Monday, July 19, 2010

Holy Cobras - Make Pyramids (2008) (Cass.)

Leading up to OBEY IV this year one of the things I was most excited about was getting to see Holy Cobras. Hailing from Ottawa (and quite possiby the best thing to ever emerge), their breed of revved up garage rock motor-psycho stomp is wild and free. Reverberated barks crack out over seedy guitars that twang through muddy rock and roll, the likes of which Wavves and countless other revivalists have not heard nor thought. If Link Wray were a Cramp, or a Misfit, he just might sound this badass. They are indeed a band to be watched. If they stick it out they'll be huge (I should only hope, they may be too good for the masses to understand). The best part is they don't seem to take it too seriously, as represented by their hilarious "I don't give a fuck, ill kick in your skull" attitude. Rip into this fantastic rock and roll spasm and hope that something this good pops up in your shitty little town!

"Knife fight, ALRIIIIIGHT!"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sonic Youth - 4 Tunna Brix (1990) (EP)

Originally a 1988 Peel Session, this homage to The Fall is a rousing and jovial excursion in rock and roll tomfoolery. I had 4 Tunna Brix playing for the first time in ages on my way to the grocery store the other day and realized I needed to share it. This is fantastic street walking music. Combining the rock frenzy of early Sonic Youth with the more playful canoodling of Ciccone Youth (yes, canoodling), it conveys a genuine love for the original artist and songs while still managing to not take itself too seriously, something the band has always had a knack for. With three original Fall songs (Rowche Rumble/My New House/Pycho Mafia) and one Kinks song (Victoria, which The Fall covered as well) it's a heck of a good time, sure to get you out of your seat. So get on it brothers and sisters!

"I'm talking about love, psycho mafia!"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Felt - My Face Is On Fire (1982) (7")

Felt were an influencial 80's rock band. While having a wide range of sounds in their repitoire, they often combined atmospheric washes with intricate guitar riffs and emotive, distinctly "80's" vocals. This is my favourite release of theirs. Despite being entirely too short, My Face Is On Fire represents the best of the bands sound. With pulsing drums rolling, twangy acoustic guitar licks, and a seemingly lo-fi recording aesthetic, it's fairly different from the bands later, more pop oriented albums. It's more dynamic and youthful, while still maintaining a dark ambience. Highly recommended for anyone interested in 80's brit-rock/goth type stuff (think Echo & The Bunnymen).

"Oh no, oh no, don't let 'em break you down..."

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Swell Maps - Let's Build A Car (1979) (7")

This unnerving beast is quite delicious indeed. It's the first release by England's experimental punkers Swell Maps to really get my goat. And boy did it get my goat. Mind you, I'm a fan of most of their stuff now, but this is still the one that gets the most play. A quick but significant beauty, it completely throttled me the first time around. Specifically the song Let's Build A Car. It's like Simply Saucer and The Buzzcocks kicking the shit out of Sonic Youth in a bar room blitz. I wish I had a vinyl rip 'cuz the piano is way down in this mix, and the piano is amazing. Too bad. After that the album drops the Cocks in favour of a more brooding attire, savage and punchy, finally closing with a brief but slow going groan. Dig it sweet babes, by the gallon!

"... at least know what you're waiting for!"

Essential Logic - Beat Rhythm News - Waddle Ya Play ? (1979)

Essential Logic are a queer and somewhat misleading offshoot project courtesy of saxophonist Lora Logic (X-Ray Spex). With frantic grooves bouncing about, between rather tame head bobbers, Logic's Meredith Monk-style squeals and yelps, though ocassionally jarring, are refreshingly enthusiastic. This isn't your typical punk record, but it's impossible to deny a connection. With it's subtle aggression and abstract licks, Beat Rhythm News is reminiscent of a Gang Of Four/Bow Wow Wow crossed with early Swell Maps, and a pretencious dancy "art star" sort of thing, though I don't think the pretention maintains any momentum here. I'm not entirely sure that what I'm saying is valid or builds any interest at all, so perhaps you should grab it and figure it out for yourself. Fav song, Albert.

Beat it!

ESG - Come Away With ESG (1983)

Come Away With ESG is one of those records that everyone should have a copy of. Regardless of your interest in dance music it will cause bones to wiggle and limbs to flail. Originally made up of three sisters and two friends, ESG were very influencial in the early New York hip-hop and post-punk world. With their primitive yet complex polyrhythms and thick walking bass lines, their fusion of disco dance and a punk rock ethos created a sound all their own. In my opinion they are pioneers of the "mutant disco" sound, though not normally associated with it, and this is one of the funnest records around. So dig on it sweet sweeties, there's gold in them there hills!

"You make... you make no sense at all..."

Monday, April 12, 2010

Beat Happening - Dreamy (1991)

There is a list, oh yes... a list, and it is a list I frequently mention. It refers to great moments in rock n roll history and it contains the best of the best. If you look way up at the top of this list, amongst other such greats as Buddy Holly, The Jesus And Mary Chain, The Cramps, or The Velvets, to name a few, you'll see Beat Happening. Combining 50's Americana with an iconoclastic wit, their artless soul and lo-fi D.I.Y. brand of bubblegum and apple pie rock n roll is for gleamy eyed teenagers who just want to dance and have fun. It bears an unquantifiable honesty that I find people generally appreciate or scoff at. If you're the latter I feel sorry for you, you are missing out on some of the greatest music ever made. It's "evil spy hide n seek love songs for haunted house groove parties" rock n roll, so dig it long and hard sweeties!

"I hit the road to give it a try, got a girl in Reno just to watch her cry..."

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Jesus And Mary Chain - Upside Down/Vegetable Man (1984) (7")

The Jesus And Mary Chain are quite simply one of the greatest things to happen in rock and roll music, period. It's a crying shame that more people don't shout from their rooftops an undying devotion and appreciation for something so remarkable. This, their epochal debut, is worth ten thousand kisses I assure you. If you're already a fan then you've probably heard the lead track, Upside Down, but you may be unfamiliar with the somewhat flippant and equally hostile sounds of Vegetable Man. Both tracks are incredible and a good indication of things to come on Psychocandy, their first album. So hop on it, rock and roll it, and burn your other records for being so ridiculous in comparison.

"My turquoise waistcoat is quite out of sight, but oh oh my haircut looks so bad..."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Users - Sick Of You/(I'm) In Love With Today (1977) (7")

Here's some motor revin punk rock to rattle yr bones, from Cambridge no less. Sounding a lot like an MC5/Stooges/Dolls emporium of rock, The Users will throttle your sad pathetic day into fun times and unabashed recklessness. With such fantastically astute lines as "people always talk about the money saved away, I just wanna spend it I'm in love with today" you'll want to go and get yourself a jug 'o beer and spit on all the stupid people you know. Yes these are words to live by my friends, this is how punk rock is suppose to taste. So drink it down and enjoy.

"I'm sick of everything..."

Acid Eater - Black Fuzz On Wheels (2010)

It's time to get the fuck on yr flame-engulfed moped and cruise down the block, taunting and antagonizing all in sight! It's pure chaos, fuzzed out, psychedelic, swamp walkin, ball blastin, shit meltin, rubber burnin, blood boilin, trash talkin rock and roll for the soul brothers and sisters! Never fear, Acid Eater is here! They come to destroy all that ails ya, shout it out loud! From the great Masonna comes Black Fuzz On Wheels (a name that says it all), the second release by this incredibly powerful rock and roll spasm of a band. Get it and groove on to the sun mother fuckers!

Dig the distorted realms, reaching out beyond space and time!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

LiLiPUT - Kleenex/LiLiPUT (2001)

From deep within the Swiss Alps (they're actually just Swiss, I made the Alps part up) comes one of the greatest, purest, most sensational female punk bands of all time! Formed in 1978 under the name Kleenex, LiLiPUT combined raunchy post-punk with a blunt vocal style, both in English and German, and a spirited naiveté reminiscent of The Raincoats, Black Flag, and Bush Tetras, with a twist of Dolly Mixture's pop aesthetic (yes, I know Black Flag isn't an all girl band). Bashing out enchanted anthems with a sober pride they'll make you want to stand up and shout! This double disc anthology of never-ending greatness is highly recommended to anyone interested in punk music, period!

Eep! Eeek! (Disc 1) / Eep! Eek! (Disc 2)

DNA - A Taste Of DNA (1980)

As per request, a re-up of this seminal debut
Part of the short lived New York no wave scene, DNA's music sounds like stiff contorted jerks and howls, spilling out randomly and with great intensity. I've seen Arto Lindsay being quoted as saying (and i'm paraphrasing) he "never wanted to have an actual chord played in any of [his] songs". Instead he simply plays rhythmic patterns by slapping, smashing, twisting, and pounding his guitar. Though not alike musically, I can't help but draw similarities between the voice of Arto Lindsay and Mark Mothersbaugh (Devo), Arto being much more chaotic and fierce. This album is fantastic, and far too short, so get it and listen to it three times!


The Pandoras - It's About Time (1984) (LP)

Holy fucking motor oil, it's alive! Right off the bat this album spin kicks you in the jaw, shouts "Fuuuuuck youu", and then continues to pummel for thirty five glorious minutes. It has practically everything to offer one in the kingdom of rock and roll; from the bark 'n wail garage rock of Tav Falco (I Want Him/High On A Cloud), to the killer grooves of The Stones (I'm Here I'm Gone/It Just Ain't True), to the dreamy 60's psych-pop of early Jefferson Airplane (He's Not Far/You Lie), and almost everything in between. If you don't dig this record pretty babies then quite simply you don't dig rock and roll. So get on it and shuffle up, 'cuz The Pandoras are the real deal!

Kick out the hams mother hubbard!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Lizzy Mercier Descloux - Press Color (1979)

Some amazing worldbeat infused no wave dance funk, aka mutant disco, for all you lovely bunnies! I first got into french singer Lizzy Mercier Descloux through her no wave punk band Rosa Yemen, and have enjoyed pretty well everything I've heard thus far. This, her debut record released on ZE, is a fantastic romp through all sorts of genre bending fun. Save the Mission Impossible cover I loved every song, though the definite stand-out is the opener, Fire. This is a great fucking record that you need to hear, so dig on to it and groove for hours!

"Ewwww, I think I'm getting a tumor..."

The Gris Gris - The Gris Gris (2004)

If you've never experienced the brilliance that is The Gris Gris, then by god you're in for a treat. One of the quintessential moments in psychedelic rock, The Gris Gris' self titled debut is a stunning feat beyond comparison. The albums opener, Raygun, is a haunting, rolling howl which ascends to a flat out stomping blast of rock and roll; easily one of the highlights for me, though the album stays consistent the whole way through. All I can think to say in all seriousness is its a super fucking rad record, and if you haven't dug it then it's time to get on up. Other fav moments include Mary #38, Me Queda Um Bejou, and the organ solo in Everytime. Enjoy it yocals!

"Rather waste my education honey..."

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pradada - Slow Waltz In Empty Horror (2009)

Based out of Montreal, Pradada is a small but important part of the ever growing empire known as Hobo Cult Records. As a burgeoning label they have a lot to offer in the way of great artwork, prolific bands, and interesting music, and I suggest if you haven't been paying attention you start. And what better place to start than with this incredibly groovy explosion of a dance record. It makes me want to doze on and daze out; it makes me want to scream hellfire; it makes me want to dance in the shower of flickering neon lights, bobbing off the ceiling of a very tall room, wind-a-blowing, slow mo-a-flowing, incandescent skin-a-glowing! Dig on to these smooth vibrations, y'hear?!

"Purple Pussy Sprinkles"

Religious Knives - Resin (2008)

This album was quite a surprise for me. I was binging on drone and grabbed it in a lot of countless other bands. To my surprise it wasn't a drone album at all. Though indeed "droney", it has much more to offer in the way of song. Drawing influences perhaps not aesthetically but emotionally from a Bad Moon Rising era Sonic Youth (In The Back) and a dazed out contemporary Doors (The Sun), Religious Knives' breed of unearthly tribal grooves will leave you feverish and wanting more. I really like the consistent ups and downs presented. Right away it grabs you with a raucous pulse that winds around a distant chant, only to halt and dwell in a jingly sleep that slowly evolves into a peaceful trudge. It continues like this throughout. Favourite track is probably the Ennio infused Everything Happens Twice. Dig on it sweet sweeties!

Trip out and freak yr freak ya fabled fools!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

SFHHH - SFHHH (2009) (Cass.)

I'm not entirely sure how I got into these guys or where I got this tape, but I think I was just clicking around on myspace (check it out!) and got sucked in. Regardless, this tape is full of good sounds. Reminiscent of an eerier post-punk, with a twist of no wave revivalist fervor, it'll get you moving quickly and aggressively. It also reminds me a bit of early 2000's Toronto based bands (see Sick Lipstick), if that means anything to you. I don't really know anything about the band or the release, aside from the fact that I dig their artwork, but I'm sure you can find something if you try.

Chew the fat ya fugly barfs!

Merzbow - 13 Japanese Birds Vol. 1: Suzume (2009)

Vol. 1 of 13, this almost callous assault could possibly leave you beaten and winded if you're not prepared. I actually fell asleep listening to it for this review, a rather peaceful experience, but have enjoyed it immensely on previous occasions. The first track is a twenty minute blast of fierce fuzz patiently forming a pulse, torn to shreds by rolling drum spasms. The second bit is more a wall of fuzz clatter, and on a smaller scale it clocks in at just under six minutes. I'm not big on the third track, though in no way do I find it offensive. I'm thrown off slightly by the prominence of drums right off the bat and overall it just comes off as somewhat bored. Finally, the closer; a punishing opus of scattered drums, buzzing squeals, and throbbing cacophony. At first I felt similar to this as with the third track, but throughout the entire last third I was in awe of the encompassing howl it presented. This is Merzbow, for better or worse.

Bleed it out and clot sweet babies!

Mayyors - Marines Dot Com (2008) (7")

Mayyors are an onslaught of feral rock and roll madness. With a driving, savage groove locked in at all times, they're like an insane mixture of Sabbath and Black Flag mashed up with Motorhead (only waaay waay better than that). Throw in some kick-ass, reverb-smothered, slightly delayed guttural battering and it's a fucking massacre! I first heard 'em just under a year ago on some online cartoon about a motorcycle gang without motorcycles, only too perfect, called Forest City Rockers Motorcycle Club. The music instantly grabbed me and the hunt began. With virtually no online presence it took some doing, but nonetheless here they are. At just over seven minutes these two tracks will totally melt your balls, so get in on this fucking rad rock and roll lunacy now! I'll post more soon.

Dig it!