onsdag den 21. juli 2010

Doctor Who Monsters and Villains

The Guardian has entered "nerd corner" as it tries to compile a list of the villains and monsters of Doctor Who. Needless to say, the fans have obliged!

I have spotted some flaws and omissions already, even on the updated list. (The benefits of having seen and heard every TV story transmitted.)

Some of the comments make interesting reading:

The North Sea gas seaweed monster in "Fury from the Deep" was the scariest of all the Doctor Who creatures, for me.
At the time, in 1968 when this was aired, Britain was converting from town gas, to natural gas from the North Sea, so this was a very topical story, and as a 12 year-old, it all seemed so much closer to home, so much more real, and more likely than beings from outer space.
The creature came out of the plumbing, and gassed people, before taking them over and transforming them into seaweed monsters, themselves.
Absolutely terrifying!

Bonnie Langford appears to have been missed off the list.

torsdag den 3. juni 2010

A Liverpool Banner

the Guardian published the above pic today, upon the news that Benitez has left the Reds. I am certain the Inveresk Street Ingrate will like it because he has an occasional series on his blog called "Mixing Football and Politics".

onsdag den 12. maj 2010

And - World Chess Champion

Anand retains title!

I followed the exciting last game with some friends via the Internet Chess Club and over several bottles of red wine and some cheese and biscuits. Great fun!

Anand is only one of two world champs I have seen. I first saw him when I played the British U-18 championship back in the 80s. (The other champion is Alexander Khalifman.)

onsdag den 21. april 2010

the World Chess Championship

The wait is almost over as Topalov (Bulgaria) and Anand (India) go head to head in the world chess championship in a few days, in Sofia.

I hope that Anand wins, not least because he has the Dane Peter Heine Nielsen on his team of helpers.

mandag den 19. april 2010

What Have They Done?

The Dalek is, of course, one of the most famous sci-fi baddies. The new series of Dr.Who has brought them back, only in a revamped design. I think they look horrible. I don't understand why the crew felt the need to alter the classic Ray Cusick design from 1963-4. (The Radio Times website has more on the new design.)

tirsdag den 30. marts 2010

More Quotes for the "Lenin Reader"

The ever tireless Dave B has put the following together; worth a gander and remembering for use in debates with Leninists and anti-communists alike.

mandag den 29. marts 2010

Doctor Who - series 5

The wait is nearly over! Matt Smith will be materialising on BBC TV over the Easter weekend.

I have never seen him before so I don't know what to make of him as an actor. The few clips I have seen of him as the Doctor would seem we are in for more of the Tennant-esque dialogue, which I hope not. I like the Doctor to have different personalities with each actor (e.g. crabby grandfather - Hartnell; dandy - Jon Pertwee).

Needless to say, I will be reviewing the episodes each week; and I have the Ecclestone and Tennant years left to review too.