Videos | The Nation


Most Popular Video has relaunched! Web editor Emily Douglas walks you through the new features. Learn how to make the best use of the new site!

In a rare audio recording obtained by investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, Erik Prince, owner of Blackwater, reveals his future plans for the mercenary army.

Katrina vanden Heuvel debates what Obama's reaction to the oil spill and offshore drilling should be.

Nation DC Editor Chris Hayes discusses the sudden conciliatory behavior from Republicans as President Obama pushes for Wall Street reform legislation.

Washington editor Chris Hayes and Pat Buchanan debate immigration reform.

Ari Melber discusses immigration reform and Crist’s switch to Independent on The Dylan Ratigan Show.

Jon Stweart says there's a war going on in America, and the stakes are nothing less than Glenn Beck's internal organs.

Watch footage from the April 15 tea party rally in Washington, DC.

Who's inflammatory: Tea Partiers, or the critics calling out the Tea Party's extreme slogans and signs?

Nation DC Editor Chris Hayes joins The Rachel Maddow Show to discuss the strategy of both parties on Wall Street reform.

Recipient of the 2010 Goldman Environmental Prize.

The Nation's Chris Hayes explains the proposed healthcare reforms as part of a panel discussion at the Netroots Nation conference.

Forty years after the first Earth Day, Mark Hertsgaard talks about the environmental movement, the EPA and cap and trade legislation.

Find out Professor Lawrence Lessig's solutions and ideas for how to fix Congress in this video companion to his cover story, "How to Get Democracy Back."

Nation DC Editor Christopher Hayes discusses the ways that Democrats could get rid of the filibuster.

Most Recent Video

The Nation's sports correspondent, Dave Zirin, appears on Democracy Now! giving a history lesson of protest and sports and the recent news of "Los Suns" protesting Arizona's anti-immigration law.

In a rare audio recording obtained by investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, Erik Prince, owner of Blackwater, reveals his future plans for the mercenary army.

Ari Melber discusses immigration reform and Crist’s switch to Independent on The Dylan Ratigan Show.

Katrina vanden Heuvel debates what Obama's reaction to the oil spill and offshore drilling should be. has relaunched! Web editor Emily Douglas walks you through the new features. Learn how to make the best use of the new site!

Washington editor Chris Hayes and Pat Buchanan debate immigration reform.

Nation columnist Melissa Harris-Lacewell appears on GritTV discussing the GOP's electoral strategy and to answer what happens when no one's in charge

Nation DC Editor Chris Hayes joins The Rachel Maddow Show to discuss the strategy of both parties on Wall Street reform.

Nation DC Editor Chris Hayes discusses the sudden conciliatory behavior from Republicans as President Obama pushes for Wall Street reform legislation.

Forty years after the first Earth Day, Mark Hertsgaard talks about the environmental movement, the EPA and cap and trade legislation.

Who's inflammatory: Tea Partiers, or the critics calling out the Tea Party's extreme slogans and signs?

Watch footage from the April 15 tea party rally in Washington, DC.

Recipient of the 2010 Goldman Environmental Prize.

Recipient of the 2010 Goldman Environmental Prize.

Recipient of the 2010 Goldman Environmental Prize.