The Village

Winner Best Documentary film 2006 Swansea Bay Film Festival

Other Award Winning Films
Reach for the Sky
Life Before Death
The Village
Globalisation and the Media
The Only Clown in the Village

Watch Trailer online

The Village is a 30 minute documentary portraying one English village’s (Islip in Oxfordshire) struggle for survival. Including photography and archive material, the film traces the history of the village from the past to the present day through celebrations, wars, trading and traffic. Includes humour, animation and interviews with the oldest farmer and the last shop keeper in Islip amongst others.

Buy this video now for only £10 and also receive Life Before Death

What is the video for ?
To reveal the history of a village could determine its future, and what better way than in a video documentary?
The goal of the video is to reveal both the aincent and the recent history of Islip and capture it for future generations.
The film relates to any small village in Britain trying to cope with increased traffic, flooding, out of town supermarkets and the loss of community.

Who made it ?
The Village is presented by Jojo Tobitt, a drama teacher living in the oldest house in Islip. She presents her story supported by undercurrrents, an award winning media charity. All proceeds goes to supporting our charity work.

How can i find out more about Islip vilage?
Click here

How can i buy The Village ?
The Village is available on VHS (pal) by sending a cheque payable to Undercurrents to address below
For USA or worldwide orders please send sterling cheque for £17 or to avoid banks making a profit please send dollars in cash equal to that amount.
VHS video £10.00 offer only applies to orders by post to undercurrents.
Print out Order form or send cheque/cash to address below

Order the VHS Video
Order by sending cheques payable to Undercurrents

Individual £10.00 plus £1.50 UK p&p
Institution Price is £20 plus £1.50 UK p&p

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Old Exchange
Pier Street,
Swansea SA1 1RY,
Wales, UK

tel: +44 (0)1792 455900
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