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Updated August 12, 2010 - 12:53 AM EDT
White House Faces Calls for Long-Term Iraq Stay
  Iraq General: Army Will Not Be Ready to Take Control Until 2020
  US-Backed Militiamen Defecting to al-Qaeda in Iraq
Report: Israel Could Hit Iran Within a Year
  Top Iran Opposition Leader: Sanctions Strengthening Government
  South Korea Rethinks Potential Sanctions Against Iran
  More on Potential Iranian Reaction to Military Strike
Pentagon Predicts Worse Violence in Afghan Fall
  US Military Seeks Slower Pace to Wrap Up Afghan Role
  In Mission With Afghan Police, Issues of Trust
Lebanon Rejects 'Conditional' US Military Aid
  IDF Chief: Troops Should Have Used More Force in Attacking Aid Ship
Russia Deploys Missiles to Protect Abkhazia
  Hillary Clinton Pleads With Senate to Back Russia Arms Treaty
Pentagon: New WikiLeaks Docs 'More Explosive'
Camp Delta's 'Good Kid' Fights for a Second Chance
The US Isn't Leaving Iraq, It's Rebranding the Occupation  by Seumas Milne
Will the US Really Pull Out of Iraq?  by Eric Margolis
No Right to Counsel in the War on Terrorism  by Jacob G. Hornberger
Black Budget in the Red  by Julian Sanchez
Blackwater: Can't Stop, Won't Stop  by Fouad Pervez
The Omar Khadr Travesty  by Glenn Greenwald

More Viewpoints

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US Arms 'Bonanza' in Middle East
US Lacks Policy on Housing Detainees Convicted in Military Commissions
Guantánamo Offers a Look, but Little Else
State Dept Sending Imam of Proposed NY Mosque to Middle East
Program Joins Palestinians and Israelis as DC Interns
Tears Across Generations: Vietnam Tragedy Relived
Pakistan Floods Could Give Taliban Time to Regroup
US Builds Goodwill With Quick Assistance in Pakistani Flooding
Shahbaz Asks PM to Stop Violence Against Jang Group, Geo
Geo, Jang Websites Survive DDOS Attack
US Braces for Kandahar Fight, Anti-Corruption Battle
Unrest Undermines Hopes for a Fair Vote in Afghanistan
Three Civilians Killed in Roadside Bomb in Afghanistan
Kandahar Mayor's Claim to Shopkeeper-Occupied Land Dividing Residents
Blame and Resentment in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyz Protests Won't Stall OSCE police Mission
South Korea Probing if North Korea Deliberately Sent Mines
American Boy Plans North Korea Trip to Pitch Peace Idea
Military: Philippine Muslim Rebels Brace for War
Muslim Rebel Leader Hopes for Peace Under Aquino
Kashmiris Reject Indian PM's Autonomy Offer
Okinawa Governor Scoffs at Tokyo's Spin on Futenma Plan
Sri Lanka War Commission Begins Public Hearings
Terrorism Charges Filed Against Indonesian Cleric
Germany Slammed for 'Supporting' Cluster Bomb Manufacturer
Bodies Found in Search for Victims of Bosnian Massacre
'War on Terror'
Al-Qaeda Appeals to Sympathizers for Donations

Former Blair Advisor: Don't Rule Out al-Qaeda Talks

Former bin Laden Cook Gets 14 Years at Gitmo
US Military
Officer Sues to Block His Discharge Under Gay Ban
DODEA Facing Nearly $4 Billion Price Tag to Fix Failing Schools at Overseas Bases
Turkey Backs Gasoline Sales to Iran Despite Sanctions
Russia Against Unilateral Iran Sanctions
Japan Auto Exports to Iran Halted Amid Nuke Row
US Wants to Give Iran Sanctions Time to Work
Iran: Court Sentences Leaders of Bahai Faith to 20 Years in Prison
White House: US on Track to End Iraq Combat Role
Ambassador Hopeful Iraq Will Form Government Soon
Obama to Hold National Security Sitdown on Iraq
Gunmen Use Kids to Lure Iraqi Soldiers Into Trap
Directing Traffic While Dodging Bullets in Baghdad
Explosions, Gunmen Kill 11 People North of Baghdad
Wednesday: 21 Iraqis Killed, 9 Wounded
No Agreement on Direct Israel-Palestinian Talks
IDF Chief: Future Gaza Aid Flotillas Will Be Blocked by Israel's Defensive Shield
Israeli Army Chief: Turkish Activists Had Firearms
Hamas Frees 100 Gaza Prisoners for Ramadan
Cinema Jenin Brings Movies and Revival to a Scarred West Bank City
Top US Lawmaker Seeks Pentagon Briefing on Lebanon
UN Prosecutor Seeks Video in Lebanon Assassination
23 Die in Ambush in South Sudan Oil State
UN Urges Sudan to Allow Aid to Darfur Camp
Rwanda's Kagame Wins Election by Landslide
Grenade Strikes Rwanda's Capital Two Days After Election
Five Algerian Officers Injured by Mine Blast
Kenyan Accused of Harboring Uganda Terror Suspects

Justin Raimondo
Smearing Bradley Manning

Philip Giraldi
Hillary's Enemies List

Ivan Eland
COIN Thinking on a Larger Scale Might Work

Kelley B. Vlahos
Italian Film Captures Anger at US Bases

Nebojsa Malic
The Sorrow of Empire

Charles V. Peņa
Are We in Afghanistan Because We're in Afghanistan?

David R. Henderson
Life in the USSA

Ran HaCohen
The Flotilla in the Israeli Press

Alan Bock
How Brainy Is Obama?

Additional Contributors
On the first three days of our drive, 221 of you gave a total of $11,841. Please help us reach the $70,000 to keep running for the next quarter.
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