Ben Law - Roundwood Timber Framing DVD
Building Naturally Using Local Resources

Watch trailer

In September 2010, Undercurrents in partnership with Permanent Publications and the Sustainability centre will release the first ever concise video guide to building your own home with roundwood timber.

Roundwood Timber Framing DVD
Building Naturally Using Local Resources

Filmed by Undercurrents and produced in association with Permanent Publications and The Sustainability Centre

A book will also be released:

Roundwood Timber Framing
Building Naturally Using Local Resources
By Ben Law

Over 400 colour photographs & 168 pages.
Permanent Publications


To receive Ecovillage Pioneers on DVD
The Ecovillage Pioneers DVD is available from our new dedicated website. Click here for details

Watch latest updates on Ecovillages in our online video series-Living in the Future

The Situation
Climate change will change how we live in the future. There is a need for radical changes in the way we plan for, design and build our homes, to render them affordable and environmentally sustainable. Several generations have now grown up in towns and cities, many with little appreciation of our essential connection with the earth & nature. Rising sea levels, water and energy shortages could create chaos.

The Solutions
To find solutions to this problem, undercurrents have released a DVD highlighting the working positive examples from the growing number of housing pioneers.
EcoVillage Pioneers has been included on the DVD plus other films of environmental issues.

To receive Ecovillage Pioneers on DVD
The Ecovillage Pioneers DVD's is available from our new video series website. Click here for details


Links and Resources

Reach for the Sky (40minutes)
How can cream pies, sitting on top of an airliner, singing on a runway or squatting a crane stop climate change? How do cheap flights increase sea levels?
How did British activists stop an airport from destroying a British beauty spot? Find out the answers here.

Climate change and Aviation

Living in the Future

Broad Horizons

AZ of Bushcraft

Old Exchange
Pier Street
+ 44(0)1792 455900