What is nonresistance?

This website is dedicated to the truth of the gospel -
that the way of life taught by Jesus Christ is one of
nonresistance, nonviolence, and peace.

When Christians seek to justify their violent actions,
they pervert the gospel and vainly attempt to recast
Jesus in their own image.

When Christians put patriotism above the gospel,
it is idolatry.

In order to promote nonresistance, we are collecting
and posting literature that teaches this essential,
misunderstood, and ignored element of the gospel.

Just click on the blue menu bar to get to the literature
that is now available.  We continue to add new
material, so check back once in a while.

 Last update September 06, 2010 

We are currently in the process of transcribing and posting
the complete works of Leo Tolstoy on nonviolence.
Check out our new Tolstoy page!

(Pre-1800 - September 6, 2010)

Discourse on Voluntary Servitude
by Étienne de la Boétie

(Pre-1800 - August 31, 2010)

by Desiderius Erasmus

(U.S. Authors - August 8, 2010)

by Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1800-1850 - August 5, 2010)

Declaration of Sentiments of the
Peace Convention of 1838

(Tolstoy - August 3, 2010)

The Law of Love and the Law of Violence

(Tolstoy - July 18, 2010)

Letter to a Chinese, The Crisis in Russia,
The End of the Age

Sermon: Christianity, Violence, and War

A look at the four basic Christian positions on violence and war and their scriptural basis.
The audio requires RealPlayer, which you can download for free from real.com.
► You must enable RealPlayer/Tools/Preferences/Playback Settings/Instantly play. ◄

What is nonresistance?

A brief explanation of the principle of nonresistance.

Essay: Why nonresistance.org?

How I got from there to here.

Essay: But I tell you ...

Thoughts on the Sermon on the Mount.

Essay: Court Testimony

My days on jury duty in municipal court.


Gandhi is widely quoted as saying, "The only people on Earth who do not see Christ and His teachings as nonviolent are Christians." We are looking for a primary reference for this quote.


We are looking for English translations of the writings of Petr Chelcicky, a Czech reformer of the early 15th century who was, arguably, the father of modern nonresistance teaching.  His given name also appears as Peter or Petrus and there are several variations of his surname, including Chelciki, Chelciky, Chelčicky, Chelčický, Chelchitzki, Cheltschitzky, of Chelcic, and Helchitsky.


We are looking for information about Oberlin College alumni and the history of Oberlin Ohio as it relates to the promotion of peace, nonviolence, and social justice.  We are particularly interested in the Oberlin Non-Resistance Society.


We are looking for suggestions of additional material to post here, actual documents, and anything else you can think of to promote nonresistance and improve this website.  In particular, if you have material that is in the public domain, or hold the copyright to material that you are willing to post here, we want to hear from you!