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           FACE to FACE               Standing FACE to FACE and getting the full picture. NIOSH provides grants to nine State agencies for its Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation Program (FACE), which provides in-depth investigation reports for a small number of work-related fatality incidents. USMWF will be aligning the photos and tributes from our Faces campaign with these State-FACE reports. Although only a small fraction of all work-related fatalities are assessed through this FACE program, we do want to make the connections to give an identity to the deceased worker and to increase the opportunity to learn lessons from a family's loss.


           Current News              News and Updates Stay informed and up to date with news, events and opinions with just a quick look. We now have a Twitter, Facebook Fan Page and Facebook Causes Page and we continue to list our lost loves on the Weekly Toll. 


           Events               DOL US Department of Labor's OSHA announces 'OSHA Listens' public meeting to solicit comments and suggestions from stakeholder. View live stream video at 9- 6:30 on March 4th

 Protecting American Workers Alliance Press Release

 Families Testimony's 

  USMWF Group Letter to OSHA

  Debi Koehler-Fergen

 Katherine Rodriguez

  Melissa King

  Donna Puleio

 Tammy Miser

 Tonya Ford

 Wanda Dejesus


                     Safety Resources               Blogs:   AFL-CIO Joes' Union Review Mine Safety Watch Union Gal Workers Comp Insider The Pump Handle The Safety Blog  Books:  Dr. Aphrodite Matsakis Dr. David Michaels, PhD, MPH Patrice Woepplel, EhD Rev. Hiram Johnson LCSW  Government:  BLS CDC CSB DOL MSHA NIOSH OSHA  Radio/TV/Video:  Protected or Neglected The Unions Edge Talk Radio WBFO-FM Protected or Neglected  News/Magazines:   Chemical and Engineering News Hazard Magazine Laura Flanders The Nation WNY Labor Today  Showcase:  ERT Fellowship of Christian Safety Professionals LaborSafe Protecting American Workers Alliance COSH Workers Comp Insider LexisNexis  Sites:  Asbestos Cancer – important information for workers about asbestos exposure and the related health concerns from The David Law Firm and Law Offices of Melinda J. Helbock 2008 Mesothelioma Info Asbestos News AFL-CIO APHA Appalachian Citizens' Law Center Appalachian Citizens' Law Center Brave New Foundation Dispatch from the Trenches Labor Start WILG Workplace Farness  Tools:  Cleaner Solutions Horizontal Lifeline Manufacturer - Job Tracker Shore Enterprises Workers Compensation from LexisNexis  Training:  LaborSafe NASP Safety Services Company Worksafe Worksmart   


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