
Those Mail-Order Brides Have a Hard Time Letting Go of Russian Fashions

Sep. 7, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - Those Mail-Order Brides Have a Hard Time Letting Go of Russian Fashions

Submitted by: Unknown

I mean, it could always be worse. A lot worse. But this bride’s mini-skirt and boots still aren’t making much sense to me. It kind of looks like she’s ready to go fancy-rollerskating with Paris Hilton while her bodyguard groom looks on with a feeling of satisfaction. “Ahh…I knew bride #37684 was a good choice.” Is it weird that his sunglasses creep me out a little?

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Did They Choose This Theme Just so the Groom Wouldn’t Have to Cut His Hair?

Sep. 7, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - Did They Choose This Theme Just so the Groom Wouldn't Have to Cut His Hair?

Submitted by: Unknown

…Or did the groom grow his hair out specifically for his “fairy tale wedding”? I have to say, it looks very authentic. You couldn’t wish for a better mane to fit with the theme. The wings could use some sprucing, considering I think I wore that same set for Halloween in 1990, but at least they’re consistent. Now all this couple has to do is dance to the Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves soundtrack to make their marriage legit!

Related: Fairy Tale Wedding with a Kilt

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I’ll Totally Get Married if it Means I Get to Go to the Water Park!

Sep. 6, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - Id Totally Get Married if it Means I Get to Go to the Water Park!

Submitted by: Unknown

I remain in denial that today marks the beginning of summer’s end. Which is why I am posting this picture of two older-yet-svelte people getting married on a water slide. Looks fun, right? Almost fun enough to make me forget about those bacterial outbreaks that happened at White Water!

Plus, consider the ways marriage is like a water slide:

- It’s a slippery slope.
- It’s a long, wild ride.
- It’s kind of overrated, but simultaneously awesome.

Related: Love is a Rollercoaster

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Happy Labor Day!

Sep. 6, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - Okay, Newlyweds, Calm Down and Get a Room

Submitted by: Unknown

Woo hoo! Time to crack open a cold one and celebrate the day by…not laboring. Like this couple: They look like work is the absolute last thing on their minds. As it should be. I’m going to take a cue from them and spend the day pumping my fist up in the air in the sunshine. And possibly dyeing my hair red, ’cause hers looks kind of awesome.

Related: They Just Couldn’t Wait

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These Two are Wright for Each Other

Sep. 5, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - These Two are Wright for Each Other

Submitted by: Unknown

On the wings of loooooooove…. This couple’s relationship is soaring to new heights. And I am confused by it. What the hell are they doing? Getting married on the wings of planes on a dare? Heading off to their honeymoon? And are those vows in the groom’s hand, like he couldn’t just memorize them considering the circumstances?

I think I am envious of their badassery. Also, it’s a good thing the bride’s wearing flats. That could’ve been bad.

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Wait, Only Three Cups of Love? That Doesn’t Seem Right…

Sep. 4, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - Wait, Only Three Cups of Love? That Doesnt Seem Right...

Submitted by: L.Kuwait

Awww, I like this. It’s cute. But if it were realistically modeled after the recipe in my own relationship, I think it would have to include a few extra ingredients: 1 Cup Insanity After His Mother Visits, 2 Cups STFU When I’m Watching Terrible Reality TV, 1 Cup Anger When His Basketball Team Kicks My Basketball Team’s Ass. Also, I think it’s important to pour out at least 2 Cups of the total mixture for Tupac. It’s only right.

Related: Awesome Wedding Invitations

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Their Relationships Have Been One Hell of a Rollercoaster *ZING! NAILED IT!*

Sep. 3, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - Their Relationship Has Been One Hell of a Rollercoaster *ZING! NAILED IT!*

Submitted by: Unknown

Is this one of those things where Rachael Ray gave away a “wedding of a lifetime” amusement park gift package to six lucky couples who watch her show? Is it being televised? Or are these six couple all just friends from college who wanted to get dressed up in their wedding attire and ride a few rollercoasters on a Saturday afternoon? Both seem equally plausible.

I assume they all got slushies and went on a few water rides after this. Also, is that like the kiddie ride? Step it up, couples!!!

Related: Different Kinds of Rides

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Sheer Awesomeness: Meta Cake!

Sep. 3, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - Yo Dawg, I Heard You Like Wedding Cake, So I Put a Wedding Cake on Your Wedding Cake so You Can Eat Cake While You Eat Cake

Submitted by: mare

I’m kind of loving this. It’s just the right amount of “WTF?” to become a conversation piece. First you notice the bow, like the baker won a contest on the way over to drop off the cake at the reception. Then your eyes make their way up to the top of the cake…and then the other cake…and it’s like, whoa, did you guys really request that? You put a cake on your cake so you can eat cake while you eat cake in miniature fondant cake topper form? That is META, y’all. I give this cake 2 regular thumbs and 2 mini-me thumbs up!

Related: Sheer Awesomeness Cakes!

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Love Is in the Air…Literally

Sep. 2, 2010

The Swedish airline carrier Scandinavian Airlines has announced plans to host a same-sex marriage aboard a flight on December 6. It will be the first-ever in-flight gay wedding, and the airline “is busy searching for the perfect same-sex couple to walk down the airborne aisle.” The ceremony will be performed in business class and in Swedish air space, where gay marriage is legal.

Interested couples can go to www.flysas.com/love to register to be a part of this most historic event.

Related: Best Invite Phrasing Ever

Source: TIME

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Stop! In the Name of Love! And the Space-Time Continuum!

Sep. 2, 2010

Funny Wedding Photos - Stop! In the Name of Love! And the Space-Time Continuum!

Submitted by: Unknown

How can those women just stand there while their mates fight ruthlessly against this force field barrier?? They’re frozen in time! Was “…and I will rescue you from any lapses in the space-time continuum” not part of the wedding vows?! This marriage is destined to fail.

PS: How did they get so high up there?? Is there a trampoline off-camera or are these guys bionic?

Related: Jump for Joy!

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