10 Worst & Best Foods

In a world of endless food options and misleading health claims, it can be difficult for health-conscious consumers to choose wisely. Here's an updated list of foods you should eat more of and splurges to avoid.


A federal judge denied Coca-Cola's motion to dismiss a lawsuit over what CSPI calls deceptive health claims made on vitaminwater labels. CSPI first filed the complaint in January 2009.

Improve School Foods

The House Education and Labor Committee passed a bill with historic improvements in school nutrition and physical activity. Urge your representative to support the bill today!

Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks

Yellow 5, Red 40, and six other dyes, cause cancer in animals, are contaminated with cancer-causing chemicals, and may cause allergic reactions and hyperactivity. Read CSPI's new report to learn more.

Chemical Cuisine

Is the high fructose corn syrup in your fruit juice or the Red 40 in your salad dressing harmful? See CSPI's list of food additives to learn which ones are safe, the additives to cut back on, and others to avoid.

Read Michael Jacobson's column on the Huffington Post

Big Soda Deserves Taxes, Not Subsidies »


Nutrition Action Healthletter

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In Recent Issues

  • Cover Story: Breast Cancer—Are You Doing All You Can to Lower Your Risk?
  • Quick Studies: Sleep More, Eat Less
  • Supplement Watch: Claims Adjustment

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