest more crops at once using a team of high-powered mules?

Stay tuned for more details as soon as we got 'em.
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FarmVille Storage Cellar: Everything You Need to Know

Filed under: Farmville

farmville cellar

FarmVille's Underground Storage has arrived! Please note, that this new feature is not yet available to all farmers. In the future everyone will have access to Storage Cellars. Storage Cellars will increase your storage space to a maximum of 500 items!!!

Storage Cellar

  • Storage Space: 500 items
  • Level Requirement: Level 16 farmers and above
  • Cost: Everyone will receive 1 free Storage Cellar in your Gift Box or purchased for 10,000 Coins.
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Rummikub: Another classic board game gets the Facebook treatment

rummikub on facebook

Scrabble has been out on Facebook for, well, what seems like forever and now another classic board game is getting the social gaming treatment. The game Rummikub (pronounced 'Rummy-cube') has made the jump to Facebook, bringing along with it the same tile-swapping madness with a few socialized elements like video chat and the ability to send animated virtual gifts to fellow players.
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FarmVille Underground Cellar Shovels Giftable

Filed under: Farmville

FarmVille Cellar Shovels Gift
Looks like FarmVille will be releasing the underground Cellars very soon! Several FarmVille Freaks have reported being able to gift 2 Shovels as well as receive them. However, you can not use them at this time.
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