
December 24, 2009

| Legal, Tender | The Household Frontier | Die Internalisierung des Kommandos als Gewohnheit – Autonomie, Erkenntnis, Bewegung | Nouvelle Epoque, Nouvelles Frontières | In Praise of Usura | Oikopolitics, and Storms | Recognition | Borders 2.0 – Future, Tense | The Materialisation of Race in Multiculture | Notes on the Frontiers and Borders of the Postcolony | ‘Failed States’ – The Failure of Political Theology | Difference and Indifference – Part I, Hierarchy and Equality | Universal War, In a Quasi-Industrial Manner | Contro i Confini | The Social SoftWar | Cutting Democracy’s Knot | Under the Beach, the Barbed Wire | Four Remarks on an Emergent Z World | Exceptional Times, Non-governmental Spacings, and Impolitical Movements | De Woomera à Baxter - Temps Exceptionnels et Espaces Non-gouvernementaux | The Demography of Time and the Times | Polemos, Universitas | Autonomy, Recognition, Movement | Contro Tutte le Recinzioni | The Physiognomy of Civilisation | Native to the Nation – Disciplining Landscapes and Bodies in Australia | Prekär-Wir? | Precari-Us? | Habeas Corpus E Plruibus Unum | The Micro-Physics of Theoretical Production and Border Crossings | A Spectre Is Haunting Left Nationalism | The Anti-War Movement Did Not Happen | Paranoid Nationalism | The Role of the State and the Liberal Public Sphere | Halt. Who Goes There? | Signs of Life – Woomera 2002 | Prisoners of the Global Enclosures Make a Break for It | As if to War | The Barbed End of Human Rights | Habeas Corpus | Movements Against the Enclosures – Virtual is Preamble | L’ombra di Timor Est | The Exhaustion of Australian Social Democracy | Invisible Hands and Iron Fists – Fear, Progress and Work at the End of the Century | One, Two Nationalisms - The Work Ethic Become Feral | Discipline and Labour – Sociology, Class Formation and Money in Australia at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century


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