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Iranian Workers' Solidarity Network

شبکه همبستگی کارگری

iranwsn @ fastmail.fm
Sponsored by: John McDonnell, MP
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Saeed Torabian released after 42 days in prison
Saeed Torabian
Interview with Parvaneh Osanloo

Parvaneh Osanloo

Pedram Nasrollahi arrested
Reza Shahabi and Saeed Torabian arrested
Alireza Akhavan arrested
Unemployment tops 45 per cent in some of Iran’s provinces
Alborz Lastic workers end their strike after the boss backs down
General shutdown in Iran’s Kurdish areas
Farzad Kamangar and three other Kurds executed!
Farzad Kamangar
Hamadan Rolling and Aluminium Industries
Last updated: July 23, 2010

Let us prepare for general anti-capitalist united action
Statement by the Committee for re-launching the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company's trade union on running the factory and continuing production
Haft Tapeh
