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  • Thanks Akrios for all your knowledge of the game and class. I have been one of the people that look...
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  • You are an inspiration to a lot of players . You will be on the top with classic Titles like World...
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  • Akrios, Even though I´ve been pretty much lurking on these forums for a few years now, I would like...
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  • Akrios I thank you for all your support playing wow, I am fellt sorry you are leaving the wow...
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  • I seriously agree. I am so fucking sick and tired of all the newfags who just started playing in...
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Posts Tagged ‘stateofstealth’

Rogue State of Stealth Week 1 (4/10/09)

Friday, April 10th, 2009

S.O.S week #1 4-10-09

The Rogue S.O.S is something that I will be doing every Thurs/Fri  recapping the major events relating to Roguerogue.com and Rogues in general. Sometimes it might be a top 10 list and other times it might just be a ramble about how cool DK’s are and stuff.  Whatever it is, it will be the most current  information that I feel every Rogue should be up to date on.  So without further rambling…


First up this week is that we are giving away 5  sneaky limited edition Roguerogue.com T-shirts! The contest information will be posted later this week,  so you can find out how to get one.  Show you play WoW without  looking like you crave attention with an official WoW shirt!

I find most people that know our site in the RL are usually people who know the game pretty much begins at 80 and not bragging about killing a level 45 undead mage along side some guards in Darkshire, which always makes them more interesting to talk to.  Not to mention it looks badass :-D

Tshirt Contest!

Backstab Glyph Bug- Basically if you haven’t heard of this by now, I feel a bit bad for you, but you definitely  should take advantage of it for the final week. (more…)