Media Appearances

Spangler, Knapp on Anarchy Time, 08/01/10

Brad Spangler and Tom Knapp join hosts James Cox, Tom Ender and Mandie Cunningham. Live stream at 9pm Eastern on BlogTalkRadio.

Mike Gogulski on Pacifica Radio, 07/30/10

C4SS web administrator Mike Gogulski appears on the Pacifica Radio Network to discuss the Help Bradley Manning web site. 5:35pm Pacific on KPFK 90.7FM Los Angeles, 98.7 Santa Barbara or listen live on the Web.

Tom Knapp on OverGround RailRoad, 07/28/10

Tom Knapp joins hosts Kimberly Brighton and Jason Barrick. Topic: “Why liberty-oriented organizations are largely ineffective in the political arena.” 9pm Eastern at

C4SS Events

Conference Call — July 10th, 2010

On Saturday July 10th, 2010 at 9:00 AM Central time, please join us for our monthly Conference Call. The informal agenda is simply open chat on the Center, current events and anarchism.

Conference Call — June 12th, 2010

On Saturday June 12th, 2010 at 9:00 AM Central time, please join us for our monthly Conference Call. The informal agenda is simply open chat on the Center, current events and anarchism.

Conference Call — May 15th, 2010

On Saturday May 15th, 2010 at 9:00 AM Central time, please join us for our monthly Conference Call. The informal agenda is simply open chat on the Center, current events and anarchism.


The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low Overhead Manifesto

Kevin Carson’s third book manuscript is available in unfinished form…

Organization Theory: A Libertarian Perspective

This book applies the economic principles of individualist anarchism, as developed in Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, to the study of the large organization.

Studies in Mutualist Political Economy

This book is an attempt to revive individualist anarchist political economy, to incorporate the useful developments of the last hundred years, and to make it relevant to the problems of the twenty-first century. We hope this work will go at least part of the way to providing a new theoretical and practical foundation for free market socialist economics.

Odds & Ends

Media Coordinator Update, 07/30/10

Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work to promote the Center’s content.

Media Coordinator Update, 07/23/10

Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this week.

Media Coordinator Update, 07/18/10

Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this past week.

Supporter Updates

C4SS Needs Your Help!

There are less than 48 hours left before the planned end of our fundraising drive to cover expenses for the past month. Very simply, we’re nowhere near meeting our goal. This jeopardizes our ability to continue operating.

C4SS Monthly Fundraiser

t’s time for me to again report to you on our financial situation and ask you to please help us pay some bills. Our fundraising goal this month is $1,320. Please support our work. Donate using the ChipIn widget on any page of our web site. Financial details follow…

C4SS Fundraiser: 72 Hours Left!

Please help us finish off our May fundraising drive.

Feature Articles

Handicapped or Above the Law?

Ross Kenyon provides an example of why the most important functions of justice and protection are too important to allow coercive monopolies to provide them.

Anarchism: Necessary But Not Sufficient

Anna Morgenstern talks about anarchism as a necessary piece in a larger social puzzle.

Liberty and Creativity

Darian Worden on how creativity fosters freedom, and freedom promotes creativity.


“Orders” are not a Substitute for Morals

Alex R. Knight III on the lessons for all of us from the indictment of alleged Nazi war criminal Samuel Kunz.

Voters Anonymous, Anyone?

Tom Knapp still has the monkey on his back.

PA School Encourages Sexual Assault

Darian Worden examines an outrage.

News Releases

Study: “Progressive” is the new “Reactionary”

A new study from the Center for a Stateless Society makes the case for progressives as the bitter-enders of a social project made obsolete by liberating technologies and the production and distribution methods those technologies make possible.

C4SS Welcomes Darian Worden, Promotes Tom Knapp

C4SS announces additional staff member and a promotion.

C4SS Advisory Panel Announced

Market anarchist media center names advisory panel.


Thermidor of the Progressives

C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson’s latest research study is now available. Download Thermidor of the Progressives: Managerialist Liberalism’s Hostility to Decentralized Organization[PDF].

The Healthcare Crisis: A Crisis of Artificial Scarcity

C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson’s eighth paper — The Healthcare Crisis: A Crisis of Artificial Scarcity. [PDF]
In healthcare, subsidies to the most costly and high-tech forms of medicine crowd out cheaper and decentralized alternatives, so that cheaper forms of treatment—even when perfectly adequate from the consumer’s standpoint—become less and less available.

The Alternative Economy As A Singularity

C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson’s seventh paper — The Alternative Economy as a Singularity. [PDF]

Audio Commentary

Audio clip of the day, 10-31-2009: Hillary Clinton is a Terrorist

Mike Gogulski: Hillary Clinton is a Terrorist [mp3, 1:30].
Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.

Audio clip of the day, 10-27-2009: Hoh quits, war in Afghanistan continues

Mike Gogulski: Hoh quits, war in Afghanistan continues [mp3, 1:31].

Audio Clip of the Day, 10-26-2009: Public Option Privilege

Mike Gogulski: Public Option Privilege [mp3, 1:19].
Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.