August 11, 2010

Reihan Salam was going to tweet this clip, but then he thought better of it.
Mickey Kaus launches a new career. [h/t nikkibong]
Tim Noah indicts the very essence of

Conn Carroll begs to differ with Tim Fernholz.
Good news for BhTV? Conor Friedersdorf looks into the future of cable news. [h/t uncle ebeneezer]
What they teach you on day one at Columbia Journalism School. [h/t nikkibong]
The Wisdom of the ’Heads, Chapter IX.
The Yglesias boilermaker. [h/t Simon Willard]
Little does Mike Kinsley know, BhTV viewers fairly swoon for this stuff!
The Family Research Council tried to warn us: Wavering heterosexuals.
How to diavlog when your mom is watching.
Take off those rose-colored glasses, buddy! [h/t Bokonon]
Superman’s catchphrase, before the copy editors did their work.
Dan Drezner will use any excuse to bring up Sandy Berger’s pants. [h/t PreppyMcPrepperson]

Subject Participant

Debating the possible end of men
Hanna Rosin & Ann Friedman
Has gay marriage lost its political potency?
Michelle Goldberg & Dayo Olopade
When Catholics disagree with the Vatican
Mollie Ziegler Hemingway & Frances Kissling
Could an artificial mind solve the Middle East conflict?
Robert Wright & Eliezer Yudkowsky

Meme Stream  
Is the phenomenon of “acting white” a perverse consequence of school deseg­re­gation? That’s the controversial idea exam­ined in a recent diavlog between Richard Thompson Ford of Stanford and John McWhorter of City Journal. John and Rich debate what’s fueling the “acting white” accusation and whether a segregated school can be a good thing. Jamelle Bouie at The American Prospect objected to John’s conclusions, arguing that “there simply isn’t much broad empirical evidence for the claim that black students in integrated settings have a racialized antipathy toward educational achievement.” At The Root, John replied that Bouie’s assertion “simply isn’t true.”


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