dimanche 8 août 2010

MANIACS - Can Also Use Fruit

MANIACS Can Also Use Fruit cd 1988
Adult World / It Means Hate / A Way Of My Own / Sometime, Somewhere / Don't Come My Way / I Can't Tell / Nobody Knows / Motorcycle Baby / Sad Sunday / Going Home / I Watch You / Apologize / From That Day / Times Of Indecision* / Dusty Night* / Get Away* / Evil Ways* / Careless Guessing* / Bionic Babe*.
Produced by 4-eyed Thomas except bonus tracks* produced by Robin Wills.
Maniacs: A. Jacques: vocals & guitar / A. Croubalian: vocals & bass / T. Sartoretti: guitar & backing vocals / Stéphane: drums / Patrick: harmonica & backing vocals
"The Fruit lp features a big drum sound, some good fuzzy guitar work similar to the Nomads' Hardware lp and a batch of rock pop songs that draw heavily from Detroit rock tradition, but also blends in some r'n'b feel, a feeling that's accentuated by the presence of Patrick on harmonica. The record sports two guitar players, Thierry and Alex, who also sings, and has Stephane on drums. But despite the live and punchy sound, Les Maniacs wanted to go a step further with their next record. "It's very hard to get even near what we do on stage, and that's why we've recorded a live album this May which may come out in September; it's a live album recorded in a radio studio in fact, and we brought the guy that recorded the album in Sweden, Mickael Herrstrom, who is a swell engineer around 20 or 25...quite young, and really a hell of an engineer as far as guitar sounds and drum sounds. He recorded a lot with 4-Eyed Thomas, and we got along well with him so we asked him to come use the studio we had at our disposal in that radio show to record the concert, and in August he took it up to Sweden and mixed it over there, so it might come out in September as a live album with around 15 songs on it with covers and stuff, and we'll see how that comes out." Source: NFH # 18

"So is Maniacs, spontaneous and Rock and Roll. They consider that the first quality of the man is to have a soul and the means to express it in a the most urgent way which is. Musicians who execute their composition with ardour, "... As if it was the last time.. ". No artificial attitude, no praised chapel. Only roots and expression which, from Cochran to Husker Dü, did not change.
Musician bought their first discs in the punk storm. The time to understand that their place was on the scene and not front ; the time to assimilate thirty years of Negro and white music, the group formed in 1982, with Alain Croubalian, Thierry Sartoretti, Hafid Zerhouni and Alex Jacques. It is during hot one concert, that a faithful friend of the group suggested them the homonym, Maniacs, representative name of their wild music!
In 1986, Maniacs releases their first disc: the maxi 4 titles "Maniacs", produced by Robin Wills (Barracudas).
In 1987, the second disc "Bring Back The Night" is also produced by Robin Wills.
In 1988 the year is Swedish and European Maniacs : Four-Eyed Thomas (producer of the Nomads) takes Maniacs to record "Can Also Use Fruit" in Stockholm. Stop It Baby (a division of Bondage Records) releases the disc.
In 1989, they record their first disc live : "Live at Budokan". Finally, all the truth on the magic of a concert of Maniacs is accessible to everybody..."
In 1991, the album "69" is recorded in the afternoon and mixed by producers as different as prestigious (Robin Wills, Al Comet, Christophe Sourice, Dave-ID)...
In 1993, Maniacs flies away for Memphis in the American state of Tennessee and locks itself thirteen days to the Sam Phillips Recording. James Luther Dickinson, the former pianist of the Stones, Ry Cooder and producer of Green On Red, Replacements, Toots, Albert King (among others) is the technician of the sound of the new album "Hog Wild".
In 1994, Maniacs laid "Choose", rock par excellence, without any reason, except that they like that.
In 1997, Maniacs passes two weeks in Cairo to record ten songs with an Egyptian group : Sharkiat. Source
The Maniacs disbanded after the release of "Maniacs vs Sharkiat" but they have recorded some fine real rock'n'roll albums like "Can also Use Fruit" or their great "Live At Budokan"!
Grab this one & you won't be disapointed ... trust me!
Part 2 here!
NB: The six bonus tracks are taken from the mini lp "Bring Back The Night" recorded in 1989, produced by Robin Wills & never available in cd alone! Only the title song "Bring Back The Night" is missing...

mercredi 4 août 2010

DENIZ TEK - 444 The Number Of The Beat

DENIZ TEK 444 The Number Of The Beat 2 x 7'' 1995
Hondo's Dog / Mesozoic Cave / My Wall° / *Not Right.
Produced by Deniz Tek.
Deniz Tek: guitar & vocal / J. Dickson: bass & harmonies / K. Steedman: guitar / N. Rieth: drums + °P. Hoyle: keyboards / *R. Younger: guest vocals.
"...Encouraged by his friend and ex-Birdman compadre Chris Masuak, Deniz Tek came back to Australia in 1991, intent on renewing himself musically. He began extensive touring in 1992 and, following a near career destroying disaster on the "Take It To The Vertical" tour of 1992 initiated a line-up that became known as The Deniz Tek Group. This line-up spent the next few years touring Europe, Australia and the USA, while releasing an EP and several albums ("Outside", "444 The Number Of The Beat", "La Bonne Route") Geographical difficulties became untenable in late '96 and the group split up. Deniz then continued with US based lineups and recorded albums with Wayne Kramer (MC5) (Dodge Main), skateboard stars Art and Steve Godoy (Golden Breed, The Last Of The Bad Men), a Montana based trio (Equinox), an experimental electronic duo with Jimi Hendrix's sidekick and amplifier designer Dave Weyer (Glass Insects), east coast hard rockers (Deep Reduction and DR2 featuring Rob Younger), and live work including tours and live albums with the Rationals' Scott Morgan ("Three Assassins", "Powertrane") and surviving members of Sonic's Rendezvous Band ("Getting There Is Half The Fun"). Deniz and wife Angie Pepper (Passengers) recorded her album "Res Ipsa Loquitor" in 2001. Deniz continued to record and tour extensively in the late '90s, while Radio Birdman reunified and began to work again..." Source

Deniz Tek has a great blog check it out here !

dimanche 1 août 2010

LES PLAYBOYS - Les Playboys

LES PLAYBOYS Les Playboys lp 1985
Tête de bois / Elle m'attend / Ce soir / La tête à l'envers / Prends ma place / Loin des yeux / C'est pas facile / J'ai tout donné / L' homme de Marrakech / Tu devrais avoir honte / Telstar III / Ailleurs.
Recorded by Michael Karoli & produced by Jean William Thoury.
Les Playboys: F. Albertini: vocal / F. Martinez: guitar / M. Nègre: guitar, organ, piano / F. Durban: bass / P. Lejeune: drums.
Après 2 eps et un bootleg officiel de reprises, les Playboys de Nice sortent leur premier vrai LP en 1985.
Produit par Jean William Thoury (manager, parolier et 4ème homme du groupe Bijou, écrivain et journaliste à Rock'n'Folk, Juke Box Magazine...) l'album est enregistré à Monaco par Michael Karoli (le guitariste défunt du groupe allemand Can?). Les Playboys seront un des premiers groupes français des années 80 à revendiquer le son des sixties, le garage rock à la Nuggets mêlé à l'héritage de Ronnie Bird et de Jacques Dutronc. Le choix judicieux de J.W. Thoury pour produire l'album confirme une certaine filiation avec un rock énergique chanté en français sur les traces de ... Bijou ? Par manque de promo et de visibilité, l'album passera malheureusement un peu inaperçu. Il n'a toujours pas, à ma connaissance, été réédité en cd et c'est dommage !

After two ep's and one bootleg of 60's covers, the Playboys from Nice (France) recorded their first real album in 1985.
Produced by Jean William Thoury (manager, lyricist of Bijou, writer & rock critic) and recorded in Monaco by Michael Karoli, "Les Playboys" is a good lp, sung in french, a mix of J. Dutronc, R. Bird & the Fleshtones.This lp has never been released in cd.
Cd covers by Max!

vendredi 30 juillet 2010

STREET BRATS - See You At The Bottom...

STREET BRATS See You At The Bottom... cd 2005
Seventy-Seven Fallen Angels / We’re Alright / Destination Nowhere / North Side Story / Southbound / Your Future / I Remember / Mind Control / Born Rejected / Lean On Me (One Life One Love).
Produced by The Street Brats.
Street Brats: Max: vocals, guitar / Ugly: guitar / Rick: bass / Jordan: drums.
The Street Brats are a Chicago punk rock band, plain and simple. They do not like being generalized into any specific category, but their music seems to fall somewhere between the lines of more ‘77 influenced punk like The Vibrators and the Ramones with hints of harder bands like Slaughter and the Dogs and Stiff Little Fingers. No one can deny how catchy and anthemic the Street Brats music is, with tinges of Mike Ness and Joe Strummer as well. They are regarded as the best punk combo to come out of Chicago's mean streets since the glory days of Naked Raygun, with enough hooks, guitar twists, and sing-a-longs to satisfy anyone that's bored with all the watered down retro crap that's passing as ‘77 punk these days.
The great thing about the Street Brats’ sound is it defies any one particular punk rock genre. There is a bit of everything in the songs, and you can tell the boys are a widely influenced bunch. You put a Street Brats’ record on before your big date, the same reason you play the Ramones. You put it on while driving in your car, the same reason you play Social Distortion. And you put it on before your big fight with the high school jock, during the fight, and when you are the winner. They are the soundtrack to your good time.
Buy it here !

samedi 10 juillet 2010

Holidays, ô holidays...

Now... now... it's time to... holiday motherfuckers !!!
We don't stop
we will post but less often !

vendredi 9 juillet 2010


THE FORTUNE TELLERS Lively Up! lp 1990
Lively Up / Who Do You Love / Sanguine/ Livin' Hell° / First Time / Desolate / Livin' In Darkness / Hurt Somebody / I Won't / Heavy Traffic°.
Produced by B. Kolliopoulos.
The Fortune Tellers: B. Koliopoulos: voice, guitar / M. Kolliopoulos: lead guitar, slide / M. Newberry: drums / V-Roy Goetz: bass + percussion on °: D. L. Williams.
Thank you: John Manson, everybody at VZD, Scott Weiss.
Thank you again: P. Mathé.
Hello: Dr. Feelgood, England's best live band! The Senders, New York's Finest!
"This album dedicated to all who love the Fortune Tellers, for those who do not, the feeling is mutual."
And I guess they were probably required by law to put this on the CD cover:"warning: explicit guitar solos"
"The third Fortune Tellers lp was called "Lively Up!" and the band recorded and produced it in OKC. Also on New Rose, this time on cassette, lp and cd..."
"In their 16 years together, the Fortune Tellers have had several brushes with domestic record labels, but the bands and the execs could never reach an agreement. "We've been round and round with A&M, Enigma, and Restless, but it wasn't right for us," M. Newberry said. "We like to do things our own way - we're getting old and set in our ways. The labels are used to signing young guys. We don't bend too easily. We're successful on our own scale, so we don't mess with it."
Instead, the Fortune Tellers found sanctuary on the other side of the Atlantic. New Rose, a French label, has put out three Fortune Tellers discs, including their most recent CD, "Lively Up!". In addition, M.Newberry predicts the release of a live album early next year, after which the band will enter the studio to record its fifth release (never heard about a live album , same for a fith release...).
The title track to "Lively Up!" is a nasty howling blues-rock cover of the Bob Marley classic, trading the skank in favor of the rank. On slower tracks such as "Sanguine," the mood is something straight out of Big Tuna, Texas, so much so that you expect Willem Dafoe to bare his pulpy teeth at any moment.
If there is a spiritual kinship to found with the Fortune Tellers it would be Reverend Horton Heat, although with a funkier bent. If the stateside companies can't come to terms with the Fortune Tellers, perhaps they don't deserve them.
In their live performances, the Fortune Tellers emphasize original songs. "Our shows are 90 percent originals and some very select covers, like old Bo Diddley or Dr. Feelgood," M. Newberry, their drummer, said..."
" All the records are rare and long out of print, but the maniacal fan can find them online (or hiding in stores) here and there from time to time for various prices." Source

Cd covers by my old pal Max !

MOCKING BIRDS - Contradictions

MOCKING BIRDS Contradictions cd 1996
I'm Lost / The Navel / Lowdown / Down In The Dumbs / Hopeless Case / No Remorse / Hectic Life / Contradictions / Hardcore.
Produced by Mocking Birds.
Mocking Birds: L. Madera: bass / M. Herin: guitar & vocals / O. Vieillefond: guitar / P. Smolarski: drums + E. Martin: harmonica.
"Based on a mixture of Rock'n'Roll, Garage and Pop (No Europop honest!), with a hint of Punk on stage. That's a short summary of how the Mocking Birds would explain their style. The group's made up of three French lads who sing in English (so they deserve a bit of a break).
Some of the group's main influences are The Beatles, David Bowie and the Spider from Mars, The Doors, Stray Cats, Television, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion and Joy Division. This may go some way to explaining their rough and ready style both in concert and on record. After their first album "Contradictions" then second album second album "Ascendancy" and over 100 concerts the Mocking Birds or their, they have new song... The end ring on may 2000." Source
"Mélodiques et insolents, le groupe Mocking Birds frappait juste à chaque fois en battant des ailes dans la volière Power Pop endormie......
Une nouvelle trajectoire était en cours... Le groupe s'est arrêté en mai 2000 après une année de réflexion." Source More...
Buy it here !

dimanche 4 juillet 2010

FORTUNE TELLERS - Musick Without Tears

FORTUNE TELLERS Musick Without Tears lp 1986
Good Time? / Lowdown / Dance / More Miho / No More / D.M.F / Broken Heart / Home Tonight.
Produced by Mike Stewart
The Fortune Tellers: B. Kolliopoulos: vocals, guitar / M. Kolliopoulos: lead guitar, slide / M. Newberry: drums / V. Goetz: bass.
The Fortune Tellers were an american band from Oklahoma. They recorded three albums from 1986 to 1990. "F.T.F.F. (Fortunes Told For Free)" in 1986, issued only on lp on the french label New Rose Records, "Musick Without Tears" one year later also on New Rose (lp only) . Both were recorded in Austin, Texas and produced by Dino Lee for the first & Mike Stewart for the second. Their third and last record, in 1990, was produced by their guitarist & singer B. Kalliopoulos and was called "Lively Up" (always on New Rose Records: cd exists). All are rare long out of print albums, but can be found on the net.
"The Fortune Tellers, an Oklahoma City rhythm'n'blues band, recently returned home after recording a second album "Musick Without Tears" in Austin.
Oklahoma City doesn't seem like the most profitable place for four ambitious R&B musicians. Especially when Austin is so close. Austin and other big cities offer recording studios, record contracts, and some of the hottest clubs in the country. These temptations have enticed a number of bands, but not the Fortune Tellers. For them, Austin is just another place to record and play. Oklahoma City is home...
Though faithful to the basics of Bo Diddley and James Brown, the Fortune Tellers add the sounds of Greek instruments to their brand of R&B. How do they describe their sounds? "You mean name another band we sound like?" Basile asked. "In my opinion...well I don't know. Miho, who do we sound like?" Miho skips all comparisons and describes what he hears. "Rhythmic rock and roll with a wild guitar and vocals to it." "Yeah," Basile said, "Its kind of like a combination of Bo Diddley and James Brown with a Greek guy singing on top of it.
The music they record is the music they listened to in Athens in the '60's. But the music was not Greek - it was hardcore R&B and solid soul. They had access to R&B records - rare in Greece - from a friend who owned a record store...

Miho said the band picked the tunes for the new album, which will be released this spring, from a collection of original material. "We have our material ready at any time," Basile said. "We just pick 10 songs to do that night." Since the band was well-prepared, it only took two days to record the album.
Though the band and the fans were pleased with the first album (which sold about 25,000 copies), Basile said they were happier with the second album. They describe it as less rock'n'roll, more straightforward R&B, and more "live" sounding than the first album, "Fortune Told For Free"...
With the help of producer Mike Stewart (Tail Gators), a former Oklahoman, the band produced the second album. Devoid of studio gimmicks, it's an album truer to the bands live sound. "The first time I didn't really get my live sound the way I wanted it," Miho said.
Basile said the band is content with New Rose because the label is more interested in producing original talent than in packaging what Basile calls "product"... Creative control is one advantage of an independent label. The Tellers selected the music for the first two albums, helped mix them and designed the cover art..." Source

Check the Reverb Brothers, the new band of B. Kolliopoulos here !
Cd covers by Max !

SABRE JET - Same Old Brand New

SABRE JET Same Old Brand New cd 2000
1 Same Old Brand New / 2 Never Trust A Blonde / 3 Ramona / 4 That's Not Really What Love's All About / 5 No Justice /6 Getting By / 7 Just Be True / 8 Something I Can't Give Away / 9 Pawn Shop / 10 Rats / 11 E26 / 12 All Your Lovin'.
Produced by Andy Scott (of Sweet) & Kris Gray.
Sabre Jet: D. Bath: guitars & vocals / P. Kirkham: bass / R. Newman: bass.
+ Honest John Plain: backing vocals (1,4,5,7,9 &10) / I. Gibbons: keyboards (1,2,3,8,9 & 11) / C. Bollano: mariachi toms (3) / C. Bradford: backing vocals (8) / Tiggy: backing vocals (2) / A. Scott & K. Gray: backing vocals (3 & 8).
"Not quite sure why this CD is credited to Sabre Jet - but this is indeed the long promised Darrell Bath solo album! It was produced by Andy Scott (The Sweet) and Kris Gray - and features Ian Gibbons (keyboards), Richie Newman (Tracie Hunter Band) and Paul Kirkham (bass). Honest John Plain is also helping out on some tracks..." Source

"Since picking up guitar in 1980 he found a way onto the scene via local punk groups,leading to a stint with U.K.subs('87-90) Touring with Die toten hosen leads to forming Crybabys with Honest John Plain(90-?).Joins Dogs D'amour playing on top30 album 'More Unchartered Heights Of Disgrace'(93) as the years progress he works for Ian Hunter recording "Dirty laundry" and "Artful Dodger" and tours with him until 2000.The following years see him working with artists like Ed Tudorpole and Nikki Sudden, as well as releasing his own solo stuff 'Sabre Jet'(2ooo) and "Love and Hurt"(2001).Darrell continues to write and play live...so there!. " Source
Complete discography in comments.
Buy It here !

THE UPPERCRUST - Let Them Eat Rock

THE UPPERCRUST Let Them Eat Rock cd 1997
Let Them Eat Rock / Little Lord Fauntleroy / Rock 'n' Roll Butler / Minuet / Who's Who of Love / I've Got My Ascot 'n' My Dickie / Old Money / Friend of a Friend of the Working Class/ RSVP / Little Rickshaw Boy / Opera Glass / Balderdash (Hidden track, 8:47 into track 11).
Produced by: S. Slade, P. Kolderie, C. Plaster, T. O'Heir.
The Upper Crust: Lord Bendover: guitar, vocals / The Duc D'istortion: guitar, vocals / Jackie Kickassis: drums / Lord Rockingham: guitar, vocals) / Marquis de Roque (aka Marquis Marque): bass, bad vocals.
The Upper Crust is an American hard rock band from Boston, Massachusetts.The members adopt the personas of 18th century aristocratic fops and sing songs from that perspective. They use titles of nobility, wear powdered wigs and period costumes, and maintain a snobbish attitude while performing live and on their albums. The members say that their guiding philosophy is "If not great and excellent, then debauched."
Their major music influence is Bon Scott-era AC/DC, alongside glam rock band Kissand fictional heavy metal band Spinal Tap.Rolling Stone has stated that "Dismiss Boston's Upper Crust as a joke rock band if you must, but give them this much: They're actually funny, and there's as much rock as mock to their singular brand of "roque"" and that "there's plenty of worthy riffs and double-entendre wit to go around". The group originated from a Boston surf rock band called 'The Clamdiggers'. Other related bands were The Bags , The Titanics, The Satanics, The Flies, The Oysters and Seks Bomba.
The Upper Crust has appeared on Late Night with Conan O'Brien As well as The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. The band had their signature song, "Eureka, I've Found Love" featured as a bonus song in the PlayStation 2 game, Guitar Hero. They have also guest starred in an episode of Codename: Kids Next Door (Operation P.A.R.T.Y.) on Cartoon Network, January 26, 2007. Wikipedia
With a gimmick that involves the lyrical aspiration of a wealthy lifestyle to accompany their 18th century attire of powdered wigs, velvet knickers, and pancake makeup, the Upper Crust's intention of aspiring the worst rock & roll idea clicked upon their 1994 formation. Formerly of the Boston surf act the Clamdiggers, the Upper Crust provided power pop antics that have been described as "AC/DC meets the Buzzcocks at a theater showing of This Is Spinal Tap." After packaging their trademark on the 1995 album "Let Them Eat Rock", Emperor Records eventually followed up with the Upper Crust's second album, The Decline & Fall of the Upper Crust, two years later.
"Let them Eat Rock " (1995)
"The Decline and Fall of The Upper Crust" (1997)
"Entitled"double live album (2000)
"Once More Into The Breeches" (2001)
"Cream of the Crust" (2006)
"Revenge for Imagined Slights" (2009)
Monarchy in the U.S.A.! The unofficial Upper Crust web site here !
Buy "Let Them Eat Rock" it here !