Last updated: August 21, 2010

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Burnside rejects Chelsea mediation offer

THE besieged Burnside Council has rejected a motion for the state Ombudsman to mediate on the controversial sale of the Chelsea Cinema.

Councillor Jim Jacobsen told the fiery meeting of the council, which has faced a year-long investigation into its operation, the sale was "illegal".

"The matter will never get through a judicial review process," Mr Jacbosen said.

Mr Jacobsen told the meeting an independent body appointed by council had received "insufficient evidence" to make a proper judgment.

Independent MLC, John Darley, called the decision to proceed with the sale of the historic Cinema as 'a scandal of the worst kind".

"It's been a shambles, a debacle right from the start when they failed to consult with residents further away than 500m of the Chelsea."

Mr Darley who is a Burnside resident lives at Toorak Gardens, outside of the precise area consulted.

"I go to the Chelsea regularly and just because I'm in Toorak I should have been asked about its future," he added.

The meeting was told the Save The Chelsea Action Group are the only bidders who have presented a formal complaint over the sale process.

But Councillor Joanne Howard told the meeting the STCAG, "must respect the umpire's decision."

"Councillors that want a different outcome to qualified lawyers are not listening," she said.

"Council will make a decision and let's hope the STCAG are listening."

Prominent property developer Theo Maras is believed to be the only other bidder for the Chelsea that had a reserve price understood to be $2.8 million.

A confidential motion, to be debated away from the gaze of the public gallery, is expected to "rescind" the reserve price.

A deputation by resident Rob Williams told Council it's records management systems was "totally inadequate."

Mr Williams' complaint to the State Records Department resulted in a report detailing a number of serious deficiencies in Burnside's Council records.

A deputation by Anne Monceaux called on the council to "voluntarily" enter caretaker mode until new council elections are decided.

A report by former State Auditor ken MacPherson in claims of bullying and undue influence over the Council is due to enter it's "natural justice phase" in the near future.

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  • dave Posted at 10:54 PM August 18, 2010

    simple solution, those that want to keep the bloody cinema can pay for it and its losses in thier yearly council rates, those that dont own homes can be billed thier share of its expenses,those that live outside the council area that want to keep it can be billed as well, those that want to use it can pay to use it as usual. bet you at least half wont want it then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Silly calls of The Suburbs Posted at 10:33 PM August 18, 2010

    SACK THE COUNCIL NOW!! - interesting attitude to justice from some. The fact is that Parliament has not given the power to anyone to sack a Council without due process. It has some respect for that thing we call democracy.

  • Brains of Adelaide Posted at 7:15 PM August 18, 2010

    gee whiz transparent government and coucils what ever will they think of next.......don't worry the fools will fall on their sword soon ....and will be their own fault ....

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