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AK Press is a worker run book publisher and distributor organized around anarchist principles. All decision-making, including which titles we distribute and what we publish, is made collectively. Our goal is to make available radical books and other materials, titles that are published by independent presses, not the corporate giants, titles with which you can make a positive change in the world. Read More
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Our featured publisher for September is New Press!

All New Press books are 25% off during September. Check them out (all 153 of them!) here.

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New Releases
Flash: A Novel - Jim Miller
Available in October! Pre-order your copy and get 25% off! Jack Wilson is a scrappy city journalist bouncing from one alt weekly to the next, trying to eek out a living in the midst of the economic crisis and play role model to his college-aged son. A chance encounter with a faded Wanted poster in a San Diego library sends Jack deep into the wilds of California's hidden history, in search of outlaw revolutionary Bobby Flash. As Jack tracks Flash through the I.W.W. Free Speech Fights, the Magonista Revolt, and the first red scare, he uncovers the real story of a forgotten revolutionary world—and learns something about the importance of family in the process. | Read More |
In the Crossfire - Ngo Van
Available in September! Pre-order your copy and get 25% off! Although the Vietnam War is still well known, few people are aware of the decades of struggles against the French colonial regime that preceded it, many of which had no connection with the Stalinists (Ho Chi Minh's Communist Party). The Stalinists were ultimately victorious, but only because they systematically destroyed all the other oppositional currents. This book is the story of those other movements and revolts, caught in the crossfire between the French and the Stalinists, told by one of the few survivors.
In the Crossfire: Adventures of a Vietnamese Revolutionary is an English translation of Ngo Van's fascinating and gripping autobiography, and is co-edited by Van's close friend and collaborator, Hélène Fleury, and acclaimed situationist author and translator Ken Knabb. |
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Mountain Justice - Tricia Shapiro
Available in early October! Pre-order your copy and get 25% off! Mountaintop removal (MTR) does exactly what it says: a mountaintop is stripped of trees, blown to bits with explosives, then pushed aside by giant equipment—all to expose a layer of coal to be mined. Hundreds of thousands of acres of ancient forested mountains have been "removed" this way and will never again support the biologically rich and diverse forest and stream communities that evolved there over millions of years—all to support our flawed national energy policy. Mountain Justice tells a terrific set of firsthand stories about living with MTR and offers on-the-scene—and behind-the-scenes—reporting of what people are doing to try to stop it. Tricia Shapiro lets the victims of mountaintop removal and their allies tell their own stories, allowing moments of quiet dignity and righteous indignation to share center stage. | Read More |
Black Bloc, White Riot - AK Thompson
Now available! Order your copy and get 25% off!
Black Bloc, White Riot revisits the struggles against globalization that marked the beginning of the twenty-first century and explores the connection between political violence and the white middle class. Beginning with an account of the political trajectory of the white middle class through the first half of the twentieth century, AK Thompson argues that the anti-globalization movement constituted an attempt by white middle class activists to reconnect with political—and, hence, human-being. Drawing on movement literature, contemporary and critical theory, and practical investigations, Thompson outlines the movement's effects on the white middle class kids who were swept up in it and considers how and why violence must once again become a central category of activist politics. |
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Featured Releases
Carlo Tresca - Nunzio Pernicone
Available in early September! Pre-order your copy and get 25% off!
Nunzio Pernicone's biography uses Carlo Tresca's storied life (1879–1943)—as newspaper editor, labor agitator, anarchist, anti-communist, street fighter, and opponent of fascism—as a springboard to investigate Italian immigrant and radical communities in the United States. From his work on behalf of the IWW, the Sacco and Vanzetti Defense Committee, and his assassination on the streets of New York City, Tresca's passion left a permanent mark on the American map. |
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Paradoxes of Utopia - Juan Suriano
Available! Order your copy and get 25% off!
Most histories of anarchism in Argentina tend toward dry analyses of labor politics, lists of union acronyms, and the like. For Juan Suriano, that's just one part of the story. Paradoxes of Utopia gives us an engaging look at fin de siècle Buenos Aires that brings to life the vibrant culture behind one of the world's largest anarchist movements: the radical schools, newspapers, theaters, and social clubs that made revolution a way of life. Cultural history in the best sense, Paradoxes of Utopia explores how a revolutionary ideology was woven into the ordinary lives of tens of thousands of people, creating a complex tapestry of symbols, rituals, and daily practices that supported-and indeed created the possibility of-the Argentine labor movement. |
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Sparking A Worldwide Energy Revolution - Kolya Abramsky, editor
Available! Order your copy and get 25% off!
A global struggle over who controls the world's energy sector, and for what purposes, is intensifying. "Green capitalism" is the word of the hour, and we're being told that it's finally time to "save the planet" in order to "save the economy." But what we're not being told—with a deafening silence—is that the next round of global class struggle has begun, with energy at its center, as a key means of production and subsistence.
The essays collected here document the social struggles at the heart of the existing energy sector, and trace the emerging alliances, conflicts, and hierarchies that are quickly defining the globally-expanding renewable energy sector. |
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A Poetics of Resistance - Jeff Conant
The Zapatistas’ famous “Ya basta!”—enough already!—was the first uttering of a new story: a story about unbinding the ties of official history, uncovering buried seeds of popular resistance, and revealing the glimmerings of a truly insurgent modernity. Combining narrative history, literary criticism, ethnography, and media analysis, A Poetics of Resistance provides a refreshing take on Mexico’s Zapatista movement by examining the means, meanings, and mythos behind the Zapatista image. Conant’s engaging and innovative examination of the Zapatistas’ communication strategies will be an important tool for movements everywhere engaged in creating a world where many worlds fit; in demolishing History in order to construct histories; and in unseating not only the powerful, but Power itself. | Read More |