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    10:05 PM AUG 13
    Source: The Boombox
    Apparently Ke$ha is as abrasive in person as on record/tv/live/anywhere else. 3OH!3 singer (yeah, we don't know who that is either) Nathaniel Motte said that when his band first met Ke$ha, " She called [singer] Sean [Foreman] a little b--ch, and she said she wanted to rape 'the tall one.' Read More
    5:59 PM AUG 13
    Source: Spinner
    Black Gold drummer Than Luu channels the ghosts of past musicians each time he hits that snare drum on his kit. Read More
    5:34 PM AUG 13
    Source: AOL Music
    It makes sense to start with a song from the Pixies' first release, the 1987 mini-album 'Come On Pilgrim.' Read More
    4:07 PM AUG 13
    An aide says the fundraiser was Lautenberg's idea. Read More
    3:14 PM AUG 13
    Source: The Boot
    Josh Thompson will take a break from his H2O touring schedule this weekend to head down to Destin, Fla., to perform with Lynyrd Skynyrd at the 'Rock the Beach' concert on Sunday (August 15). Read More
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