
Monday, August 09, 2010

From Bob's archive: Sylvia Pankhurst and the House of Lords

I am continuing to post stuff from my archive while I'm away. This was from March 2006. Comments, as always, welcome. I believe the campaign for the memorial remains unsuccessful. 

There is a campaign to put a statue of Sylvia Pankhurst, the great suffragette leader and radical campaigner, on College Green in Westminster, outside the House of Lords. This is being resisted by the reactionary old codgers in the Lords.

Here’s the Guardian report:
‘The words "Sylvia Pankhurst Memorial Committee" do not have a ring of militant fervor, and yet to achieve its aims, members may need to adopt some of the tactics of its namesake. The Lords Administration and Works Committee - a bunch of hereditary male peers - has refused to allow a statue of the pioneering suffragette to be erected in Westminster. For those who believe that Pankhurst was the greatest feminist of her generation, this is an insult to the sisterhood.’
Sylvia is someone I massively admire (when I added the “heroes” section to my link list over to the right [now over to the left!] earlier this year, I made sure to include her), so you might expect me to support this campaign.

New Labour MP Vera Baird says
”Sylvia was the greatest democrat of all the suffragettes... "The statue should stand near to the parliament she worked and suffered for. It is a disgrace that these unelected peers fail to see what pride and inspiration women would get from such a great memorial."
In fact, I think that it is an insult to a woman who had nothing but scorn for the parliamentary system.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

From Bob's archive: Folk Marxism and American political culture

This is another one from the archive while I'm away. It got zero comments when I posted it in February 2006, so I would appreciate feedback. I have added a conclusion, which hopefully makes it more coherent, although I have my doubts.

Economist Arnold Kling has written an interesting two-part piece in TCS Daily on how thinkers influence us through the folk versions of their beliefs. Jogo sent me the second part with the simple instruction “blog this”. I’m going to comply with that instruction, because I found the piece wrong on so many levels.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Gnome Chomsky 9: Psychadelic

Scheduling this post to continue the series while I'm away.

From A Love For Art:

You'll be pleased to hear we're nearing the end of the series now.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Whining Leftist/Grieving Mother

I am away for a couple of weeks and, as is my usual practice, am posting some old stuff from my archives. This is from February 2006, from when the blog was a year old. It was a guest post by our American correspondent Jogo. Please feel free to argue back in the comments while I'm away!

Note: the context is the second half of George W Bush's second term. The Democrats have failed to block the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. The Iraq war is raging, and Meryl Streep has a nephew serving there, while Cindy Sheehan's son had been killed there two years previously. In summer 2005, Sheehan became a national celebrity when she went to Bush's ranch in Texas and in January 2006 she was arrested at his State of the Union address.

Meryl Streep says:
"I'm so demoralised. I want a candidate to come out of nowhere and have no conflicts. I want major campaign reform. I want Jesus to come back and throw the money lenders out."
Leftism in a nutshell. Meryl nailed it with precision. What a sorryass existential cry. A childlike cry, don't you think? Leftism is religion. Why don't leftists admit it, and stop thinking they're better than the Christians?
One of Bush's biggest mistakes -- as President and as a man -- was not to have met with Cindy Sheehan when she first attempted to get his attention in Crawford. He, or someone very close to him, should have seen that Ms Sheehan was no ordinary angry citizen. She meant business. And she was fueled by a righteous fury, a John Brown-level fury, one might say a Sacred Fury.

A deeper and more thoughtful Christian would have seen in her the mysterious relationship between Fury and Grace ... let alone heard her cry and not turned from her.

At that time Ms Sheehan was only a private citizen, albeit a most resourceful and single-minded one. She did not then have, as she has today, the money, power and skills of the Organized Hate America Left behind her.

Of course she would not have permitted from Bush
the kiss she received from Hugo Chavez. But Bush might have touched her in some way that she could receive... were he a deeper and more thoughtful man. He might then have risen, in her eyes, to the level of a human being. But as things stand today, he is not even that to her.
In response to this, a Christian friend in Oakland writes:
"Yes, I agree that he does not have what it takes to unify our poor broken divided country. I pray that another Lincoln could emerge...and be able to speak to and listen to both sides."
The millionaire moisturized Leftist wants Jesus... while the Christian schoolteacher prays for another Lincoln.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Signing off

I'm off for a few weeks, but keep checking in, as I have scheduled some "controversial" old posts.

Here's some reading for while I'm going.

Post of the week: Finding something worth fighting for is harder than finding something to fight against.

Benism: On Roger Scruton on irony and forgiveness. (Possibly an opportunity for Martin to finish some unfinished business? See also Francis.)

Keithism: What drove Melanie Phillips to the right?, Post-democratic Israel?, On denial (click on the link for a pdf), Is Turkey the only villain in this piece?

Also on Israel and Turkey, a very well written piece by the Turkish-American scholar Seyla Benhabib, writing from Tel Aviv. And also on genocide denial: Max Dunbar on Edward Herman. And on a different genocide, the UN's shameful silence on Srebernica.

Martinism: No more burqas, no more bans. (For a pro-ban view, see the Eygptian blogger Mona Eltahway, found via Martin, especially this. For a robust left-wing view, see Coatesy.) And on Blair, Chilcott, Iraq and 7/7:  The baroness and the bombers.

Illiberalism: Pat Buchanan and Neil Clark.

Multiculturalism: The wrong way to celebrate diversity. Kenan Malik and engineered identities.

Rose-ism: David Aaronovitch on Jacqueline Rose on Dreyfus for today.

Fascism: Duncan on the current state of the BNP.

Secularism: In defence of hospital chaplains.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Austerity bites

I've already included some of these links in previous posts, but want to highlight them a little more. They are about some of the first casualties of the new regime of austerity in my neck of the woods, the borough of Lewisham. The specifics are primarily of local interest, but the generalities are the same across the UK, and below the fold I have some comments that relate to the more general issues.

Transpontine sums up the cuts here, along with details of some of the campaigns against the cuts, in Lewisham and Southwark. Deptford Visions and Hangbitch report on the protests in Lewisham. Jim reports the obscene contempt our directly elected mayor, Sir Steve Bullock, has for the protestors. 853 reports from neighbouring Greenwich.

Although not the most important of the cuts, one closest to my heart is the possible closure of Crofton Park Library. The library, built in 1905 and designed by the LCC's Emanuel Vincent Harris with money from by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie, who donated it to the people in perpetuity, is one of the architectural gems of SE4, as well as a wonderful resource for families, older people, unemployed people, and school students. Brockley Central reports here.

There are "consultation" meetings over the summer (when many parents, a key user group, are away). There is a petition here. Locally based children's author Andy Cullen makes the case well:
My wife and I use Crofton Park library regularly with our children. Often we take books home; sometimes we just stay for an hour in the lovely children's library and explore and read together. This beautiful local library continues to be a valued resource for local residents and schools. After many decades of service it still has a vital role as a people's university catering to all ages and types.
 Other libraries are under threat too, including Blackheath. Five altogether might close, out of 12.

Before I move on to the general issues, two local links for my local readers: Why are South Londoners the best bloggers? and Get a free glass of wine at the final screening in the Brockley Jack Film Club season. (The film club website, by the way, also features nice pics of lovely local folk at Blythe Hill and Brockley Max.)

There are three more general points I want to make about these things.

East London Line/Yiddish Sarf London: קריסטל פעלעס

Has anyone been to the newish Overground Uncovered exhibition at the Transport Museum, about life on the East London Line? I saw a flier in a local shop, and among the images is one of some Hebrew letters (קריסטל פעלעס) which spell Crystal Palace (or, rather Kristl Peles) in Yiddish. (I would have gone for קריסטל פאליס (Kristl Palis) myself, but I'm not a native Yiddish speaker. Can anyone shed any light on this?

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Bob drink: a preliminary report

Thanks to all of you who turned up on Saturday night. I counted 15 in all, including me, which is more than respectable. These were Jams*, Kellie*, Francis*, Max, Sue, Jim, Darryl, Mikey E, Carl*, Keith, Daniel, Flesh and two other halves of bloggers who are of course also human beings in their own right.(Asterisks denote posts on the topic of the drink.)

I got fairly drunk. No blows were traded. No papparazzi were present. No one was exactly as I imagined them. Everyone was nice. My main regret is there were too many people for me to manage to talk to everyone properly, or indeed anyone at any length.

A preliminary statistical analysis reveals more details on the demographic.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Unfinished posts no.1: 2009's four star tracks

I have lots of unfinished posts in my drafts folder. I am never going to finish this one, which I started in December, and it is now rather out of date. My plan is to one by one post or delete my unfinished posts, until my draft folder is empty!

Highly unscientific version of a musical best of. I looked for 2009 music in my Media Player library and arranged them by star rating. I found that nothing in 2009 got five stars, but about three dozen tracks got four stars. I don't know if it says more about me or about 2009 that lots of it sounds like it comes from another era, specifically the 1970s. Dedicated to my friends Ali and Anamik. Arranged purely alphabetically.

Buguinha Dub "Fino da massa 1" and "Tubarao de bacia". Jamaican style dub from Brazil. Mp3s and info from Starfrosch.

DJ Mujava "Township Funk" (Crazy P Remix). An accurate description: "kwaito’s urban grime reborn as a chilled as fuck space disco roller". Listen at from A Derogatory Term.

Donovan "Ventura". No, not that Donovan, the French chilled electro disco one. Found via partycmyk.

Levon Helm "When I Go Away" and "White Doves". From his wonderful Electric Dirt album. Southern boogie, bluegrass and deep roots. Sounds like it has always been there, in the landscape. Reviews from Popdose and Fiddlefreak. (Note: I realise Levon Helm has been overrepresented in previous annual round-ups.)

Malcolm Middleton "Call The Shots"
, a Girls Aloud cover. Scotland's great poet of misery and artist of chamber electro-folk minimalism shows that perfection can be improved upon. See Zeon, Another Form of Relief.

Nostalgia 77 featuring Alice Russell covering White Stripes’ “Seven Nation Army”. Heavy duty 1970s time-travelling sexy bassy jazzy funky soul. Actually released in 2004, it is on the 2009 Tru Thoughts Covers album.

Quantic y su Combo Barbaro "Mambo Los Quantic" and "Enyere Cumbara". Extraordinarily talented genre-hopping artists. MySpace/homepage/label. Bloggery: Motel de Moka, All the Way Live, Music Like Dirt,

The Ramirez Brothers "Sizzlin'" (featuring Karolina). Superb jazz funk from Tel Aviv.


Undomundo's Meta Best Lists of 2009.


P.S. have you listened to my radio programme yet? Over to the right I have added a feed for my tracks, and my Hype Machine tracks.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Last orders at the bar

Just a final reminder of the Bob From Brockley drink on Saturday night. E-mail me if you want to get a sought after place on the guest list. Actually not that sought after, but if everyone comes who says they will it'll be in the high teens. (I'll re-paste here my original invite list, minus people I know can't come, including people who say they might and people who haven't answered: Kellie; Richard; Daniel; Mira, David and gang; Flesh; Francis; Marko; Martin; Martin; Keith; Courtney; Jams; Transpontine; Carl; Steve; the Estate agents; Dave and comrades; comrade DaveJim; Inspector Darryl; Clare; Sue; Max; Ross; Ken; Brockley Nick and co; Danny; Little Richardjohn; Nick; Paulie; Raven; Michael; James. And belatedly adding the Dame.)

In other news...

Remembering our dead: More Harvey Pekar tributes (some via Kellie): Kroninger, Molly Mew. More Tuli Kupferberg tributes (ditto): Kroninger, Molly Mew, Michael Ezra.Our other dead: Ken CoatesThe dead of 7/7. And againSrebernica 15 years on

To add to the blogroll: Radiator.

Other miscellanies: Poumista.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Death of a hero

I just opened an e-mail from Arieh:
It's with an overwhelming sadness that I share the news of the passing of both Harvey Pekar and Tuli Kupferberg.
May their memory, and their creativity in diverse media, be a blessing to us all, and future generations.
Tuli Kupferberg, for those who don't know, was a member of the Fugs, as well as an all-round important figure in the 1960s counter-culture. Harvey Pekar, however, is one of my true heroes.

I first encounted Pekar and his American Splendour comics in a Los Angeles bookstore, Amok (is it still there?), while visiting Jogo perhaps two decades ago. I remember standing there in the store unable to stop reading them. In particular, I loved this story.

When the film came out a couple of years back, I was very nervous, but the film captured the comics perfectly, and, I thought, really did him justice. I felt I knew him as a friend from the comics; I felt I knew him even better afterwards.

He was 70, and suffering from prostate cancer. His battle with cancer had been one of the themes of his recent work.

I will miss him.

Some appreciations: Daily Cross Hatch; Nick Abadzis; Jesse Hamm; Anthony Bourdain; Jeff Smith.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


The new Con-Dem austerity is beginning to hurt. Locally (in Lewisham), there are plans to close half the libraries in the borough, including my local one in Crofton Park. Details from Brockley Central and Blackheath Bugle. Other proposals include job cuts in the Early Years service, less youth workers, less refuse collections and job cuts among bin men, and replacing pay and display parking with a pre-pay system.

On the brighter side, the Overland train allows people in my neighbourhood to get to Tayyabs easily - although Tayyabs, in my view, isn't as good as it used to be.

Also on the bright side: BBC 6Music has been saved. A victory for people power and Web 2.0, or was the announced closure just a clever marketing ploy?

Loads of great stuff this week at Raincoat Optimist: Iranian law and the case of Sakine Mohammadi Ashtani; The troops and the ‘good muslim, bad muslim’ narrative: A reply to Richard Seymour; Philip Hollobone and the (il)logic of the burka debate. I think this post on Moazzam Begg and the left would be brilliant too if it was typed, but I can't handle the vlog formatI'm afraid. Am I old-fashioned?

Unrelated: The radicalism of the American revolution, with superb musical accompaniment. Pinkwashing Israel (relates to this/this).

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Five years on

You Will Fail by Aldaron.

Today is five years after the 7/7 bomb attack on London. The fear of that day returned to me a couple of weeks ago when I was at London Bridge station and an Inspector Sands call came out over the tannoy, followed by an order to evacuate the station. I tried to remain calm, but I could feel the panic starting to flood through me. Other passengers, however, seemed completely calm - most had probably not noticed the Inspector Sands call and it took a while for the implication of the evacuation to sink in. I took out my phone and got my partner's number up, my finger ready to call with a final goodbye. And then I was out on the street, away from the station, and in Borough Market surrounded by tourists, and the moment had passed. I was back in normality.

I had a meeting at a large office building nearby, and the entrance way had the official threat level. It was "severe", but I checked later and severe, nowadays, is normal. It means "that a terrorist attack is highly likely." This is how we live in London today; we just carry on. Just like we did in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, when IRA bombings were going off regularly (I particularly remember the April 1993 bomb in the City, and feeling the ground shake even though I was way across town.)

So, here's to London. And here's to staying alive, to freedom, to diversity, to tolerance, to quirkyness. And here's to the dead, and to the survivors.
“Even after your cowardly attack, you will see that people from the rest of Britain, people from around the world will arrive in London to become Londoners and to fulfil their dreams and achieve their potential.

“They choose to come to London, as so many have come before because they come to be free, they come to live the life they choose, they come to be able to be themselves.

Whatever you do, however many you kill, you will fail.”
Other remembrances: Dave Osler, Hagley Road, Gordon Mac, Jane Griffiths.

Below the fold, my 7/7 posts.

Monday, July 05, 2010


Post of the week: a prayer for Hitchens by Rosie Bell. Read it.

The Enlightenment is where it's at right now, judging from a number of interesting posts in my neighbourhood of the blogosphere (here's Flesh, here's Paulie, here's LFF, here's Ben), mainly kicked off by Matthew Taylor of the RSA on "a 21st century Englightenment".

For me, a key element of a 21st century Enlightenment would be the cosmopolitan attitude Kant once associated with the English: an ethic of hospitality and conviviality. In the last decade, anti-immigrant politics has become common sense across the political spectrum in the UK. This excellent piece by Max Dunbar (who blogs here) looks at globalisation, localism and immigration. Also on the immigration question, Ben Gidley on Brick Lane and assimilation.

Max's post closely relates to the issues Flesh discusses in this post on communitarianism and liberalism, riffing on Jon Cruddas (and giving us a glimpse behind the Prospect paywall). If you are interested in that or in the Brick Lane post, you will also be interested in this post at on Tower Hamlets Labour Party, communalism and racism.

Sort of related to that is a post by Matt of Ignoblus, one of the most thoughtful and intelligent bloggers on my blogroll, entitled "On populism", on direct and representative democracy, with an excursus on Zionism.

And that in turn relates (as does the 21st century Englightenment) to the 4th of July. Martin plays some great music, while Arguing the World has some timely partial readings.

Another topic circulating in my corner of the 'sphere is "gay imperialism". Again, Max is an excellent guide to this topic, as is Kellie, who takes on not just "gay imperialism" but "gender imperialism" too.

Another of my obsessions: Hugo Chavez. I strongly recommend this post on him by James Bloodworth. Meanwhile, Judeosphere on Chavez's antisemitic "news" site.

Just a couple more notes on the English Defence League. First, this is a very coherent anarchist piece on the EDL, by Durruti02, on "Who are the EDL, what motivates them and why are we unable to connect with the very people they are attracting – the disenfranchised working class." I also re-read more carefully Contemporary Anarchist on the EDL, and want to recommend it more fully than I did before. It is not, as I suggested before, a conspirationist follow the money piece tieing the EDL to the "neoconservatives". Rather, the argument is about the ideological seeding of certain themes from the American new right in the soil of the European far right. This comment (hyperlinks added) by "Luther Blisset" at Engage captures the argument:
I think Tony Archer’s papers (RUSI) [pdf] on the counterjhad movements attempts to woo Europe’s far-right are pertinent to this discussion. He uses the policy and attitude change in the Vlaams bloc – from antisemitism to Islamophobia – as an example, and its interesting here to note that Vlaams are part of the Counter Jihad Europa project.
Counter Jihad Europa recently held their conference and two delegates from EDL attended (unsure as to whom). Counter Jihad Europa network provides the ideological well from which the far-right can drink.
This transformation from antisemitism to Islamophobia is alarming – see Salzberger’s 2007 opinion piece ‘With friends like these’-  and it’s been reassuring to see the CST and BoD vociferously reject their siren call.
As to the claims that EDL joined ZF that day – it is clear they did not join ZF en masse, however the EDL PR (American international student Matthew Kaplan) photographed himself within the ZF area, whilst someone involved with both the Counter Jihad Europa project and the semi-ficitious* EDL (Jewish Division), who is active in ideologising EDL members on their forum took photographs from within the ZF area. We know a small number of US Kahanist JTF are actively working within the EDL forums and on the semi-fictitious EDL (Jewish Division) facebook group and we believe it is one of the JTF who are in control of that group and that they also own the blog ‘Juniper in the Desert’. ‘Juniper in the Desert’ may be another of Matthew Kaplan’s nom-de-plumes, but we are only sure of the link between the persona who controls the facebook group and the blog ‘Juniper in the Desert’, not whom the real identity of that person may be.
*we love this label ‘semi-fictitious’ from Bob and use it at every opportunity!
Meanwhile, I have been having a discussion with Tony Greenstein on the EDL but also about a dozen other topics which you might or might not care to follow; I've more or less run out of steam, while the Harry's Place thread was dominated by EDLers. Far better to read Viz.

Also: George Readings on homegrown terrorism, Nathalie Rothschild on Israel's plans to boycott the boycotters, Contentious Centrist on the news we don't hear about.

Finally, if you didn't already follow the Sphere's recommendation, read this at The Onion about Noam Chomsky relaxing. LOL, as the young folks say.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Gnome Chomsky 8: The plot thickens

For those of you who don't know what a Slip n' Slide is, it's time to trade your Noam Chomsky and pinot for some brisket and sweet tea, son! - August West
The supermodel Elle Macpherson says that Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent was "a book that changed me". Interesting. How did this change manifest itself? The tome argues that the dominating cultural environment called the media is an infernal, insatiable machine that exists only to perpetuate its own commercial interests. Maybe Macpherson decided that, since she was in the game herself, she could flog expensive scanties safe in the knowledge that her products would be publicised with great enthusiasm, in order that likable and attractive pictures of her could be reproduced. Such as this one (above). A sterling intellectual exercise, surely, and one that's got the business bang to rights. - Deborah Orr
Scraping the bottom of the barrel? This month's gnome chomsky is from Tractor Facts:
For a clever man, Chomsky can be very stupid.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The English Defence League continued again

Some more articles and posts on the English Defence League for your attention. My conclusions at the very bottom.

"Who Are the English Defence League? And Are They Fascist?" by Ben Gidley at Arguing the World: argues that the EDL is the unstable inheritance of two different traditions, one "suited" (associated with the anti-Islamic right) and one "booted" (basically football hooliganism), then makes some points about why the EDL matters and some speculations about how to combat them. Also posted at Engage and Harry's Place, both with discussion threads. Unfortunately, HP's thread illustrates the law of diminishing returns with blog commentary and is not worth ploughing through, except to get a taste of the EDL's more intellectual supporters. However, the comments by Monty are intelligent so I extract them here:

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back to the 1980s

So, we are nearly two months into the new ConDem government, and it is every bit as depressing as I feared it would be. My overwhelming sensation is of a return to the 1980s, the decade in which I learnt about politics. David Peace on Newsnight a few weeks ago (pitted against the appalling Lynne Franks) echoed my thoughts, when he said that "a battle is upon us and maybe... the struggle and the sacrifice of people [like] the miners in 84/85 might yet prove to be an inspiration in the battles to come - because there will be a need now to protect every hospital, every school, every benefit and every pension that this country has."[04:08+] However, more depressingly, the follow up point he made is that in the 1980s, the resources working class communities had for resilience through the dark times (communal infrastructures, a strong moral economy, organisations like unions and tenants groups) no longer exist, having been eviscerated after a quarter century of class war from above.

I listened to that again this week, as I slowly absorbed Osborne's "emergency" budget, with its mix of ideologically driven follies (the "free" schools) and grim austerity. Among the blog posts that best convey my thoughts are this one by Paul Sagar and this one by David Osler.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

From Gaza to Whitechapel

First, on the Gaza flotilla. I missed this very thought-provoking post, "National populism and democracy", by Paulie, putting the issue in a wider context, as well as this also thought provoking post by Richard at Third Estate, "Bringing the War Home (Why I am not a Palestinian)". Meanwhile at Engage, Martin takes on the Catholics, at ZWord, Eamonn takes apart the Tony Judt piece I linked to a while back, at Huffington Post Ben Cohen highlights the geopolitics, And if anyone still thinks the flotilla activists are the good guys, this is one of the flotilla organisers:
Meanwhile, Yasser Kashlak, a Syrian businessman of Palestinian descent who heads the “Free Palestine Organization” and is funding this boat, as well as another that is to carry journalists and parliamentarians, said over the weekend on Hizbullah’s al-Manar television station that he was more and more optimistic that one day these same boats would take “Europe’s refuse [the Jews] that came to my homeland back to their homelands.

“Gilad Schalit should go back to Paris and those murderers go back to Poland, and after that we will chase them until the ends of the earth to bring them to justice for their acts of slaughter from Deir Yassin until today.” Kashlak, a fervent Hizbullah supporter, called Israel a “rabid dog sent to the region to frighten the Arabs. He said he had a message for Israelis: ‘Get on the ships we are sending you and go back to your lands. Don’t let the moderate Arab leaders delude you, [you] cannot make peace with us. Our children will return to Palestine, you have no reason for coexistence. Even if our leaders will sign a peace agreement, we will not sign.’”
Richard's post mentioned above also addresses my other current obsession, the English Defence League. AWL report on the weekend's Scottish Defence League static demo, and call for less polite opposition.

There are also lots of posts from the Whitechapel Anarchist Group about the complex politics of the EDL demo in East London at the weekend. A prequel to the story is this report in April of WAGs stewarding an RMT anti-BNP event in Barking, which begins to highlight the stupidity of Unite Against Fascism (UAF). This post launches Whitechapel United Against Division, a silly name in my opinion but a good sentiment: against the EDL and the Islamists of UK-IC. This post explains why UK-IC should be seen as preachers of hate. As I reported, the Tower Hamlets venue due to host UK-IC sensibly changed its mind, but the fools at UAF continued ahead with their counter-demonstration against the EDL.(See also this article from AWL.) A couple of days before the kick off, there was a minor incident involving the EDL on Whitechapel High Street.Whitechapel Unity Platform against Racism and Fascism issued a sensible statement against both the EDL and the Islamists that week. It appeared to be signed by an impressive array of Bangladeshi activists, organised by the Bangladesh Welfare Association, the main organisation of the maistream secular Bengali community in the East End. The WAG perspective is also set out in a number of videos here. And reflections on the weekend's events are set out here. And here's another account from an anarchist, Gawain. And this post by Dave Hill gives a good account of the micro- and macro-politics of other anti-EDL demo, organised by United East End.

Meanwhile at the other end of town, One Law for All held their rally against Sharia Law. A small posse of Islamist idiots went along to oppose them. And the EDL turned up to oppose them. Peter Marshall reports here.

The EDL is also the topic of a long post by James, which I recommend. It argues very convincingly that the EDL is an example of identity politics of work, nourished by the left’s abandonment of economic justice for the politics of recognition. Here is his apocalyptic conclusion:
As the EDL becomes more mainstream it may well fracture into disparate groupings. Or, unless something is done about the profound sense of alienation felt by so many at not just the bottom, but the lower middle as well (historically the base of fascism), there may be something more than a few fights in Whetherspoons on match day to contend with - by which time those most enthusiastic advocates of both the ruthless free market and multiculturalism will be safely enclosed in their gated communities, - while both of those groupings whom the labour movement always claimed to represent: the poor and ethnic minorities, will suffer the real consequences of dithering inaction and an unwillingness to confront a potentially nightmarish situation in the here and now through fear of what are trivial by comparison short-term consequences.

I agree completely with his analysis but I think he overestimates the social base the EDL actually have in working class communities. Patriotism and probably xenophobia are deeply rooted in such communities, but anti-Muslim racism and anti-immigrant sentiment, the drivers of the EDL’s meteoric rise, are perhaps more shallow and, although whipped up by the mainstream media and pandered to by politicians, might be easier to dislodge. The EDL’s social base is in football hooliganism, whose disreputability probably prevents the EDL from getting wider purchase in the working class.

Talking of immigration, Flesh’s excellent miscellany touches on this.
Jon Cruddas... says that Labour is no longer the voice of the voiceless. Trouble is, the voiceless don’t speak with one voice, and Labour’s wants to speak for only some of the voiceless. Richard Darlington on a leadership contest fought over immigration; Denis McShane on why Labour is wrong to scapegoat immigrants. I wish I understood what lay between the current state of affairs regarding borders, and borderlessness. Also, a bit like Jon Cruddas, I detest this stupid hierarchical political system. I’m not persuaded of the need for chiefs – I think we need participation, subject experts, consensus-generation techniques, executives, occasional representatives and administrators. And in my world, everybody cleans the toilet.

The same post, and another, look at the 2012 London mayoral contest and its two declared Labour combatants, Ken Livingstone and Oona King. My sentiments are broadly the same as Flesh’s – Ken fundamentally lacks integrity but Oona has yet to make a convincing case – but I think Flesh overstates the case against Ken. Much as I hate both him and Hugo Chavez, for example, I think an oil deal that benefits both Londoners and Venezuelans is a good thing. And I think his ecological credentials in office were pretty impressive. The fact is, on strictly London issues, he did a good job as mayor; his knowledge of how London works is unparalleled and his technocratic and pragmatic mind was good at coming up with solutions. Some of the best things Boris has done – implement the Living Wage, fight for Crossrail, promote the contribution migrants make to the capital – follow Ken’s agenda. I dearly hope that Oona can convince us that she can provide a strong alternative. (Although, as Jim FitzPatrick notes, the stitch-up in a Ken-dominated London Labour Party makes it unlikely she’ll get the chance.)

Finally, for a bit of balance, here's Richard Barnes, Tory Deputy Mayor of London, coming across pretty well in an interview (h./t Dave Hill). More from Dave: Ken v Boris on housing; Oona on housing and Ken.

Miscellaneous stuff below the fold.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bob From Brockley: The drink

I've been thinking for a while of doing this, but is anyone interested in meeting up in the flesh for some non-virtual drink and chat? I'm setting a date of Saturday 17th July.

So, if you've ever wondered if I look more like this or like this, or even like this, this or this, e-mail me at bobfrombrockley at googlemail dot com. Apologies in advance if it takes me ages to reply - I'm very slow with my e-mail.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The English Defence League continued

More on the English Defence League, from Malatesta:
The ‘non-racist, non-violent’ EDL are much more attractive to the casual and not-so-casual racist in that they offer the potential of a scrap, a barrel of lager and a much needed ego-boost. This week has been eventful on a small level for the EDL. At the weekend a few EDL ‘supporters’ confronted a pro-Palestinian demo in Birmingham and after a bit of fruitless argy-bargy attempted to go and watch the England game but found themselves barred from the boozers and filmed by the cops. They then went home to watch the telly. On Tuesday, a handful of EDL went to Whitechapel in East London and after being kettled into a boozer for a bit were then escorted out of the area by the cops for their own safety, pursued by a large and angry crowd of locals. We can presume that the EDL are not likely to set up a local chapter there. Further out in Barking on the same day the EDL/BNP were attending the Royal Anglian homecoming parade as were ‘Muslims Against Crusades.’ This new grupuscule is very similar in tactics and ideology to Anselm Choudary’s Islam4UK and after making a bit of noise they were abused by the EDL/BNP contingent and then escorted away by the police. These ‘militant Islamic’ groups are as suspect as the EDL in that they gather in extremists who are then more easily monitored by the state. With their usual naivety the EDL assume that all anti-fascists, UAF, SWP etc., support these bozos and are therefore claiming a great victory against anti-fascism. So this week’s activities by the EDL have amounted to little more than a humiliation in Whitechapel, several photos to put in their hooligan scrapbooks and a few crowing posts on Indymedia. The SDL have also planned a demo in Kilmarnock this weekend but if their previous excursions north are anything to go by this may be dismal.
 Nick Ryan in OpenDemocracy has a long and pretty good account of the micro-politics of the East End of London, including EDL's war with the Islamists, and the conflict between Islamism and secularism in the Bangladeshi community, and a trip down memory lane to the days of Mosely. Here's the opening:
This Sunday two armies are threatening to clash on the streets of the East End of London. One involves a broad coalition of ethnic, Islamic and far-left groups, plus trade unions, churches and teachers. The other is a loose collection of far-right thugs, football hooligan 'firms', UKIP aficionados, and the odd Sikh or two, united by a fear (or hatred) of Islam.
Finally, this post by Yascha Mounk is not about the EDL, but rather about the new European right, which is instructive for thinking about where the EDL might go.