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Download the annual report about the human rights situations in the following Asian countries:
Bangladesh | Burma | India | Indonesia | Pakistan | Philippines| Sri Lanka | Thailand

SRI LANKA: A man is arbitrarily detained and assaulted by Urubokka Police

URGENT APPEAL: The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that a man has been beaten and arbitrarily detained by Urubokka police officers. He was hospitalized after the assault, which has caused severe damage to his hearing.

THAILAND: New webpage on state of emergency

PRESS RELEASE: (Hong Kong, July 30, 2010) The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on Friday launched a new webpage on the state of emergency in Thailand. The webpage, Thailand State of Emergency 2010, features a map showing provinces where the emergency remains in effect, and carries links to AHRC material as well as outside resources on the emergency decree. The webpage can be accessed at:

[ALRC Statement] INDIA: Is Justice Balakrishnan holding a devil's brief? :2010-07-30SRI LANKA: A man is arbitrarily detained and assaulted by Urubokka Police :2010-07-30
[AHRC Article] PAKISTAN: The WISE women of Karachi:2010-07-30SRI LANKA: Balagolla police officers beat, humiliate and arbitrarily arrest another civilian :2010-07-30
[AHRC Article] SRI LANKA: A mother burns the mouths of two little children who were crying for food:2010-07-30PAKISTAN: A Christian teacher faces systematic discrimination at work and is dismissed without valid ground or lawful compensation:2010-07-30
ASIA: Women's views on prevention of torture - Interview 35 :2010-07-30BURMA: A young man is unlawfully detained and accused over a bombing :2010-07-30
Read More..SRI LANKA: Baduraliya police illegally arrest and torture a man :2010-07-28
NEPAL: A teenage boy dies in police custody; foul play is suspected :2010-07-23
THAILAND: New webpage on state of emergency :2010-07-30PAKISTAN: More than one hundred thousand power loom workers are on strike and the government failed to increase the wages according to its own announcement:2010-07-22
SRI LANKA: Online petition for speedy passing of a law on contempt of court in Sri Lanka :2010-07-29BURMA: A man is severely tortured for a month at Rangoon police headquarters and sentenced to 15 years in prison :2010-07-20
HONG KONG: The Asian Human Rights Award for Creative Media to Ms. Josefina Bergsten, director and producer of UNJUST:2010-07-23BANGLADESH: Gulshan Police kill a detainee for failing to pay bribe :2010-07-19
[AHRC Forwarded Press Release] NEPAL: International Justice Day 2010- FOHRID Urges Government of Nepal to ratify the Rome Statute of ICC :2010-07-19PHILIPPINES: Two human rights defenders threatened to be killed :2010-07-16
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NEW HRCS NEW Ethics in Action NEW Publication New article2
Human Rights Correspondence School Ethics in Action Vol. 09 - No. 02 June 2010 -- Diagnoses of the NON-RULE OF LAW IN ASIA

Human Rights Correspondence School

This lesson will discuss the issue of arbitrary detention, which is a prevalent practice in the Asian region. It is used by state agents for various means, including instilling fear, silencing dissent, and even extortion.

The lesson will examine cases of arbitrary detention, and how they inevitably lead to further rights abuses, including torture and disappearance. The lesson will also look at various international norms and standards preventing arbitrary detention.

and more...

>> Human Rights Correspondence School

Ethics in Action

- Negros Island: Living in our colonial past

- Depayin 7th anniversary: When cries for justice are silenced, how can Burma's 2010 elections be free and fair?

- Burma's elections: An absence of minimum conditions

- Indonesia's 'unprofessional' police: Interview with Answer Styannes

- Sri Lanka: 'A woman finds it difficult to go to a police station alone': Interview with Thamara

and more...

>>Ethics in Action

Sri Lanka-Impunity, Criminal Justice & Human Rights

This book makes an attempt to understand the obstacles to the realization of human rights norms in Sri Lanka, relating to the constitution, criminal justice system or local traditions. The ideas discussed in the book are the result of practical interventions by way of litigation, providing assistance to victims, and through debates conducted on these issues over a considerable time.

and more...

>> Publication

Vol. 09 - No. 02 June 2010 -- Diagnoses of the NON-RULE OF LAW IN ASIA

- Reflection on article 2 of the ICCPR: The role of human rights activists in diagnosing the lack of effective remedies

- A three-part study on the crisis in institutions for administration of justice in Sri Lanka and its consequences for the realisation of human rights in Asia

- The role of the UN Human Rights Council on rule-of-law problems in Asia

- Diagnosing the un-rule of law in Burma: A submission to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review

>> article 2






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