Local 8782

U.S. Steel Lake Erie Works




Meetings, Public Events

S.L.C. and Pension Information

News and Newsletters

Action Centre

Local 8782 Collective Agreement

Group Benefits

Health and Safety



Executive and Committees


District 6 Savings Plan

Retirees SOAR 6-05


Ways and Means Committee

Heckett's Multiserv




Heckett's MultiServ Page updated January 21, 2011

Please note the time has changed.


December 20, 2010

Court Case

The court heard the appeal from U.S. Steel objecting to the USW and Lakeside Steel having intervener status and was ruled on December 23, 2010 in favour of the USW and Lakeside Steel.  For more information see the New Page.

The court heard the appeal from U.S. Steel objecting to the Investment Canada Act court case because it violates the Charter of Rights and the Bill of Rights and we are waiting for the decision.

Go to the News and Newsletters page for current events.   News last updated January 29, 2011

Go to the Meetings and Public Events page for upcoming meetings  Updated January 26, 2011

Health and Safety page last updated January 14, 2011


Ways and Means Committee page last updated January 17, 2011


We are trying to establish a database of e-mails for news bulletins etc. for our members and retirees.  If you have an e-mail address and would like to be added to this list please click on one of the links below.

Members:            Please be sure to include your full name or it will not be used.  We need

                              to know we are only sending to our members.  Send to vp@uswa8782.com.


Retirees mail to:      Send to soar@uswa8782.com


Local 8782 was first chartered in 1978.  We negotiate collective agreements for our members at U.S. Steel (former Stelco) Lake Erie Works, Pickling Division, Harsco Services, and ESM.  Since our members are directly employed in the Steel Industry, it is our responsibility to be involved in the fight to save the steel industry in Canada. For this reason we are launching this web site to communicate the latest developments that affect you.  

We hope to use this site as another avenue to communicate to our membership on past, present and future initiatives.  If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see, please use our feedback page and we will review all suggestions.


Send mail to  with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2004 United Steelworkers of America Local 8782
Last modified: 01/30/11