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cover of Resistance Bulletin 120 March 2009

WE ARE NOT FOR SALE!. Edinburgh carers' victory, Sussex University occupied, European Fire fighters, Detention Centre revolt, UK and internation workplace action, and more.

See also Organise! magazine. Download PDF or read online:

Read more: Resistance bulletin issue 120 March 2010

Tuesday, 16 February 2010 18:01
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To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of non-payment of the Poll Tax in England & Wales (following non-registration in 1989 and solid mass non-payment in Scotland), to remember the commitment of community campaigns which helped us support each other in non-payment, and to take inspiration from the great Poll Tax Riot in London on 31th March 1990 and smaller uprisings in many local areas, we present all of the scanned in articles published in Organise! magazine over the period 1988-1992 spanning fourteen issues, Read more for individual links to each article.

Read more: Organise! magazine anti-Poll Tax articles scanned in Issues 14-27 from 1988-1992

The Anarchist Federation is a growing organisation of like-minded people from across the British Isles who aim to abolish capitalism and all oppression to create a free and equal world, without leaders and bosses, and without wars or environmental destruction. Day to day, our individual members and local groups are politically active in many workplace and community struggles. We coordinate worldwide through the International of Anarchist Federations. As well as encouraging new members, we welcome ideas for joint activities with other groups. We publish a regular paper, Resistance, a twice-yearly magazine Organise! and a series of pamphlets/booklets on a variety of topics. Groups also produce their own publications focussing on local concerns. Read our most recent annual report find out the kinds of things we do as a federaion.

Read more: Welcome to the AF website

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The latest issue of the AF's magazine is now available in print and to read online.

TIME FOR A CHARM OFFENSIVE? Articles include: Policing after the G20 protests, G20 & the New Capitalism, Occupations - a brief history, Anarchist Movement Conference report, China 'the Harmonious Society', Surrealism today, Book reviews: Mutual Aid; Anarchism & Homosexuality in the US; Anarchist seeds beneath the Snow. Film review: Fish Tank.

Single issues and subscriptions are available. All back issues are online.

Read more: Organise! magazine Issue 73 Winter 2009

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